The Peruvian-Supreme Decree that extends the National Emergency State declared by Supreme Decree No. 184-2020-PCM, extended by Supreme Decrees No. 201-2020-PCM, No. 008-2021-PCM, No. 036-2021-PCM, No. 058-2021-PCM, No. 076-2021-PCM and N ° 105-

  • By:jobsplane




Nº 123-2021-PCM



That, articles 7 and 9 of the Political Constitution of Peru establish that all have the right to the protection of their health, the family and community, and that the State determines the National Health Policy, corresponding to the Executive Power regulates andSupervise its application, being responsible for designing and conducting it in a plural and decentralized way to facilitate everyone, equitable access to health services;

That, article 44 of the Constitution provides that they are the primary duties of the State to guarantee the full validity of human rights, protect the population from threats against their security and promote general well -being that is based on justice and integral developmentand balanced of the nation;

That, articles II, VI and XII of the preliminary title of Law No. 26842, General Health Law, establish that health protection is of public interest and that it is the responsibility of the State to regulate, monitor it and promote the conditions that guarantee aAdequate coverage of population health benefits, in socially acceptable terms of safety, opportunity and quality, the responsibility of the State in the provision of public health services being inalienable.The State intervenes in the provision of medical care services in accordance with the principle of equity, being possible to establish limitations to the exercise of the right to property, to the inviolability of the domicile, to free traffic, to freedom of work, company, commerce andindustry, as well as the exercise of the right of meeting in public health protection;

That, by Supreme Decree No. 008-2020-SA, the health emergency is declared at the national level for the period of ninety (90) calendar days and measures for prevention and control were issued to avoid the propagation of the COVID-19, the samewhich was extended by the Supreme Decrees No. 020-2020-SA, No. 027-2020-SA, No. 031-2020-SA and No. 009-2021-SA, until September 2, 2021;

That, by Supreme Decree No. 184-2020-PCM, Supreme Decree that declares a national state of emergency for the serious circumstances that affect the lives of people as a result of the COVID-19 and establishes the measures that citizens must follow in theNew social coexistence, the state of national emergency is declared for a period of thirty -one (31) calendar days, being restricted the exercise of constitutional rights related to personal freedom and security, the inviolability of the address, and the freedom ofMeeting and transit in the territory, included in subsections 9, 11 and 12 of article 2 and in subsection 24, section f) of the same article of the Political Constitution of Peru;The same as was extended by the Supreme Decrees No. 201-2020-PCM, No. 008-2021-PCM, No. 036-2021-PCM, No. 058-2021-PCM, No. 076-2021-PCM and No. 105-2021-PCM, until June 30, 2021;

That, considering the current context, it is necessaryThese restrictions, in order to protect the fundamental rights to the life and health of Peruvian;

In accordance with the provisions of numerals 4 and 14 of article 118 and numeral 1 of article 137 of the Political Constitution of Peru;and, Law No. 29158, Organic Law of the Executive Power;Y;

With the approval vote of the Council of Ministers and charged to give an account to the Congress of the Republic;


Article 1.- Extension of the National Emergency State

Prorographic the National Emergency State declared by Supreme Decree No. 184-2020-PCM, extended by Supreme Decree No. 201-2020-PCM, Supreme Decree No. 008-2021-PCM, Supreme Decree No. 036-2021-PCM, Supreme Decree No. 058-2021-PCM, Supreme Decree No. 076-2021-PCM and Supreme Decree No. 105-2021-PCM, for the period of thirty-one (31) calendar days, as of Thursday, July 1, 2021, for the serious circumstances circumstancesthat affect people's lives as a result of COVID-19.

During the present extension of the state of national emergency, the exercise of constitutional rights related to personal freedom and security, the inviolability of the domicile, and the freedom of meeting and transit in the territory, included in subsections 9, 11and 12 of article 2 and in subsection 24, section f) of the same article of the Political Constitution of Peru.

The personnel of the National Police of Peru and the Armed Forces will ensure the unrestricted compliance with the provisions issued within the framework of the National Emergency State, in accordance with current regulations.

Article 2.-Modification of article 8 of Supreme Decree No. 184-2020-PCM, modified by Supreme Decree No. 092-2021-PCM, Supreme Decree No. 105-2021-PCM and Supreme Decree No. 117-2021-PCM

Modify article 8 of Supreme Decree No. 184-2020-PCM, modified by Supreme Decree No. 092-2021-PCM, Supreme Decree No. 105-2021-PCM and Supreme Decree No. 117-2021-PCM, with the following text:

“Article 8.- Alert level by province and department and limitation to the exercise of the right to freedom of transit of people

8.1 Approve the alert level by province and department, according to the following detail:

Moderate alert level


Alert level



Alert level

Muy Tall


Alert level





Amazonas (with the exception of the province at the extreme alert level)












Arequipa (with the exception of the provinces at the extreme alert level)

Arequipa, Camaná, Caravelí, Castilla, Caylloma and Islay



Ayacucho (with the exception of the province at the extreme alert level)




Cusco (with the exception of the province at the extreme alert level)







Mother of God












San Martin








Constitutional Province of Callao



Hasta el 11 de julio de 2021, se dispone la inmovilización social obligatoria de todas las personas en sus domicilios, según el Alert level por Provincia y Departamento, conforme al siguiente detalle:

Moderate alert level: Monday to Sunday from 0:00 p.m. to 4:00 am.

High alert level: Monday to Sunday from 11:00 p.m. to 4:00 am the next day.

Very high alert level: Monday to Sunday from 10:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m..

Extreme alert level: Monday to Saturday from 9:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. the next day;And, on Sundays from 4:00 a.m. to 4:00 am the next day.

During the compulsory social immobilization, the strictly necessary staff is excepted that participate in the provision of health services, medicines, financial services, supply of essential stores, supermarkets, markets, itinerant markets and wineries, restaurant service for delivery to delivery to delivery to delivery to delivery to delivery to delivery to delivery to deliverydomicile and collect at home (as provided in numeral 14.2 of article 14 of this standard), the continuity of water services, sanitation, electricity, gas, fuel, activities related to the resumption of economic activities, transport of flows, the latter as stipulated by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.During compulsory social immobilization, pharmacies and apothecies can be provided according to the norm of matter.

Written, radio or television press staff may travel during the compulsory social immobilization period provided they carry their personal job pass, their respective journalistic credential and their national identity document for identification purposes.Authorization is also extensive for mobile units that transport them to fulfill their function.

El Peruano - Decreto Supremo que prorroga el Estado de Emergencia Nacional declarado por el Decreto Supremo N° 184-2020-PCM, prorrogado por los Decretos Supremos N° 201-2020-PCM, N° 008-2021-PCM, N° 036-2021-PCM, N° 058-2021-PCM, N° 076-2021-PCM y N° 105-

Displacement with private or pedestrian vehicles of those people who require urgent or emergency medical care is also allowed by being at serious risk their life or health;as well as, for the acquisition of medicines and to participate in the vaccination process, without restrictions due to compulsory social immobilization, including a companion.

8.2 The limitations to freedom of traffic do not apply to foreign personnel duly accredited in Peru of diplomatic missions, consular offices and representations of international organizations, which move in the fulfillment of their functions.

8.3 Limitations to freedom of traffic do not apply to construction, operation, conservation, maintenance and, in general, all that directly or indirectly related to the national, departmental or neighborhood road network, being excluded from the state of national emergency, whether these activities are directly developed by entities of any of those levels of government and/or by third parties hired by them, including, but not limited, to dealers or contractors.

To do this, they must comply with their plan for the surveillance, prevention and control of COVID-19 at work.

8.4 In all cases, the use of mask to circulate on public use roads is mandatory;as well as, the use of double mask (one of which may be fabric) for entry to establishments at risk of agglomeration, such as: shopping centers, galleries, conglomerates, department stores, supply stores for basic products, supermarkets, markets, wineries and pharmacies, recommending the additional use of facial protector in these establishments.

The Ministry of Health, in coordination with other component entities of the health sector, performs intensive epidemiological surveillance in order to identify any increase in localized cases of people affected by COVID-19, and take immediate control measures.

8.5 Hasta el 11 de julio de 2021, se dispone la prohibición del uso de vehículos particulares, según el Alert level por Provincia y Departamento, conforme al siguiente detalle:

High alert level: Sunday

Very high alert level: Sunday

Extreme alert level: Sunday

Exceptionally, private vehicles that have the respective vehicular pass, issued by the competent authority may circulate.

8.6 Dispose of the suspension of the air and land transport service of national and regional people in the department of Arequipa, for a period of fifteen (15) calendar days.During this period, the entry and exit of said services of the Department of Arequipa is prohibited, as well as among its provinces.

Likewise, during the aforementioned term, the prohibition of the use of private vehicles to move between the provinces of the department of Arequipa is provided, as well as to enter or leave the aforementioned department, being applicable to the exceptions contemplated in this Supreme Decree.

8.7 The strengthening of immigration control on the northern border of the country, in order to strict compliance with current regulations on the matter.

8.8 Peruvians, resident foreigners and non -resident foreigners who enter national territory, regardless of the country of origin, must have a molecular or antigen test with a negative result, in accordance with the current health provisions.Those people whose result is positive, enters mandatory isolation, according to regulations on the subject.

SUBSITE Until July 11, 2021, the entry to the national territory of non -resident foreigners of origin of the Republic of South Africa, the Federative Republic of Brazil or the Republic of India, or that they have made a scale in these places in the last fourteen(14) calendar days.

Peruvians and resident foreigners who enter the national territory from the Republic of South Africa, the Federative Republic of Brazil or the Republic of India, or who have made scale in these places, will make mandatory quarantine at their home, lodging or other center oftemporary isolation for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days, counted from the arrival to the national territory.

8.9 Dispose that, for the use of beaches, rivers, lakes or lagoons, located in the departments and provinces that are at the moderate, high and very high alert levels, the sanitary norms issued by the National Health Authority must be respected,without generating agglomerations, concentrations, or putting people's health at risk.For this purpose, the provincial municipalities will adopt the corresponding actions in coordination with the regional governments and their respective regional health directorates or those made by their times."

Article 3.-Modification of article 14 of Supreme Decree No. 184-2020-PCM, modified by Supreme Decree No. 092-2021-PCM and Supreme Decree No. 105-2021-PCM

Modify article 14 of Supreme Decree No. 184-2020-PCM, modified by Supreme Decree No. 092-2021-PCM and Supreme Decree No. 105-2021-PCM, with the following text:

“Article 14.- Of the focused restrictions

14.1 Until July 11, 2021, in the departments and provinces that are at the extreme alert level, there will be no use of the resting areas of sand or stones immediately adjacent to the sea, from the sea area, orof the riverbank of rivers, lakes or lagoons, with the exceptions provided for in article 13 of this Supreme Decree, as appropriate.The performance of noquatic sports without contact and with physical or body distancing does not cover the teaching of these sports.

14.2 Según el Alert level por Provincia y Departamento, hasta el 11 de julio de 2021, las siguientes actividades económicas; así como, los templos y lugares de culto, tendrán el siguiente aforo:

a) Moderate alert level:

• Activities in closed spaces:

Casinos and slots, gyms, cinemas and performing arts: 50%

Shopping centers, galleries, department stores, general stores and conglomerates: 50%

SUPPLY OF FIGHT PRODUCTS, SUPERMARKED, MARKETS, itinerant markets, wineries and pharmacies: 60%

Restaurants and related in internal areas: 60%

Temples and places of worship: 50%

Libraries, museums, cultural centers and galleries: 60%

Club activities and sports associations: 60%

Banks and other financial entities: 60%

Business and Professional Events: 60%

• Activities in open spaces (no capacity restriction and respecting protocols, prior authorization of local governments within the framework of their powers):

Performing arts

Restaurants and related in outdoor areas

Protected natural areas, botanical gardens, monuments or archaeological areas, outdoor museums and zoos

Club activities and outdoor sports associations

Business and Outdoor Professional Events

b) High alert level:

• Activities in closed spaces:

Casinos and slots, gyms, cinemas and performing arts: 40%

Shopping centers, galleries, department stores, general stores and conglomerates: 40%

SUPPLY OF FIGHT PRODUCTS, SUPERMARKED, MARKETS, itinerant markets, wineries and pharmacies: 60%

Restaurants and related in internal areas: 50%

Temples and places of worship: 40%

Libraries, museums, cultural centers and galleries: 50%

Club activities and sports associations: 50%

Banks and other financial entities: 60%

Business and Professional Events: 50%

• Activities in open spaces (no capacity restriction and respecting protocols, prior authorization of local governments within the framework of their powers):

Performing arts

Restaurants and related in outdoor areas

Protected natural areas, botanical gardens, monuments or archaeological areas, outdoor museums and zoos

Club activities and outdoor sports associations

Business and Outdoor Professional Events

c) Very high alert level:

• Activities in closed spaces:

Casinos and slots, gyms, cinemas and performing arts: 30%

Shopping centers, galleries, department stores, general stores and conglomerates: 30%

SUPPLY OF FIGHT PRODUCTS, SUPERMARKED, MARKETS, itinerant markets, wineries and pharmacies: 50%

Restaurants and related in internal areas: 40%

Temples and places of worship: 30%

Libraries, museums, cultural centers and galleries: 40%

Club activities and sports associations: 40%

Banks and other financial entities: 50%

Business and Professional Events: 40%

Terrestrial passenger interprovincial transport: 50% to 100% regulated by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.

• Activities in open spaces (no capacity restriction and respecting protocols, prior authorization of local governments within the framework of their powers):

Performing arts

Cultural teaching

Restaurants and related in outdoor areas

Protected natural areas, botanical gardens, monuments or archaeological areas, outdoor museums and zoos

Club activities and outdoor sports associations

Business and Outdoor Professional Events

d) Extreme alert level:

• Activities in closed spaces:

Casinos and slots, gyms, cinemas and performing arts: 20%

Shopping centers, galleries, department stores, general stores and conglomerates: 20%


Restaurants and related in internal areas (with ventilation): 30% (by appointment)

Temples and places of worship: 20%

Libraries, museums, cultural centers and galleries: 30%

Club activities and sports associations: 30%

Hairdressers and spa, barberies, facial massages, manicure, makeup and other related (with ventilation): 40% (by appointment)

Banks and other financial entities: 40%

Business and Professional Events: 0%

Terrestrial passenger interprovincial transport: 50% to 100% regulated by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.

Restaurant service for home delivery (Delivery): until 23:00 hours.

Pharmacy service for home delivery (Delivery): 24 hours.

• Activities in open spaces (no capacity restriction and respecting protocols, prior authorization of local governments within the framework of their powers):

Performing arts

Cultural teaching

Restaurants and related in outdoor areas

Protected natural areas, botanical gardens, monuments or archaeological areas, outdoor museums and zoos

Club activities and outdoor sports associations

Business and Outdoor Professional Events"

14.3 Local governments regulate the economic activity of conglomerates in their jurisdictions, in order to reduce the risk of activities in closed places without adequate ventilation and the risk of agglomerations, taking into account the following guidelines:

- Establish the proper ventilation of closed spaces.

- Delimit physical spaces and access closure, in order to control and differentiate the input and output zones.

- Establish capacity limits and supervision schedules in the high influx hours of the public.

- Implement suitable measures to carry out effective control of Aforos.

- Facilitate the use of outdoor public spaces to ensure physical or body distancing.

14.4 In the economic activities indicated in the four (4) alert levels, transactions by virtual media, delivery at home (Delivery) and collect at home in the case of restaurants and related, at the established schedules, at the established schedules, in the established schedules, in the established hours. Asimismo, los establecimientos comerciales deben cerrar una (1) hora antes del inicio de la inmovilización social obligatoria, con excepción de los ubicados en la provincia de Lime del departamento de Lime y en la provincia constitucional del Callao, que deben cerrar al menos dos (2) horas antes.The economic activities not contemplated in this article and its afor, are governed as established in the phases of the resumption of current economic activities;with the exception of the extreme alert level, in which the following activities govern:

Agriculture, Livestock, Hunting and Silviculture:

- All the activities of the field, supplies and related services.

Fishing and Aquaculture:

- All the activities of the field, supplies and related services.

Energy, hydrocarbons and mining:

- All the activities of the field, supplies and related services.

Primary and non -primary manufacturing:

- All the activities of the field, supplies and related services.


- All the activities of the field, supplies and related services.Includes national interest projects (licenses, procedures, acquisition and transport of goods, services and personnel, as well as activities related to the logistics chain).

- Architecture and Engineering Activities for Licensing Procedures, Supervision, Work Inspection and Information Survey.


- Maintenance and repair of non -motorized vehicles, motor vehicles and motorcycles.

- Acquisition, production and supply services of food, pharmaceutical and essential products.

City services:

- Wastewater evacuation.

- Water treatment, treatment and distribution.

- Disaster Risk Prevention Activities.

- Maintenance of public spaces and green areas.

- Cleaning and collection of solid waste.

General services:

- Assistance and care for older adults, girls, boys, adolescents, dependents, people with disabilities or people in vulnerability.

- Health services and establishments, includes dentistry, rehabilitation, assisted reproduction, diagnosis, ophthalmology, veterinarians.

Basic services:

- Regular Terrestrial Transportation Service.

- Cargo transport, merchandise, parcels, removals and flows, in all its modalities and related activities.

- Transport of passengers by rail, maritime and river, includes cabotage.

- Caudales transportation.

- Storage services in general.

- Services activities linked to air, iron, terrestrial, maritime and river transport, including cabotage.

- Non -commercial aeronautics.

- Activities related to air transport.

- Messaging activities (postal service, parcels, delivery).

- Categorized Hotels, Lodging (Apart Hotel) and Tourist Transportation.

- Hostels, hostels and lodging establishments not classified and categorized.

- Delivery of real estate and post -sale services.

- Telecommunications linked services (including broadcasting), such as installation, deployment, preventive and corrective maintenance of networks for public telecommunications services.

- Activities of wired, wireless and satellite telecommunications, other telecommunication activities and other support services activities to companies N.c.P (such as passive infrastructure suppliers).

- Postal and messaging activities.

- Telecommunications infrastructure services: installation, deployment, preventive and corrective maintenance of infrastructure and networks for public telecommunications services.

- Telecommunications services sales points located in supermarkets, markets, wineries and pharmacies.

- Design, installation, implementation, operation and maintenance of public and private projects of telecommunications networks and broadcasting infrastructure.

- Telecommunications Services: with reach to telecommunications operating companies, as well as the contractors and suppliers of said operators;In addition, it is applicable for administrative work, in monitoring-NOCs, Call Centers, installation of services or attention of failure, sales activities and delivery.

- Customer service or similar telecommunications service centers, as regulated by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.

- Services offered by vehicle technical inspection centers, periodic cylinder review centers, certifiers and GNV conversion workshops, certifiers and LPG conversion workshops, certifying entities in accordance, modification, manufacture and assembly of vehicles, vehicle verification entitiesand collecting entities of collection vehicles.

- Evaluation centers, driver schools, entities enabled to issue health certificates, driver's licensing centers, training entities in the management of hazardous materials and/or waste.

- Media.

- Financial entities, insurance and pensions and related activities.

- Funeral services.

- Lavandería services, hardware stores, cleaning services.

- Operational rental of motor vehicles.

- Notary services.

- Recycling services.

- Packaging and packaging activities.

- Agricultural fertilizers and raw materials, plastic, glass, paper, cardboard, wood sawmill, ice for activities in general.

- Carpentry services, gasfitería, electricity, maintenance of artifacts and equipment repair, includes equipment maintenance of buildings and homes.

- Activities of production, storage, marketing, transport, and distribution for the continuity of water, sanitation, domestic use gas and fuels.

- Transport activities for the continuity of public services (water, sanitation, gas, among others).

- Air transport: national and international flights in accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.

- Special land transport service in the taxi mode.

- Land transport services of workers in all areas.

- Land transport service of people in minor vehicles.

- Audiovisual production for the media.

- Record and transmission of performing arts, including theater, dance, circus and music

- Federated sports activities prioritized by the Ministry of Education, through the Peruvian Sports Institute, with protocols approved in coordination with the Ministry of Health.

Complementary services:

- Telephone central activities, includes call centers with 50% capacity.

- Technical essays and analysis for allowed economic activities.

- Research, innovation and experimental development related to the allowed economic activities.

- Central headquarters activities.

- Combined support activities for facilities associated with cleaning services, support for buildings and garden maintenance.

- Operational rental and lease of other types of machinery, equipment and tangible goods.

- Private security activities.

- Transport services.

- Sale and distribution of print media.


- Security Systems Service Activities.

- IT support activities and computer equipment repair."

Article 4.- Validity

This Supreme Decree enters into force as of June 21, 2021.

Article 5.- Refrendo

This Supreme Decree is endorsed by the president of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, the Minister of Development and Social Inclusion, the Minister of Labor and Employment Promotion, the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, the Minister of Transport and Communications, the Minister of Education, the Minister of Economy and Finance, the Minister of Energy and Mines, the Minister of Housing, Constructionand sanitation, the Minister of Agrarian Development and Irrigation, the Minister of Production, the Minister of Women and Vulnerable Populations, the Minister of the Environment, and the Minister of Culture.

Dado en la Casa de Gobierno, en Lime, a los dieciocho días del mes de junio del año dos mil veintiuno.

Francisco Rafael Sagasti Hochhausler

Republic President

Violeta Bermúdez Valdivia

President of the Council of Ministers

Allan Wagner Tizón

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Nuria Espch Fernández

Minister of Defense

Waldo Mendoza Bellido

Minister of Economy and Finance

José Manuel Antonio Elice Navarro

Interior Minister

Eduardo Vega Luna

Minister of Justice and Human Rights

Ricardo David Cuenca Couple

Minister of Education

Óscar Ugarte Ubilluz

Health Minister

Federico Tenorio Calderón

Minister of Agrarian Development and Irrigation

Javier Eduardo Palacios Gallegos

Minister of Labor and Employment Promotion

José Luis Chicoma Lúcar

Production Minister

Claudia Cornejo Mohme

Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism

Jaime Gálvez Delgado

Minister of Energy and Mines

Eduardo González Chávez

Minister of Transport and Communications

Solangel Fernández Huanqui

Minister of Housing, Construction and Sanitation

Silvia Loli Espinoza

Minister of Women and Vulnerable Populations

Gabriel Quijandía Acosta

Minister of the Environment

Alejandro Neyra Sánchez

Minister of Culture

Silvana Vargas Winstanley

Minister of Development and Social Inclusion


The Peruvian-Supreme Decree that extends the National Emergency State declared by Supreme Decree No. 184-2020-PCM, extended by Supreme Decrees No. 201-2020-PCM, No. 008-2021-PCM, No. 036-2021-PCM, No. 058-2021-PCM, No. 076-2021-PCM and N ° 105-
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