Fatal liposculpture: "The judge has requested the special cannulas used by Sara's surgeon"

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Second fortnight of November. The cardiovascular surgeon who will be in charge of performing a liposculpture on Sara Gómez sends her a WhatsApp audio where he advises her to go through the operating room, instead of resorting to a laser technique, without suction or anesthesia: "How about Sara? Look, listen to me , I have done everything, I am a specialist in lipolaser, but forget about lipolaser, here in Spain, they think that the laser is the panacea, especially to glue the skin, but what you want, that marking [in the abdomen] and that definition is not done with lasers".

The surgeon continues in the audio arguing to the patient against resorting to a less invasive technique, such as lipolaser, and advises Sara to go through the operating room to remove abdominal fat with cannulas and a technique that the doctor does not want reveal:

"[The lipolaser] doesn't work for me. It doesn't work for me at all. It's another technique, they're special cannulas, it's a different plane and it's a different way of working, I'm not going to tell you either because I don't want them to copy it ( laughter), but it's not with a laser because it sticks very little to the skin, or nothing, but it doesn't take anything away, the technique to remove the fat and to leave the skin stuck is to remove other things, a little the deep planes and how do you do drains. Forget about the laser, here they sell it as if it were a panacea, but it's not good for anything. Besides, the only thing it does is that you have a greater risk of burns or that you have skin problems, it can help in certain cases, but not to glue the skin. You know what I'm saying?"

And what if she knew: Sara underwent the liposculpture technique that this cardiovascular surgeon developed with those "special cannulas". On Thursday, December 2, this real estate agent went to a private clinic in the port city to remove abdominal fat, and hours later ended up in the Santa Lucía Hospital ICU with multiple intestinal perforations, necrosis, peritonitis... On January 1, she died Sarah. And now, it is the magistrate of the Court of Instruction number 3 of Cartagena who is interested in knowing these "special cannulas" in view of the content of the WhatsApp audio and the tragic end that this mother of two children ran.

The family spokesman, Ezequiel Nicolás, assures that until now no one has seen these cannulas: "The judge has requested these special cannulas because she wants to know what they are like and wants to clarify who provided them in the intervention, that is, if they are the property of the surgeon or from the Virgen de la Caridad Clinic that put in the operating room".

The spokesman details that the head of the court has also sent a request "to find out how many liposculptures the doctor who operated on Sara had performed and if she had civil liability insurance." These movements in the judicial investigation have coincided with a fact that has drawn the attention of the family of the deceased. "The surgeon has changed his professional profile on Instagram."

The matter is not trivial, since through this social network, this surgeon publicized his work by spreading photos where his patients appeared wearing perfect abs after going through the operating room. In addition, it was presented as follows: 'International Board Certified in Cosmetic Surgery', 'Body Contouring Expert' and 'facial, body and vascular cosmetic surgery doctor'. Now, on the other hand, the images that he publishes on his new Instagram account are not of liposculptures or abdominoplasties: nothing in the operating room.

Lipoescultura mortal:

The profile photos that he has released are of less invasive interventions to improve the eye contour, lips and rhinoplasty. The doctor denounced by Sara's family has also changed his cover letter for potential clients: 'Heart surgeon. Aesthetic medicine. Hair surgery. vascular aesthetics. Minimally invasive surgery'. No trace of international titles or the term 'expert'.

Sara, caressing her son, Izan, and next to her, the WhatsApp conversation that she had with the surgeon.

The family spokesman, Ezequiel Nicolás, stresses that "we have brought these changes to his networks to the attention of our lawyers because he used Instagram to attract clients." Rubén, brother of the deceased in liposculpture, has also criticized the facelift of the cardiovascular surgeon's account by publishing a very critical post in the Facebook group 'La Voz de Sara': "Delete your Instagram profile, full of photos of similar operations and operating rooms to put one where, presumably, he only does botox and hyaluronic acid. Do you think that Sara would have gone to him with this profile where he does minimally invasive aesthetic interventions?"

This civil guard goes on to warn the doctor that he has documented the information that he once disclosed on his networks: "By the way, I have all the photos and screenshots of his profile on Instagram, now deleted, where he can be seen performing numerous operations like the one he did Sara, since that was part of her 'hook', her publicity claim, as it was with Sara. With those photos, Sara fell into the trap, believing that she was going to an excellent professional with great experience in these interventions, such as That's how it seems and seemed to see on their social networks. I have them and I will bring them [to the court], don't have the slightest doubt."

To give truth to his words, Rubén includes in the post a capture with a WhatsApp conversation that Sara had with the surgeon, on November 9, and in which he implies that he has seen the aesthetic interventions that he publishes in his Instagram account. He also asks her if she can undergo liposculpture after having a tummy tuck in 2019:

- Sara: Hello, Alexander. I am amazed with your work and I wanted to ask you for information. Are you working in Murcia?

- Surgeon: Yes.

- Sarah: Well great! Let's see, I've seen that you do abdominal marking. I have had a tummy tuck: could marking be done?

- Surgeon: Yes you can. Perfectly.

- Sara: Well, give me an appointment so you can give me information. What is the price?

- Surgeon: Look, you have to make an appointment.

- Sarah: Okay.

- Surgeon: At clinic X. Tuesdays. And that you want to see me.

The family not only has documented the conversations that the real estate agent had with the doctor before the deadly liposculpture, but also has screenshots of Instagram chats that show that the surgeon who operated on Sara offered his professional services through the account that you have deleted. "I charge between 5,000 and 7,000 euros, but I'm the best", as the doctor states to a potential client in one of the aforementioned captures.

Sara's case has caused some patients who went to the surgeon's office in an aesthetic clinic in Murcia, to contact the family of the deceased to tell them about her experience. One of them, in writing, says that in November, this doctor also told him about his 'self-patented' technique, with the famous special cannulas that the judge now wants to know about: "I told him that I had had a tummy tuck for fifteen years and I He said that nothing was wrong, that he had a formula that no one knew and that I should not worry that it would be perfect, that only he did that practice (...)".

"(...) He showed me the operations he had performed and told me that more than 300 operations had been carried out with very good results. He convinced me even more. In the end, I decided to have surgery after Kings: on January 20. I was making the transfers in three parts and just when on December 3 I had to make the last transfer to reserve the operating room, I received a call from two friends telling me, like crazy, what had happened with Sara with the same surgeon that I was leaving to operate on me. I was frozen. I immediately called the clinic to tell them that I would not operate (...)".

freelance surgeon

The information that the family is collecting has led them to request that the doctor certify the validity of all the training titles that guarantee his techniques, among other reasons, because in his InfoJobs and Linkedin profiles they have seen that he appears as a self-employed cardiovascular surgeon, with a degree in Medicine that began in 2006, at the University of San Sebastián in Chile; in 2008, he continued at the University of Murcia, and in 2011, he went to the University of Naples Federico II.

Poster that is being distributed on social networks to announce Saturday's concentration in Murcia.

Sara's family plans to report on the state of the judicial investigation, at a press conference, which she will offer this Wednesday, at the Agalia Hotel in Murcia. At the appearance, it will be reported that there will be three particular accusations: the first will be the one carried out by the parents and siblings of the deceased, through the lawyer Evaristo Llanos; the second, the one that Ezequiel will lead on behalf of the son he had with Sara, a minor, for whom he has hired the lawyer Mercedes Murcia, and the third, will be borne by the Consumers' Union of the Region of Murcia.

The press conference will also announce the concentration that will take place on Saturday, starting at 12 noon, at Murcia City Hall. "We are going to read a manifesto to demand that responsibilities be purged at the judicial level, to ask for support for the family, and to demand some measure from the Government," according to Ezequiel Nicolás, spokesman for Sara Gómez's relatives.

One of the actions that politicians are demanding may be in line with the campaign they have started on Change.org, where more than 11,500 citizens have signed in favor of the central Executive drafting a regulatory law to end professional intrusion in cosmetic surgery operations.

The family has appealed to Murcian society to participate in the concentration. This appointment has been called after learning that at the end of February the two people denounced for Sara's death will testify in court: the cardiovascular surgeon -JAM- who carried out the liposculpture and the anesthetist from the Cartagena clinic who put the operating room as well as the assistant staff.

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Fatal liposculpture: "The judge has requested the special cannulas used by Sara's surgeon"
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