Coronavirus Cádiz: These are the places to get vaccinated without an appointment in the Albor province is integrated into illerna to combine the largest offer of face -to -face and online FP in Spain

  • By:jobsplane



Cádiz Province




The territorial delegation of the Ministry of Health has open different points of the coronavirus where you can go without the need to have an appointment.This week, in addition to fixed places they see several locations in the province, the SAS has the possibility of doing so in mobile units, which will move to other locations this week this week.

From health they remember that, for the moment, the vaccination of children under 12 will always be appointment.That is, you cannot go to these places for the first doses of children from 5 to 11 years old who will begin on Wednesday their campaign.They can go to vaccinate without the need for appointment in all other cases, provided that Covid has not passed in the last four weeks.

Places to vaccinate without appointment in the province this week

 Coronavirus Cádiz: Estos son los lugares para vacunarse sin cita en la provincia Albor se integra en ILERNA para aunar la mayor oferta de FP presencial y online de España

Essential to present document that identifies it: DNI, Nie, passport or driving card.

The Board opens this possibility thus giving greater accessibility to those over 60 to “expedite this group” to be able to go down to the age of 55 to 60 shortly in the third doses.

Children under 9 to 11 years, quot

At the moment, children under 11 who begin vaccination will be done by appointment.They can be requested as follows:



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    Coronavirus Cádiz: These are the places to get vaccinated without an appointment in the Albor province is integrated into illerna to combine the largest offer of face -to -face and online FP in Spain
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