Exercise remove hunger or make more hunger?Surely there are answers for everything.There will be people who say that when they finish a physical exercise session they feel more hungry and on the contrary, there will be others who feel their stomach closes.Now, a study raised by a team of researchers from the Research Group of the Effort Physiology LabHe has participated in the Pronaf study (nutrition and physical activity programs for the treatment of obesity), resolves this question.
“Obesity is a public health problem that is related to numerous risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and comorbidities.Several studies affirm that exercise can modulate food intake and contribute to appetite regulation, total calorie intake and diet composition.However, the type of exercise that could induce greater physiological and behavior changes, related to food behavior and food intake, still is clear, ”explains Ana Belén Peinado of the Department of Health and Human Performance (LFE Research Group)of INEF-UPM and one of the authors of this work.
The work developed by the UPM researchers shows that the exercise of strength, aerobic or the combination of both do not cause a greater need for intake in people with excess weight, that is, that the exercise does not increase the desire to eat."One of the most interesting results we have obtained is that it shows that people who initiate a long -term exercise program do not increase their energy consumption compensatory," yes, "as long as dietary advice is included”, Explains Pedro J. Benito, another of INEF-UPM researchers participating in the work.
As indicated to CUIDATEPLUS, the researchers of the study Rocío Eliane Castro, a doctor in physical activity and sports sciences, and Rocío Cupeiro, doctor of physical and sports activity sciences, both of the research group of the Laboratory of Physiology of the effort, from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, various previous studies have seen that “exercise can suppress the subjective grades of appetite, as well as the subsequent energy intake, and also allows altering the regulation of appetite, and this is because the exercise hasAn impact on certain regulatory hormones of appetite such as Grelina, Yy peptide and peptide 1 -Similar to glucagon (LPG-1)-, for a period of post-poster time. ”
The work of the UPM researchers focused on analyzing whether a specific type of exercise could favor better adhesion to the prescribed diet, greater motivation related to food, a healthier diet composition or greater changes in body composition inpeople with overweight and obesity.To do this, they took sample of 300 people on which more than 2,500 variables were analyzed.
The results of this work did not show substantial effects of the type of exercise on energy intake, the selection of macronutrients or changes in body composition.
The work demonstrates that "physical exercise is reaffirmed as one of the best an adjuncting treatment options for overweight and obesity. In addition to improving body composition, and other comorbidities and risk factors (blood pressure, lipid profile, oxygen consumption, oxygen consumption,etc.), people with excessive weight do not seemGive food control guidelines, which also values the work of the coaches, which is an important help in this regard, ”concludes the researchers.
As mentioned above, the study authors did not see differences between the different types of training (in terms of loss of appetite).According to Cupeiro, "we believe it does not influence."In fact, to answer this question, Cupeiro refers to a study conducted in 2018 with different inactive sedentary men, of medium age, to those who submitted to three different types of training (medium and vigorous intensity).
After the exercise session, each of the participants went through a free buffet and “there was no effect on the responses of the posttentren peck, so it does not seem that there is a certain type of training that influences more in the appetite than others", Although, clarifies," more studies should be done to reach a conclusion. "
What they did in their study is that people who began the intervention with an average equal to or greater than 7,500 daily steps increased more protein consumption throughout the program compared to people who at the beginning made less than 7,500 daily steps.
“This aspect is positive, since an increase in daily physical activity requires greater protein intake, and these people would be helping to cover this requirement spontaneously.In addition, after a six -month weight loss program, people did not reduce their motivation related to diet or exercise, especially women, ”adds Cupeiro.
To the question of which of the exercises are the ones that can help most weight, the co -author is clear: “He who likes the person and motivates him to follow and not leave it, since the effects of the exercise on theWeight loss are seen in the long term. ”According to the expert, "it is no use to raise an exercise if it is not going to be done because it does not like."With this clear, the best option will always be "the combination of exercises."In our study we have seen that "the more varied the exercise is the better benefits reports in health."
Among the training preferred by the author, is the HIIT (High Intelligo Interval Training), "Dennied years ago but now is fashionable."And is not for less.As she says, "there were already Olympic athletes who did this type of training to improve their brands and performance."And, "with the HIIT you can get a high energy expenditure and burn the same kilocalories as in an aerobic exercise, in much less time."Remember that these exercises usually for between 20 and 30 minutes.Of course, their intensity is high and, maybe for that, it is not suitable for everyone.
Another aspect that must be taken into account when planning training is strength."There are associated health benefits if we introduce strength in our routine," he recalls.This “generates an increase in muscle mass which, in turn, can increase energy expenditure.Keeping muscle tissue can lose weight. ”
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