Get natural collagen for skin with coconut oil and aloe vera

  • By:jobsplane




This protein brings firmness and elasticity to skin, tendons and muscles

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When an announcement of facial creams appears on television, it usually always includes the term "collagen", and is not in vain.Collagen is a very abundant protein in our body and has as its main function the creation and maintenance of the structures of the tissues that form the organism.This protein generates resistant and flexible fibers, called collagen fibers, which provide firmness and elasticity to tendons, muscles and skin.

Collagen is responsible for the skin to remain firm and elastic.The problem is that, from the age of 25, collagen production decreases, and that is reflected in the decrease in brightness and the natural hydration of the skin.

Consigue colágeno natural para la piel con aceite de coco y aloe vera

It is estimated that women should start taking collagen-based supplements from 30-35 years, while men should incorporate it from 45, since they have thicker skin and with a greater collagen density.

To incorporate this collagen plus into our body, we can incur supplements or natural remedies, such as the one we present in this article, based on aloe vera and coconut oil.With these two ingredients, you can prepare a facial mask that repairs the skin cells of your face.In this way, we can prevent wrinkles, loss of brightness and skin elasticity.

Mask preparation

To prepare the natural mask, we need a branch of aloe vera and coconut oil.The steps to follow are those:

  1. Vierte en un molde grande el aceite de coco y el aloe vera en porciones iguales.
  2. Remueve la mezcla hasta obtener una pasta homogénea y sin grumos.
  3. Aplícala sobre la piel limpia y deja que actúe durante 30 minutos.
  4. Retira la mascarilla y enjuaga la piel con agua tibia.

You can apply this mask 2 to 3 times a week to reinforce the benefits.

The egg peel, another collagen source

Another food that contains a large amount of collagen is the egg, or more specifically the peel membrane: up to 40% collagen, in addition to other particles such as amino acids, calcium carbonate and smooth.

  1. Lo que debemos hacer es recoger los restos de clara que quedan en la cáscara y verterlos en un recipiente.
  2. A continuación, los aplicamos en el contorno de los ojos y en los alrededores de los labios.
  3. Esperamos hasta que se seque el producto.
  4. Retirar el huevo de la cara y lavar con abundante agua.

These two solutions, both that of Aloe Vera and coconut oil and eggs, can be the great allies of our skin as we have a more advanced age and that collagen production decreases.

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