4 steps for healthy lips and juicy

  • By:jobsplane



Despite being one of the most fragile areas of the body, the mouth allows us to eat, speak, laugh, kiss ... and constitutes an important part of facial expression.That is why it deserves the best care.

His presentation letter, the lips, are covered by extremely fine skin, lacking sebaceous glands and sweat.In fact, it is rather a permeable mucous membrane.

Consequently, the lips are easily irritated and dehydrated, which generates cracks, trenz and "piecillas".

Another characteristic that explains its special vulnerability is its scarce melanin, the pigment that gives color to the skin and that protects it from ultraviolet radiation.Hence the lips do not bronze but literally burn.

On the other hand, the constant muscle movements to which the lips are subjected favor the appearance of wrinkles and the progressive loss of firmness and volume.

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Sun and tobacco: its great enemies

Some factors and circumstances are especially harmful to the lips: especially the sun and tobacco, but also the extreme wind or heat and the dry and loaded environments.

As a consequence of these aggressions, the lips accuse a loss of elasticity and greater fragility (with dryness and cracks), and are formed in its upper contour vertical lines popularly known as "the barcode", more frequent in smoking people by the gesturerepeated to expel the smoke.

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The good news is that being endowed with an important vascular network (responsible for its pink color), the lips have a good cell renewal and the nutritional principles of anti -age treatments act quickly.

Any care that is applied usually has a visible result in a short time.

Four basic steps to take care of your mouth

Showing healthy and seductive lips is not difficult.They need: cleaning, hydration, exfoliation and protection.

Cleaning implies eliminating any rest of makeup or dirt with a facial or specific squeaky bowler for eyes and lips.

The exfoliation is periodically recommended (no more than once every ten days) to free the lips of pises and dead cells, and that the lip products are better applied.

A very soft bristle toothbrush can be moistened and rubbing the lips.

As for hydration, although lip bars contain more and more moisturizing active, specific creams are indispensable.They retain hydration, accelerate cell regeneration and with continued use blurred small wrinkles.

Natural cosmetics offers formulas elaborated based on principles of plant origin, exempt from parabens, mineral oils derived from the petrochemical industry, paraffins and propyers.

The substances of the hive are excellent: propolis, operculum wax (which covers the cells) or real jelly.

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On the other hand, castor oil improves hydration capacity and red tea extract exerts an antioxidant effect.

For the protection of the lips it is advised that all lip products (gloss, bar, pencil, balm ...) include a high sunscreen factor, especially if you go to the beach or snow.

In addition, exercising the muscles of the mouth helps keep your lips firm.Something as simple as whistling constitutes an excellent lip gymnastics.

Another exercise consists of gathering the lips forming a small "or" and then sharply exhibiting a wide smile, also in "or", to return again to the first position.

Whiten the teeth without damaging them

A beautiful smile implies careful teeth, so it is convenient to brush them after each meal.

Often, by the desire to have them white, substances that can be abrasive are used and damage the dental enamel or gums.

However, dentifrices and colutations free of surfactants, fluorine, dyes and chemical preservatives can be used.

A remedy for whitening teeth is to brush them with a concentrated sage infusion.

It is also important not to abuse sugar and avoid very cold or hot foods and drinks to prevent sensitivity.

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The best lip makeup

The lips are the icing of a good makeup.

The latest generation lipsticks include natural ingredients such as carnaúba wax, mango butter or skirmish extract.

Before putting on make sure the lips are clean and dry.For a natural effect use only a lip brightness.For a sensual effect use a lipstick.

You can choose to first outline the contour of the lips with a pencil, if necessary correcting its natural shape to make it more harmonious.

An extra touch of brightness on the center of the painted lower lip provides a very sensual effect.

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