Acne in adults | Meritxell's blog

  • By:jobsplane



acne, granites, cysts, comedones or pustules, although we have already passed puberty, this granite is always That is the moment and anyone the age we were. post I do not intend to talk about serious acne diseases in adults , but the most common, granites or other injuries that appear more or less sporadically and more or less large, that any woman or man can suffer in adulthood. >

The acne is formed by the sebum , fat occurs in the sebaceous skin glands. , is the < B> Propionibacterium acneés (P. acneés) . Cutaneous dirt , together with the bacteria, the infection and posterior inflammation is produced, this causes an immune reaction where leukocytes come to eliminate that infection , which causes the formation of pus in the grain or comedon. And the unpleasant appearance of it.

There are different causes that can cause the formation of granites or comedones. Normal fat segregation, mainly because of a androgen increase, such as testosterone when the amount of sebum increases the cells tend to regenerate more, but when they die it costs, due to the skin fat that is easily release from the skin. P> Interestingly, when acne appears for this cause, granites usually appear in the jaw area and around the mouth. The hormone that we segregate when we are stressed, cortisol is also located in the androgenic receptors so it also causes the formation of this type of skin lesions, for the same reason.

the lack of sleep , can also cause acne formation due to the increase in stress due to tiredness and cortisol formation. Linked the effect of stress (cortisol formation) and an imbalance of sex hormones as well as during menopause some women suffer from the problem in which the amount of testosterone is higher than that of estrogen thus also causes acne formation. /p>

pregnancy: Some women suffer from an acneic outbreak the first three months of pregnancy. problem can cause acne, weight gain and even hair since it can generally cause an increase in testosterone. í, also all drugs or other products that can cause an increase in male hormone production, will result in the appearance of acne. As can be in the case of anabolizers. . > Intolerance or simply by a bad digestion of food . granite. important fat that contains cocoa butter that is a fat itself. handle. Likewise, a too rich diet in spicy can cause acne, the spicy are more difficult to digest, they can increase the inflammation simply by the vasodilation they cause. : // "ALT =" Acne in adults | The meritxell blog Adults | Meritxell's blog ">

many of the industrial foods should be limited by the large number of toxins they contain, these toxin as, They can directly cause acne as a reaction from the organism to these toxins. /B>. The lack of hygiene causes the infection of the glands that have been able to segregate more sebum, than together with the other secretions such as sweat and external dirt plug the pore , which causes the ideal broth for the Evolution of skin bacteria, thus evolving with infection, inflammation and appearance of acne. What this fat sides through the hair, if the hair is in contact with the skin such as a bangs, can cause acne formation.

inadequate cosmetics, they can Block the skin, especially the comedogenic and occlusive cosmetics , to a skin with fatty trend and dilated pore we can not provide more fat or cosmetics that will plug down the pore, for this, the ideal, it is Use free products in fat and seros. Likewise, some silicones are occlusive. >

When the hair begins to come out after hair removal or shave, if the hair is crooked or does not have enough strength, it can also cause the formation of granites in those follicles.

What can we do? To avoid the formation of more injuries.

We have to treat the skin as if it were a pure infection. So you have to use treatments that clean in depth but that are not aggressive and alter it more. or a rosacea (in which e l acne is more widespread and highly sensitized skin). > Lying se. If sports is done, it is also advisable to wash your face well. that in teenagers would advise a much more astringent soap) that is clarified with warm water. in depth. Acne, with a little rose water or hamamelis is enough.

Acne in adults | Meritxell's blog
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