Facial masks, a new treatment to take care of your skin

  • By:jobsplane



    Asian women take us a lot of advantage in this field, but, little by little, it seems that we are adding to the healthy fashion of taking 15 minutes to take care of the face and relax body and mind.Take advantage of now that you have more time at home to love masks, beauty treatments that provide an extra chute of treatment to your skin.

    The masks provide unmatched short -term benefits and there are for all tastes in terms of textures: in cream, in mud, cellulose...Some withdraw with water, others extend the surplus so that the face continues to absorb the active principles.

    Mascarilla limpiadora de 5 minutosMy Pure Expressdruni.es9,95 €ComprarRose Flash Balm Bálsamo iluminadorPIXIsephora.es31,99 €ComprarL'Oréal Paris Arcillas Puras Mascarilla Facial Purificante Verde - 50 mlL'Oréal Parisamazon.es9,90 €ComprarMascarilla calmante iluminadoraeau-thermale-avene.es50,00 $ComprarDEFENCE MASK GLOW Mascarilla Peeling Iluminante. Tubo 75ml Cód 11603bionike.es19,90 €Comprar

    If we analyze them for properties, you have moisturizers, soothing, to clean the skin, to illuminate it instantly, anti -wrinkles flash effect, nutritious, anti -aging, tensioners, anti -inflammatory...Its effect is immediate but, eye, they do not replace your usual treatments.They are specific reinforcements, an extra food for your skin.

    Berryglow Mascarilla Reparadora con ProbióticosGLAMGLOWsephora.es44,99 €ComprarMascarilla desalterante hidratantegalenic.es2,00 $ComprarMascarilla Reafirmante Artistry Signature Select™(Mostrar todo)amway.es45,08 €ComprarMascarilla Exfoliante + Unificante Insta-MasqueNUXEnuxe.com20,00 €ComprarRose Sorbet Cryo-MaskLANCOMEdruni.es22,27 €ComprarThis content is imported from {embed-name}. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    Mascarillas faciales, un nuevo tratamiento para cuidar tu piel

    The aestheticist at home

    And to contribute to your face the effectiveness of an institute treatment in your own home has been born UFO2, a device to apply masks with LED lights, which is combined with the Power Activated Masks cosmetics, specific masks for each need.

    Manuka Honey Maskforeo.com19,99 $ComprarUFO™ 2 Tratamiento de mascarilla facial para todo tipo de pieles Pearl Pink Foreoelcorteingles.es279,00 €Comprar

    Of cellulose


    The osmotic action of cellulose paper masks prevents hydration evaporation.As they are monodysis, you can take them anywhere, they are better preserved, do not waste product;And being loose units are cheaper and are easy to apply because they are adapted to the facial and soaked features of the treatment concentrated.

    Mascarilla de Aguacateprimor.eu3,44 €ComprarCroma Mascarilla Rejuvenecedora con Ácido Hialurónicomartamasi.com21,40 €ComprarPink Diamond Lifting Face Maskprimor.eu5,95 €ComprarMascarilla facial de tejido con aguacate - hidratante y calmantefacialapivita.com4,90 €ComprarTIME-FILLER MASKfilorga.com10,50 €ComprarSUPERSTART Probiotic Boost Skin Renewal Biocellulose Mask - 4 Masks/18mlelizabetharden.com.es112.506,00 $Comprar

    Do you sign up for Multimasking?

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    This beauty technique does not consist of putting on a mask after another but using two or more products in different areas of the face depending on the needs of each of the parts.That is why they are especially recommended for mixed skins.They are more personalized and, therefore, more effective treatments.But, in addition, you save time, because both are acting at the same time.And if you have not convinced yourself, you will save product, since you do not waste it where you do not need it.

    Contenidos relacionadosMascarillas, cura exprésMascarilla de oro con efecto lifting This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io

    Facial masks, a new treatment to take care of your skin
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