Egg mask, the secret in your cupboard for beautiful skin

  • By:jobsplane



Egg masks can be accompanied by Limón, as mentioned above, to absorb the natural sebum produced by the face.You can also add a tablespoon of honey to the mixture to give a little hydration, or incorporate a tablespoon of oats to give an exfoliating effect to the mask.

Remember that if one of the ingredients begins to irritate your skin, you must immediately remove it.

Factors to consider

The egg, although beneficial, has certain factors to consider before using as a mask directly on the skin.The main thing is to know if you are not allergic to this food, so you need to do a quick test before putting it on your face.

Mascarilla de huevo, el secreto en tu alacena para una piel bonita

As with the hair dye, place on your forearm a small amount of egg white and wait a few minutes to see if your skin does not react unfavorably.If you do not present irritation, inflammation or itch, you can apply the mask on the face.

Another important factors, is to avoid egg contact with your mouth, eyes or open wounds, because this food can bring the salmonella bacteria and cause salmonelosis, food poisoning that causes symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain andabdominal.

The main thing is to use organic or pasteurized eggs and not those that are collected directly from a chicken without going through hygiene processes or standards, usually for sale in peasant markets.

Egg mask, the secret in your cupboard for beautiful skin
  • 717
  • They are egg whites a good facial mask

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