If you suffer acne or dermatitis, these are the tips for caring for the skin of the face without a mask

  • By:jobsplane



  1. Carlota Reina

Por fin llegó el esperado momento de librarnos de las mascarillas en el exterior y siempre que haya distancia social.Face skin is now more exposed after more than a year covered. La farmacéutica Rocío Escalante, titular de Arbosana Farmacia y experta en dermofarmacia, recuerda que la hidratación y la protección solar son los pasos esenciales para proteger ahora la piel de los factores externos.

El uso de las mascarillas ha traído consigo el incremento del acné y de la dermatitis de contacto, así como el empeoramiento de la rosácea. Ahora que ya se puede quitar la mascarilla en exteriores y siempre que se mantenga la distancia social, la farmacéutica recuerda que "la hidratación y la protección solar son los dos pasos más importantes para proteger la piel del rostro del sol y de la deshidratación que provocan tanto los rayos UV como el calor o el aire acondicionado.It should continue with the usual facial treatments, but we must take care if we are going to expose ourselves to the sun ".

Tips for taking care of the skin without the mask

-The people who have suffered or suffer from acne outbreaks

 Si sufres acné o dermatitis, estos son los consejos para cuidar la piel del rostro sin mascarilla

In addition to continuing with their treatments, they must extreme surveillance with UV rays.The sun does not improve the grains, on the contrary, it can worsen them and, on the other hand, it could cause spots and marks.They must use non -comedogenic suns and Oil Free, limit solar exhibitions, use caps, hats or visas and always carry the sunscreen to reapplicate every two hours.

Also read: How long can I sunbathe and what protection I must use according to the color of my skin, eyes and hair

-The people who have had dermatitis problems

These will have to increase hydration, in addition to not neglecting sun protection.I advise that they carry, in addition to the photoprotector, the hot springs or moisturizing mists that allow the skin to be rehydrated at any time and place in a simple way.One of the consequences of UV rays is dehydration, so hydrating becomes an essential step to avoid dryness, trenching, irritations, etc..

-Limit the makeup

In skins with problems of both dermatitis and rosacea or acne, it is convenient.Fatty makeup, with the sun and sweat could worsen acne and other skin pathologies.

-Proteger the lips of the sun

Nor should we forget the lips: your skin needs hydration and sun protection.I recommend using lip balms with high sun protection and reapply as many times as necessary.

-The daily facial hygiene

It is still the primary step.You have to clean the skin tomorrow and night with soft formulas adapted to each skin type.

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If you suffer acne or dermatitis, these are the tips for caring for the skin of the face without a mask
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