It doesn't matter if he is a man or woman: if he is a good leader he is a good boss

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Having healthier employees makes companies more productive.Unfortunately, many managers do not know the consequences of their actions in the well -being of their employees and the associated organizational consequences.

There is evidence that the multiple and varied experiences of employees in the workplace have an impact on their occupational health.Many of these experiences depend on how and who supervises them.

Work well -being

A priori, one might think that differences in business leadership exercised by men and women would affect the health and well -being of workers, but in reality it is not so.

From the psychological point of view, work serves many dimensions of health and mental well -being.Increase self -esteem, trust, autonomy, competition, independence, achievement orientation, quality of life, satisfaction and self -realization, which reinforces the meaning of the individual's own integrity.

Having the appreciation and support of the superior is especially beneficial to the health of employees.Negative leadership behaviors, such as abuse, can cause a lasting impairment of employee health.

Men and women do not lead, generally, differently, but there are some non -significant nuances or trends, derived from the different gender roles that have been historically exercised.Now we should ask ourselves if these differences are beneficial for the results of companies and to improve the work environment and the consequent health of workers.

How men and women lead

Regarding the perception of female leadership and the way you have to reach it, the men who have participated in this study (made with 549 employees of 16 companies in the Basque Country, 50.5% men and 49.5% women),They consider that, in general, women do not have it more difficult to become leaders or to exercise as such.

On the contrary, participating women believe they have to face a series of conditions that make it difficult for them to be leaders in companies.They have more family responsibilities.They believe they must do more than men to prove their worth.They feel less support from leading men.In addition, many men are not prepared to have a directive woman since until recently it has been somewhat less frequent.All this encourages that not all women have interest in being directives, although the vast majority of respondents are "totally disagree" that women are not hard enough to be.

What leaders perceive their leadership

No importa si es hombre o mujer: si es un buen líder es un buen jefe

In broad strokes we can say that, today, women have a good concept of them when they exercise management functions.Meanwhile, men consider that, regarding women, there are no major differences when exercising leadership.

In this sense, employees tend to think that women communicate better with their subordinates, more respectfully.And also that they are more able to convince them, defending their beliefs, how to work at work.

Women also have more ease to value things that do their workers well and to provide support.Something fundamental for employees to feel comfortable and recognized, and that affects their health positively.As a pending subject, it remains that women, even if they are good negotiators, improve their predisposition to assume risks to, perhaps, improve business results.

Manager women have a better disposition than men to express in a simple and simple way what workers could and should do.They are more willing to offer help to find new approaches that create a more friendly environment.However, the help offered by men is more linked to the professional development of their employees.This may be because they have a greater network of contacts, years of experience or knowledge of the sector.

Management men feel more satisfied than them when employees fulfill their tasks and are less likely to change the way of doing things.Instead, women seek to change work forms, contributing new ideas, different from those established historically.

This fact can change the work environment in companies, because good communication and treatment to which women seem to be arranged can help improve the health and well -being of employees.

By changing the leadership style, the work environments with a prolonged bad work climate have the opportunity to leave the vicious circle in which they meet.In this sense, female leadership can constitute a valuable opportunity for improvement for companies.

Communication and trust

There is a slight tendency to believe in the directives that workers trust them less than in men.However, this lack of self -confidence seems to be decreasing.

For their part, management men believe that they know how to better encourage their employees, who provide new ways of facing challenges and that they reward their achievements.

In the day to day, the women's directives are the ones that most report their workers on how they believe they are doing it.They do so because they are very in favor of dialogue as a mechanism generating knowledge, tranquility and deep changes, which would have a positive impact on the well -being of employees.

Directives and managers demand that others only what they believe is strictly necessary, with the intention of creating more relaxed and relaxed environments.

Communication is the tool that women know best directives and that can fail more in men.Using the right words, in a relaxed tone, of dialogue, that explains, motivates and serves to produce changes in the work environment, the greatest successes for the company and the health and well -being of the workers can be achieved.

In conclusion, there are nuances, but we cannot talk about differences in leadership style.We can talk about good or bad leaders, regardless of gender.And, therefore, the well -being of employees does not depend at all that their superior is a man or a woman.

Antonia Moreno Cano, Research and Communication Advisor, University of Deusto;Fernando Díez Ruiz, Professor Doctor Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Deusto and Luana Ferreira-Lopes, Dr. in Education, University of Deusto

This article was originally published in The Conversation.Read the original.

It doesn't matter if he is a man or woman: if he is a good leader he is a good boss
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