Beauty homemade moisturizing facial mask, 7 simple recipes

  • By:jobsplane



The face moisturizer for the face is one of the best facial care masks that we can guarantee our skin regardless of the age we have.A type of mask that we can also make with natural ingredients in an homemade way, as we explain below with 7 very easy recipes.

Homemade Facial Mask, 7 Simple Recipes

Each recipe that we are going to explain, you must apply on the slightly humid face but before, you must clean your face with milk and tonic, far from the eyes and mouth.Each of the homemade moisturizing masks below, you must allow you to act about 20 minutes and clarify.

Obviously, if you feel any discomfort, you will have to remove it immediately.He considers, in fact, that, even if we are going to use natural ingredients, you can still be sensitive or allergic.In this sense, you can do a small test before extending the entire mask.

Belleza Homemade Facial Mask, 7 Simple Recipes

Let's see below the seven recipes so that you choose the one that you most want to apply for a result of a face with an extra hydration.

1) Honey moisturizing facial mask

Very simple and fast: spread a honey layer on your face and let it stand.Here you will find the three reasons to use this ingredient on your face.

2) Banana Moisturizing Facial Mask

In addition, this recipe does not require combinations: peel a mature banana and begins to crush with a fork, then mix to make it homogeneous and let act on the face for 15-20 minutes before rinsing.

3) Egg moisturizing facial mask

Another single ingredient option: egg yolk.Just bat and distribute on your face.

4) Lemon and oil moisturizing facial mask

Squeeze a lemon, pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil and mixture.Keep in mind that lemon has an exfoliating action, so if it bites you, consider not using this mask.

5) Moisturizing facial mask with orange juice

Another citrus fruit for beauty is orange: mixture 3 tablespoons of the juice with 7 tablespoons of honey and stir until combined.

6) Moisturizing facial mask with honey and coconut oil

A variant with honey is the recipe with coconut oil.You must mix three tablespoons of honey with two coconut oil, mixtures and apply on the face.

7) Avocado moisturizing facial mask

We end with a 4 ingredient recipe.If you have bought avocados, keep a mature one for a beauty treatment: after crushing it, add olive oil, honey and natural yogurt (1 tablespoon for each element).Then, turn mix to make it uniform.

Beauty homemade moisturizing facial mask, 7 simple recipes
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