Big Brother's eye

  • By:jobsplane



Mercedes Milá said in an interview for the 20 years of Big Brother, who meet today, that they ask him a lot if Big Brother has a script.No, it does not have it, the contestants behave freely (they have screenwriters who prepare tests, structure plots and the steps, for example).But the fact that someone can think that there is a script is a compliment.It is so good that people are not believed to be real.

Big Brother is like any good series: there are characters to empathize, there are good and bad, there are dramas, there is love, sex, tension, confrontation, plots, betrayals ... as in any good series.

And that is why it is necessary that this return format, that there is another GH and, to be able to be, from anonymous.Like that GH 1, where nobody knew what was going or what was going to happen.People who want to be famous and people who don't.Innocent, pillos, well -intentioned and malevolent.

El ojo de Gran Hermano

How many Hater have already left?You have no culture!Those who see that are asshole!I am better than you because I don't see Big Brother although I don't know how to do the "O" with a dog!And so.Bah, stupid prejudices.Like all prejudices.

If you like TV, you like Big Brother, because it is one of the best formats that this media has given.In fact, for good (I think) or for worse, television changed and has changed to the rhythm that society changed.

Noooo, it's not our life, it's our entertainment, even if we live it.

Rumors are already being prepared that a new Big Brother for Autumn is prepared, with another name perhaps.It would not be Big Brother, it would be a reality reality.Welcome in any case.

For not getting bored ... Congratulations Big Brother.For another 20 years.

Big Brother's eye
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