He is the specialist who is causing rage today.

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En Jalisco inicia operaciones Mi Macro Periférico con corredor BRT "Duele hablarle y no obtener una respuesta": Jugador se reencuentra con su novia muerta en videojuego

En la semana, el matutino ‘Hoy’ recibió en su sección de profesionales médicos al doctor Francisco Javier Saynes Marín; especialista otorrinolaringólogo que limpió el lado más profundo de los conductores del programa, y nos ilustró por qué es tan importante acudir con un especialistapara realizar este procedimiento pues al no hacerlo, podrían provocar una lesión irreparable.Without a doubt, the most fun were the faces and gestures that Paul Stanley did when the doctor did the procedure in full program.

-Doctor, why is the cleaning of the ears so important?

'' Allows if the ear has any accumulated secretion we can eliminate it, if the ear is clean, it is important not to manipulate it, because we can pierce the tympanic membrane or tear the skin of the duct and that can be very dangerous and generate an injury.It is important to emphasize that this procedure has to be performed by a specialist because although it is apparently very simple, which is to introduce water into an ear can be dangerous. ''.

© La limpieza de oídos en vivo causó sensación.He is the specialist who is causing furor in Hoymira: Juan Manuel Cortés arrives at the Hoy-Why program?'' The ear has some anatomical issues that are important to consider and not hurt the patient, ''.-How is the proccess?'' Clean, sterile warm water is used, and we have to introduce a special attachment, very flexible so as not to hurt the interior of the ear, ''.-E when it is recommended to clean?'' It is an individual process, because each person depends on the amount of secretion it generates, so it is depending on each patient ''.© All drivers have gone through the hands of the otolaryngologist.He is the specialist who is causing furor in Hoy can see: Adamari López could leave today to return to acting-Is it okay to clean his ear with a cone with heat?'' It can become very dangerous, because the `` cucurucho '' has a wax bottom, is placed in the ear, sets on fire and a vacuum is generated and can generate a burn of the duct '' '.-What would daily care?'' With the water and soap we bathe, and visit the specialist to check that the match does not accumulate, '' he concluded.Who is the DR.Francisco Javier Saynes Marín?-Tolaringologist's medical.-Carjano with a head and neck and facial-crowd reconstruction in ears, nose and throat, as well as various surgical procedures within the area of aesthetic facial surgery (chin surgery, eyelids, ears, cheeks, and neck liposuction), as well asother non -surgical, as an application of botulinum toxin and facial fillings.© He is the specialist who is causing furor in today.He is the specialist who is causing furor in Hoyno you miss: she is the actress who plays Cuquita in Bioserie de Vicente Fernández Read Masmicrosoft and the associates can receive compensation if you buy something through the recommended links of this page.

Él es el especialista que está causando furor en Hoy.

He is the specialist who is causing rage today.
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