Betech: Technology news This animated mask expresses your emotions, but does not protect from coronavirus

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The E2-Mask Z is an electronic mask that reflects its user's mood and expresses it with an anime avatar.

Cesar Otero0

Something we saw in countries like Japan -arigated in their culture of not disturbing others -, the use of masks has become an example globally of the crisis of the coronavirus.The use of these in all countries makes clear the scope of the pandemic.And as a mandatory article to use, there are even electronic with air purifiers such as Xiaomi or LG.

A mask that reflects your emotions

And so, currently masks, protective screens and others, some experts have created another electronic mask.Only that unlike the previous ones, it does not serve as a measure of protection against COVID-19, but has another purpose: show the emotions of those who carry the mask on.

The Hirata Takegawa laboratory of the Future University Hakodate, in Japan, has created the E2-Mask Z, a digital mask with a screen that allows users to express emotions through an anime avatar.The digital mask uses an artificial intelligence module (AI) to recognize and "understand the expressions of happiness, sadness or anger of users" and then represent them through an anime style avatar.

BeTech: noticias de tecnología Esta máscara animada expresa tus emociones, pero no protege del Coronavirus

With a design similar to those we usually see in films and science fiction games, the E2-Mask Z has an electronic screen in which the anime character can be observed.Below has a transparent cloth through which whoever carries it can see.You see with the mask on, but who is seeing you cannot see your face, just see the screen and expressions that the animated avatar shows.

Projecting your emotions

The facial recognition system that the device has integrated measures the facial expressions made by the user who carries the mask placed at 40 points distributed throughout the face.In this way, the mask knows if you are smiling, if you are angry, or sad, and project it through the anime character on the screen.

System recognition success is 79% right now.The experiments carried out by the researchers with the mask show that the real -time reactions of the avatars offer a "rapid response rate" and "a positive feeling of self -management and self -propelled" in people in people.What uses do you think this mask has when looking for a market utility?

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Betech: Technology news This animated mask expresses your emotions, but does not protect from coronavirus
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