Aciclovir, the definitive treatment for genital herpes

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Most STDs affect both men and women, but in many cases the health problems they cause can be more frequent and more serious in women.One of this type of sexually transmissible diseases is genital herpes.

Many person with genital herpes do not have any ulcer, or with very slight symptoms where symptoms such as itching or skin condition could notice.However, the first outbreaks after infection are usually more serious and appear after two days until weeks after infection.We can include in the symptoms a host of appetite, fever, malaise, muscle aches in the lower back, thighs or knees and even the lymph and sensitive nodes in the groin area.

Genital herpes appears when there is a formation of small and painful blisters, full of a light colored liquid.In women these appear on external vaginal lips, in the vagina, in the uterus, around the anus or in the buttocks.In men they appear in the penis, in the scrotum, in the thighs or in the buttocks.

Difference between oral and genital herpes

There are two types of herpes that can affect us at any age and at any time.The oral herpes is caused by VHS-1 and can produce fires or lip herpes, or febrile blisters in the mouth or around it.In this type of herpès, most people do not present any symptoms.Most people with oral herpes were infected during childhood or young adults by non -sexual contact with saliva.

El Aciclovir, el tratamiento definitivo para el herpes genital

Instead, genital herpes is caused by VHS-2, with the same signs as type 1 herpes.The transmission route is mainly sexual, in addition, oral herpes caused by VHS-1 can be transmitted from the mouth to the genitals through oral sexual intercourse.This is why some cases of genital herpes are caused by VHS-1.

You will be more likely to get herpes if you play the skin of someone who has blisters, an eruption or ulcers associated with herpes.However, the virus can be disseminated even when there is no ulcer or other symptoms present.In some cases, you may not know that the other person is infected.

Is there any type of treatment?

Antibiotics can treat STDs caused by bacteria or parasites, but there is no cure for STDs caused by a virus.However, today there is a treatment capable of relieving and reducing infections given by the genital herpes virus.There are medications that fight viruses such as acyclovir.

Pregnant women can be treated by herpes during the last month of pregnancy to reduce the probability of having an outbreak at the time of childbirth.If there is an outbreak near delivery, a caesarean section will be recommended.This reduces the probability of infecting the baby.

As you have seen, the acyclovir is presented in several ways, on the one hand we have the cream and on the other in the form of compressed.The doctors will be the one who will value and apply said treatment.The cream applies to the blisters, about 5 times a day, to the total healing of them.Always keeping good hygiene habits at the time of application.There is also the possibility of applying the cream with a cotton rib.However, there are also oral pills, which are always under medical recipe, where an amount of 200-800 mg of acyclovir is prescribed.

The duration of the application is usually a few days.However, if acyclovir is used to prevent recurring herpes infection, the duration of use can be up to 12 months.

Therefore, remember that the correct use of latex condoms greatly reduces, although it does not eliminate, the risk of acquiring and spreading with STDs is key to enjoying good sexual health without having future problems.

Source: Valderrueda Diario

Photography: Archives

Aciclovir, the definitive treatment for genital herpes
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