How to use the abused hair aloe

  • By:jobsplane



When the hair is damaged or mistreated, the visible signs that indicate are: weakening, dryness, frizz, loss of brightness, open tips, etc..If you have detected any of these problems in your hair, you will have to start a moisturizing and repairing treatment with an effective product, such as aloe, to return its vigor and good appearance.

If you use aloe for mistreated hair, it will not be necessary for you to turn to chemicals.In addition, there are magnificent natural solutions that can be much more effective, such as aloe or aloe vera.Discover how to use the abused hair aloe!

Properties of hair aloe

Sloe is undoubtedly one of the most effective natural products to take care of hair, because it repairs damage thanks to its multiple vitamins and nutrients.The most outstanding properties of hair aloe are as follows:

  1. Limpieza en profundidad el cuero cabelludo y eliina las impurezas.
  2. Nutre de forma extrema las fibras capilares, revitalizando así el cabello dañado.
  3. Gracias a unas sustancias bastante similares a la keratina, la sábila rejuvenece el cabello tornándolo mucho más elástico y flexible.
  4. Favorece además el crecimiento del cabello por sus propiedades regenerativas.
  5. Además, puedes combinar las propiedades de esta magnífica planta con otros ingredientes infalibles o utilizarla en solitario. Esto está indicado, sobre todo, cuando deseas utilizar un acondicionador natural para ayudar a mantener el cabello bien nutrido e hidratado.
  6. Por ello, aplica un poco de aloe vera sobre tu cabello húmedo recién lavado y aclara con abundante agua tibia. De este modo, no solo combatirás la sequedad, sino también la grasa y otros problemas capitrales como la alopecia o la caspa. A continuación, te mostramos las mejores combinaciones con sábila para el cabello maltratado. ¡No te lo pierdas!

Masks with abused hair aloe

As you have been able to verify, the abused hair aloe is one of the best options to show off a beautiful and healthy hair.There are endless capillary treatments that you can prepare with Aloe Vera, so take note, because we show you the most effective for hydration and in -depth repair.

1.Aloe vera and beer

Cómo usar la sábila para el cabello maltratado

To prepare this mask you need two aloe leaves, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1/two glass of beer.Mix the aloe vera pulp with the other ingredients and apply in an ointment on your wet hair.Let act for 30 minutes and remove with warm water in abundance.

two.Almond oil and almond oil

Another way to use the abused hair aloe is to mix it with a little almond oil.This remedy is ideal to facilitate hair growth in a healthy way, something fundamental when hair fiber is quite damaged and easily breaks.

Mix the same amount of almond oil gel and almond oil in a container and apply the result on your scalp.Wait for about two0 minutes to let nutrients get the desired effect.Then wash your hair as usual.

3.Aloe vera and honey

If your hair is usually subjected to high temperatures and that is why it looks dry, opaque and with open tips, the best solution will be this aloe and honey mask.And this last ingredient is a very powerful natural moisturizer, so you will get unbeatable results.

To make this mask, take out the pulp of 1 aloe vera leaf and mix it with two tablespoons of honey.Then apply this mixture to your hair from the scalp to the tips.Leave half an hour and rinse with warm water.

4.Slope and coconut oil

By combining the moisturizing properties of aloe with the fatty acids of coconut oil, you will get a strengthening treatment for healthy hair and a revitalizing one for when it is dry and mistreated.

Minerals, vitamins and antioxidants of both products nourish the scalp in depth, promoting healthy growth and providing shine and softness.And you just need 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel and two tablespoons of coconut oil.

Mix both ingredients until you get a homogeneous mask, extend it from the root to the tips, and cover the hair with a shower cap.Let act about two0 minutes and rinse regularly.

5.Aloe vera and egg

The abused hair aloe, together with egg proteins, becomes a perfect revitalizing treatment to face fall problems.And it is as simple as beat an egg and mix it with 4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel.

When you get a homogeneous mixture, apply it above all the hair and let it act half an hour.Then, wash the hair as usual and repeat up to three times a week.

6.Sloe and clay

We can also combine aloe vera and clay, an ideal mixture to remove dead cells that tend to accumulate in the scalp.And it is that clay contains antibacterial and mineral properties.

To make this mask, mix 6 tablespoons of aloe gel, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of green clay.When you have a creamy paste, rub all the hair and let it act 5 minutes before rinsing with enough water.You can use it once a week.

7.Slope and castor oil

Cleaning oil is perfect to reduce hair weakening and stimulate its growth.So, mixed with aloe vera, the result will be a moisturizing treatment to strengthen hair.

Put two tablespoons of aloe gel and 1 tablespoon of castor oil in a bowl and mix to integrate.Then apply it on your hair and let it act for about two0 minutes.Rinse this time last and repeat two or 3 times a week.Don't wait any longer, use the abused hair aloe!

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