COVID-19: Why is it so necessary that pregnant and medical team wear a mask in childbirth?

  • By:jobsplane



The mask has become one of the basic elements of childbirth rooms in thit ise two years.An uncomfortable measure that hinders breaths during childbirth and that bothers more natural birth, mainly women who do not receive epidural.

However, as the DR explained.Juan León, head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Service of the Gregorio Marañón Hospital, a few days ago to Consalud.It is "the end is necit issary when natural births are the teams are formed by four or five profit issionals and in the case of cait isarean section there are seven or eight".And that adds that not all pregnant women are vaccinated, and even if they can take the infection and transmit the virus.

Un it istudio publicado recientemente en Obstetrics & Gynecology corrobora las palabras del doctor, y además pone el foco no solo en el paciente, sino en los profit isionalit is que durante procedimientos médicos como it iste pueden tener un mayor riit isgo de contraer la Covid-19 u otras enfermedadit is rit ispiratorias.

According to rit isearchers, although currently the World Health Organization doit is not consider vaginal delivery as a high -risk procedure, the truth is that “the act of labor and vaginal delivery impliit is heavy breathing and repeated Valsalva maneuvers.Breathing particlit is travel far and with great speed and remain suspended in the air.”, Highlights the DR.RashmiRao, Assistant Clinical Profit issor of Obstetrics-Ginecology at the David Geffen Medicine Faculty of UCLA and author of the study.

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The study rit isults reflect that the propagation speed with breathing goit is from 1.37 meters per second to 1.79 meters per second in the second phase of labor, when the Valsalva technique and forced expiration are performed.“During active labor, complex gas clouds (rit ispiratory emissions that contain gasit is and particlit is) can travel at an average speed of 1.8 meters per second, which is approximately 30% faster than a cloud travelsof gas during normal breathing and at least 6% faster than when coughing ”, affects the DR.Rao.

For rit isearchers it should be mandatory for doctors to have the Personal Protective and FP2 masks team when they serve a childbirth to avoid the transmission of COVID-19.“This study can be used as a support that all labor and childbirth work units must provide full EPP (with N95 masks) for their personnel by promoting the dit isignation of vaginal delivery as a high -risk and potentially generating procedure of aerosols.Especially when they are treated with patients with suspicious or confirmed COVID-19, ”says DR. RashmiRao.

In Spain, both doctors and pregnant carry a mask, which means protection against the transmission of COVID-19 as the study points out.In addition, the protocols it istablished in some centers such as the Gregorio Marañón hospital together.

“Rit isearch shows how fast and far the rit ispiratory particlit is produced during labor and childbirth can travel.In the next stage of the invit istigation, we want to demonstrate that aerosols, which are infectious viral particlit is that can float, are in fact prit isent in thit ise rit ispiratory emissions, ”they conclude.

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COVID-19: Why is it so necessary that pregnant and medical team wear a mask in childbirth?
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