His mother's uterus is transplanted to have a child

  • By:jobsplane



She is what they call 'baby miracle': Little Misha was born in Souths, France, on February 12, 2021, thanks the exceptional feat of a team of doctors and parents who were not afraid of anything.She, Deborah, was born without a utero: the woman, who was 33 years old at the beginning of this process, suffers an incurable pathology known as MRKH syndrome (Rokitansky Syndrome or Muller Agenesis), which affects about 150 girls in her native country.year.

He was born without a uterus, but with perfectly functional ovaries and fuel tubes.Swimmer by profession, her health was perfect, her clinical background as well and her donor living fully compatible.That is why it was selected to undergo the first uterus transplantation made in France.

This intervention, the ninth of the world, is carried out with a living donor.And, in the case of this couple, known: she is the mother of Deborah, Brigitte, who, at 59, donated the uterus to her daughter."I had always said that if it was feasible I would donate my uterus, but at that time it was not done.Then she proposed it to me, "she explains in the documentary I give you my uterus.

Doesn't the uterus age?

It is precisely the compatibility between Deborah and his mother that made both chosen by this experimental procedure that took place at the Foch Hospital in Paris and thanks to the team led by Jean-Marc Ayoubi, the head of the Department of Gynecology-Obstetricsand medicine, with the collaboration of international pioneers in this field.Although a similar treatment costs thousands of euros and does not enter into the services covered by Social Security, the foundation of this hospital took over all expenses of this pioneering intervention with great scientific interest.

The plan was for Deboh to use the same uterus in which she herself was created to experiment, if possible, two pregnancies.After this, the organ would be extracted to avoid complications in the future.A procedure that presents risks for both the donor and the recipient, but that the family decided to assume under the supervision of this medical team.

First phase: in vitro fertilization

Before performing the transplant, Deborah underwent an ovum extraction process to create, in a laboratory, a good amount of embryos using her husband's sperm.As in all in vitro fertilizers, several oocytes were fertilized with sperm and the embryo that was best developed between the 34 obtained, subsequently frozen in liquid nitrogen, was selected for its impattation in the uterus.

Second phase: uterus transplant

Se trasplanta el útero de su madre para tener un hijo

The first successful uterus transplant was held in 2014 at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden by the Mats Brännström team, which has since exported its technique.In our country, the Clinic Hospital in Barcelona made the first uterus transplant between two sisters on October 5, 2020.

06.32 minTrasplante de útero: el hito médico y el debate ético

The extraction of the uterus is not the most complicated of this intervention: eight centimeters of blood vessels are needed to connect the donor organ in the vessels of the receiver, which must be kept in good condition.After the transplant, the risk of rejection is high, and Deborah had to be admitted for two weeks under medical supervision and to carry out a treatment with antirreche medications to prevent his body from reacting against the transplanted organ.The operation was a success.


With 34 years, Deborah had the rule for the first time and was discharged from the hospital, but nothing happened as planned below, because the whole country entered stop due to the confinement caused by the Coronavirus pandemic.Deborah, especially susceptible and turned into a population at risk by transplant.

In July 2020 the transfer to the uterus of the embryo was made.As in any normal in vitro fertilization, the couple only had a 40% chance of becoming pregnant at first, but they were lucky: in ten days the pregnancy test was performed, with fear because Deborah was suffering small bleeding, and discovered thatThe patient was pregnant.

01.15 minLa revista médica The Lancet ha publicado una investigación llevada a cabo en un hospital de Brasil sobre el primer bebé nacido en un útero trasplantado a partir de una donante fallecida, que podría aumentar las opciones de concebir para las mujeres con problemas de fertilidad uterina.Actualmente, la donación de útero solo se puede llevar a cabo a partir de familiares, de modo que las opciones se reducen ya que existen pocos donantes vivos.El éxito logrado mediante esta nueva técnica, llevada a cabo en el Hospital das Clínicas, de la Universidad de Sao Paulo, supone también el primer trasplante uterino en América Latina y podría aumentar la disponibilidad de donantes y las posibilidades de las mujeres de quedarse embarazadas.

How is the childbirth of a transplant woman of uterus?

Deborah had scheduled a caesarean section, although the team decided to advance it to the seventh month because it was suffering more contractions of the desired.After ten minutes of intervention, his daughter Misha was born healthy, weighing 1.8kg.They took her to the neonate unit because her lungs did not work at full performance yet, but as soon as she was insufflated a little air, there was: a 'miracle baby' perfectly healthy gestated in the same uterus in which her mother was created.

Men who have no sperm

The documentary the struggle for the fertility of the thematic night addresses other types of infertility and, specifically, the case of a man who did not have a single sperm in his sperm.Something that is not uncommon, although normally it usually has an obvious cause (having undergone a vasectomy, being treated with testosterone, some genetic cause) and in yours it did not have it.Zach, diagnosed with non -obstructive azoospermia, examined the testicles surgically to see if he had sperm inside.

The probability of having children without medical intervention was 0%, but their possibilities rose to 50% when they underwent this intervention in which some immobile sperm found that could be directly injected into the ovule by meanssperm, which allowed him to have a baby.Science continues to find ways to avoid male and female infertility at a time when, due to environmental factors, our physiological disposition to motherhood is lower than ever.

His mother's uterus is transplanted to have a child
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