Homemade Carrot Mask to eliminate wrinkles

  • By:jobsplane



The cupboard of our kitchen is a treasure for exploring in beauty matters.It is not necessary to invest much to take care of our skin naturally, either with vegetables, tea bags or other elements;You can perform tonic, masks and creams.

In this case, we collect the steps to perform a homemade mask with a carrot, which will help reduce wrinkles that come out over the years, the type of skin and how expressive a person is.

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El primer ingrediente es obvio: la zanahoria.It does not matter if it is cooked or raw, this root will be an ally of economic, natural and beneficial beauty in property issues, since it is rich thanks to its carotene content and vitamins A, B and C.In addition, carrot is part of the food group with “promising effects” in the prevention of some types of cancer, according to the WHO in its World Cancer Report 2014 report 2014.

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Eating it is a good option, but using it as a topic will also help, since beta -carotenes also catch free radicals and oxygen molecules from pollution;They also improve the elasticity of the dermis: when spreading it on the face, the layers of your face's skin will thank you.

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The second ingredient that you must have by hand is honey with a natural bee, that is, it has not been subjected to chemical processes.This ingredient is not harmful to your face, quite the opposite.In honey we find calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc, phosphorus and potassium.In addition, amino acids;organic acids;Vitamins B, C, D and E;antioxidants and also the enzyme called glucose-oxidase, which when applied in the skin produces hydrogen peroxide, which is a treatment to reduce acne.

It also helps in the treatment of burns and minor wounds.

To perform this mask you must follow these simple steps that the I am Carmín web portal shares:

Wrinkles, enemies to prevent.

If you use the mask several times a week, you can say goodbye to wrinkles.However, you need to consult with a dermatologist on the subject, since the expert can analyze your skin type and make a complete diagnosis to make sure you have no negative reactions. (F)

Homemade Carrot Mask to eliminate wrinkles
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