Coronavirus in Spain LIVE: End of alarm state, Jansen vaccines and restrictions in Madrid |Last minute

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Brazil records its lowest death figure in two months

Brazil, one of the countries most punished by the coronavirus pandemic in the world, registered 2.311 deaths from the disease in the last 24 hours, the least daily average in almost two months, according to the balance released Tuesday by the Ministry of Health.

According to the report, the South American giant already adds 425.540 killed by the virus, while the number of infected rose to 15.282.705, after they were notified 72.715 new cases on the last day. Coronavirus en España en directo: fin del estado de alarma, vacunas Janssen y restricciones en Madrid | Última hora Coronavirus in Spain LIVE: End of alarm state, Jansen vaccines and restrictions in Madrid |Last minute
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