Can I drink coffee during pregnancy?|Health |The magazine |The universe

  • By:jobsplane



Una mujer gestante puede hacer muchas de las actividades que hacía antes de estar embarazada, incluso tener sexo sin preocupación. Sin embargo, hay ciertas dudas que llegan de golpe y que limitan el día a día durante esta bella etapa.¿Puedo tomar café durante el embarazo? | Salud | La Revista | El Universo ¿Puedo tomar café durante el embarazo? | Salud | La Revista | El Universo

Among the most common questions by future mothers, especially first -time, knowing what can be ingested, since not all drinks are safe in pregnancy. Pero ¿beber café pone en riesgo al feto?

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¿Puedo tomar café durante el embarazo? | Salud | La Revista | El Universo

En el café encontramos una sustancia psicoactiva: la cafeína, sin embargo, las embarazadas pueden consumirla en otros alimentos como infusiones, bebidas de cola y el chocolate.

A study states that according to the results of its investigations, the elimination of caffeine from the mother's blood is slowed down during pregnancy, so excessive consumption will make the blood vessels of the uterus and the placenta contract, which couldreduce blood supply to fetus and inhibit growth.In addition, consuming many coffee cups a day, could alter fetal stress hormones, putting the baby at risk of rapid weight gain after birth and obesity, heart disease and diabetes later.

Another investigation of the Kaiser permanent Foundation, on the other hand, alerts pregnancies and insists on limiting excessive consumption since there would be more abortion risk possibilities.The study was conducted by specialists in Oakland, California, and led by De-Kun Li, reproductive and perinatal epidemiologist in the Kaiser Permanent Division of Research.

In the investigation, 1 participated.063 women with 10 weeks of pregnancy on average, of which 172 had a spontaneous abortion.However, there is not enough scientific evidence to know with certainty.

In this regard, Cecilia Parrell, gynecologist in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Service of the Spanish Hospital of Manises, points out that everything will depend on the dose of caffeine that a pregnant woman drinks up to date. Y señala que 200 mg de cafeína o menos son seguras (equivalente a dos tazas de café), pero más podría resultar peligroso.The amount will depend on the coffee brand and the size of the cup.

Cafes such as Moca Café (Chocolate Coffee) 16 ounces (475 ml) can be 175 mg of caffeine, and a common 12 -outer (355 ml) coffee can have up to 260 mg of caffeine.Therefore, it is necessary to keep the amount of caffeine that a pregnant woman ingests throughout the day.In addition, it is important to consult with a doctor before incorporating it into the diet or failing, opting for decaffeinated coffee or replacing it with other drinks such as water and natural juices. (I)

Can I drink coffee during pregnancy?|Health |The magazine |The universe
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