La mayoría de ciudades grandes de China tienen baños públicos repartidos por sus calles. Están impolutos y eso hace que su uso sea bastante cómodo. Sin embargo, cuando una persona entra en el habitáculo donde se aloja el inodoro se da cuenta de que no hay papel higiénico. El único modo de conseguirlo es poniendo la cara delante de una pantalla de reconocimiento facial. Cualquier persona puede colocarse frente a ella y de la caja que tiene una pantalla a modo de espejo sale un pedazo de papel.
Es una más de los cientos de fórmulas que tiene el gobierno chino para tener a sus ciudadanos controlados a través del reconocimiento facial. Aunque esta, sin duda, es una de las más curiosas.
The key is surveillance
In recent times, facial recognition has evolved almost at the same speed as citizen criticism has had its use by governments.It is a technology capable of identifying a subject through an image, video or any visual element of her face.Generally, this identification is used to access an application, system or service.In the case of China, for example, to get the toilet paper in a public bath, among many other things.In some other countries in the West, to identify possible criminals.
Great Britain takes the palm in the use of facial recognition for that purpose.The country has opted strong for him.In fact, it is very easy to go down the street and that our face is scanned several times.Same easy that this system is confused and interpreted by mistake that our face is that of a malefactor.In case a coincidence jumps, an agent can stop at the time.
The country has been used since 2016 and continues to do so today in the same way as China or the United States, whose population begins to associate this technology with racial discrimination.
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— 𝓣𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓛𝓸𝓾🦋🌻 Mon Feb 01 03:05:26 +0000 2021
Last year in Britain, at least the faces of 8,600 people were scanned at least without their consent in a single week in Oxford Circus, one of the busiest points in London.
Although the real purposes of this type of recognition are not clear, it is known that these systems have been developed by the Japanese company NEC.A report by the Privacy International organization reveals that the British Facewatch company would have maintained contacts in 2019 with the MET and the police to share biometric data on criminals
But the United Kingdom is not the only country in Europe that uses it to monitor.Germany or Netherlands police as well, although not so intense.In Belgrade, the Serbian government has deployed a system composed of a thousand cameras with software capable of identifying citizens in real time.
What happens in Spain?
Spain lacks specific regulations and addresses what the European Data Protection (GDPR) regulations indicate, which although it is very strict in the safeguarding of citizens' rights, leaves chunks to different interpretations of what can be done andno.In Spanish legislation, the GDPR takes place in Organic Law 3/2018, in which a specific section on facial recognition does not appear and the only mention of biometric data has to do with its treatment.
While we reach a more specific legislation we can find several utilities to facial recognition: second authentication factor, to add an extra security;Access to a mobile application without password or access to a blocked device.This type of uses are far from the surveillance to which this technology is being associated and are clearly less invasive.While we have the control of our face the purpose of this technology will always be transparent.
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