How to manufacture a homemade mask and other citizen solutions against Coronavirus

  • By:jobsplane



Sara Borondo

Little by little, the first aircraft with the indispensable medical supplies to deal with the pandemic: respirators to serve the patients who are in the UCIS of the hospitals and medical material that protect those who deal with the patients of COVID-19.

The first peninsular contagios were recorded at the end of February, shooting the spread on March 8.A day later began the actions that affect the population.The first step was taken by the Ministry of Health by decreeing the "reinforced containment" phase;The Community of Madrid ordered the closure of all educational centers with entry into force on Wednesday 11 and hours later the central government announced the statement of the alarm state, according to Royal Decree 463/2020 that was published in the BOE on the 14March.The population circulation was limited since Monday 16.

Then the lack of protection material for personnel who worked directly with COVID-19 patients was already evident;subject to a great viral load.From doctors and nurses to ambulance drivers, cleaner or wardens of hospitals, through the forces of the order and supermarket staff, they starred in images that revealed their worrying exhibition.They needed masks, guts, gloves and costumes that will insulate them effectively.

All governments were carrying out intense efforts to buy this material, but confined citizens decided to organize contributing their respective knowledge.Some university companies and researchers focused on designing respirators or looking for alternatives, while others resorted to 3D printing technology to make screens that served as a physical barrier in front of the droplets expelled by the sick.On the other hand, thousands of people offered their offers their sewing machines to make masks. Estas redes de colaboración continúan funcionando a todo ritmo, coordinadas mediante grupos de WhatsApp, redes sociales o foros de Internet como '​Coronavirus Makers​'.


Some hospitals are testing the adaptation of the masks of snorkel.It all started when the Italian doctor Renato Favero (of Lombardy, one of the Italian regions most punished by the pandemic) contacted the Italian company Isinnova to propose to make an emergency respiratory mask using the Easybreath.The company's engineers dismantled the product, studied and designed the 'Charlotte' valve, which occurs with 3D manufacturing and serves to join the mask with the oxygen machine.Isinnova has made public the plans so that whoever wishes can manufacture the valve (whenever it is non -profit).

Cómo fabricar una mascarilla casera y otras soluciones ciudadanas frente al coronavirus

Decathlon has blocked the sale of the product and has donated units to hospitals to use them.This emergency respirator design is not approved and it is necessary for the patient to give their consent to use it.

3D Protective Masks Printing

3D printing companies and 'makers' (denomination of those who have one of these printers at home and carry out small projects) were organized in a few days to print protective visors with PLA (polylactic acid).To these a transparent acetate sheet (PVD) is added that protects the bearer from the drops that a patient can issue with COVID-19.

Currently, 'Coronavirusmakers' has more than 13.000 volunteers throughout Spain and 1.500 in Euskadi (individuals, companies and even educational centers), who have put their 3D printers to work on visas.To date more than 350 have been manufactured.000 visors, for which 9 tons of material have been used.

Individuals and small businesses are not the only ones whose 3D printers throw smoke.Some big brands have also got to work.This is the case of the Renault group or the Ford Factory in Almussafes (Valencia), which has established three work shifts for 15 workers, dedicated to the daily production of 300 facial protection masks.

In Euskadi a centralized Maker community in Covideuskadi has also emerged.Net, who works in anti-sapphine visas (already validated by health personnel) and investigates the development of respirators.According to your website, until March 31, 20 had been delivered.530 visas (2.747 in Álava, 10.222 in Vizcaya and 7.561 in Guipuzcoa).

Las comunidades de​ makers ​trabajan también en el diseño de piezas que se puedan incorporar a las manillas de las puertas para abrirlas utilizando el codo en lugar de la mano, de forma que no queden contaminadas por el virus.

Masks and guts

The masks are now a very wanted good.Experts have asked that those who really filter the virus (marked as FPP2 and FPP3) to reserve for health personnel, daily faced with considerable viral load.However, this material continues to reach droppers, and must be replaced by surgical masks of fabric or paper.The latter serve to prevent a patient.

Given the lack of supplies, some administrations have chosen to facilitate material to domestic seamstresses to manufacture masks and disposable polypropylene masks.Among the multiple tutorials that can be found to prepare fabric masks are some models elaborated such as the Asun Domínguez Fashion Academy, of San Sebastián, with pattern included and in which it is also explained how to disinfect them to reuse them.

How to make a homemade mask

Although professional solutions are the most urgent, one can also make their own mask by pulling domestic material.Well because we have a patient at home, well to protect ourselves when we should go to the supermarket.These are some tutorials available on the Internet:

● Acetate mask: with a rubber, a piece of yoga sterilla or similar, a transparent hard plastic portfolios and a stapler can be made an antisalpaduras mask.

● Mask from a cap: who does not have any of the previous materials can resort to a hat, American tape and a transparent plastic cover;The result a less apparent but effective mask.

● Mask with cooking paper: the doctor in biology and researcher at CSIC, Beatriz Novoa, offers another tutorial in which he uses cooking paper or paper, tires and a stapler.In the video, Novoa makes it clear that this mask does not protect from the virus although "it puts it a little more difficult".

● Fabric mask: Those who have basic sewing knowledge can opt for one of the three models proposed in this video, manufactured with retales.

Finally, other tutorials show masks with greater protection capacity, by allowing the introduction of improvised filters (disposable after each use):

Decathlon,CSIC,BOE,País Vasco,Gipuzkoa,Guipúzcoa,San Sebastián,Almussafes,Comunidad de Madrid,España,Bizkaia,Valencia,Coronavirus COVID-19Tendencias

How to manufacture a homemade mask and other citizen solutions against Coronavirus
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