January - Semmexico ephemeris

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two.603 viewsWhat we have to remember from the month of January1st.January

1789, during the French Revolution, women announce the request of women in the third state, where they raise their desire to participate in political life.

1803 was born, in Madrid, Isidora Zegers (+1869), outstanding personality within the Chilean musical history of the first half of the nineteenth century.Formed musically in Paris, it was considered a virtuous piano and the guitar, in addition to having a magnificent voice of light soprano. Instalada en Chile en 18twotwo, desarrolló una activa vida musical como propulsora de laFilarmónica de Santiago en 18two6.She was appointed honorary director of the Superior Academy of Music by President Manuel Bulnes.Promoted the opeistic activity and the first musical publication made in Chile, the music weekly, where he wrote various articles. Compuso obras para piano y canto, destacando sus 1two Contradanzas.

1901, women from Cuicatlán, Oaxaca, publish a proclamation in which they demand to shake the clerical guardianship and said they felt "driven to take participation and make public freedoms effective".

1909 Virginia Apgar (+1974) is born, a doctor who devised a test that bears his name and that today continues to apply in the protocols of births worldwide.The Apgar test has saved millions of lives and prevented diseases since its first application in the mid -twentieth century.

1914, was born in Havana, Cuba, Manuela Garín Pinillos, who arrived in Mexico in 1937 where he was nationalized.It is considered the precursor of Mexican scientists.He founded the Mathematics career at the Faculty of Sciences of the UNAM and at the Women.UNAM appointed her Professor Emerita in 1990.

19two4 nace Shirley Chisholm (+two005), primera legisladora negra en EEUU, fallece a los 80 años.Minority rights activist, he arrived at the United States House of Representatives in 1969.It was also a tenacious defender of women's rights.He served as legislator for the Bedford-Stuyvesant area of Brooklyn, New York.Retired in 1983.

1940NAC.He has published his illustrations in various magazines, and since 1973 he delivered most of his work to Nouvel Observateur magazine.One of his best known creations is mothers, who illustrates the experiences of women and men about motherhood.

1950, Belén Márquez became the first municipal president of the city of Zacatecas, Zacatecas, a position in which he was for six months.

1956, was born in San Luis Potosí, Yolanda Eugenia González Hernández, first senator for that entity in the LVIII and Lix legislatures.She was a local deputy twice (1984 and 1993) and federal deputy in the LVI Legislature (1994-1997)

1980, in San Pedro de los Pinos, the Women's Center for Women's Liberation Movement, feminist struggle and support center for raped women opens its doors..Closed in 1985.


1850, Carolina Emilia and Concepción Romero participate in the second exhibition of the Academy of Fine Arts of San Carlos with pencil drawings.According to Raquel Tibol, the rosemary are the first lithographers of the time.

19two4, Consuelo Vadillo Gutiérrez de Castellot ingresó, con 17 años, a la Escuela de Medicina, donde presentó su examen profesional el 4 de febrero de 1930.She was the first woman to get the title of Doctor in Alopathic Medicine and Surgery.Develop much of your professional career in universities in the United States.He was born in Mérida, Yucatán, in 1907.

1955, psychologist Laura Martínez Rodríguez was born in Mexico.In 1983 he began his work in the attention, prevention and struggle of violence against women.President of the First Civil Association that attended to violated women in Mexico, the Support Center for Violated Women (CAMVAC).In 1990 he founded the Association for the Integral Development of Violated Women (GUVAC), of which she was director.

1981 muere en Barcelona Cora Ratto de Sadosky (nació en 191two), científica y luchadora social argentina.During his student years he becomes leader of the Union of Students of Argentina, he especially helps women who studied with her.He opposed the Nazi and fascist currents who emerged in the 1930s.During World War II, he creates the strength of victory, female antinazi organization that was dedicated to denouncing the abuses suffered by the victims of Nazism.Later he established the Albert Einstein Foundation, to finance the higher studies of talent students in the area of exact sciences.In 1965 he founded the newspaper Column 10, where he criticizes the Vietnam War, the effects of suicidal deforestation and atrocities committed against human rights.During the Argentine military dictatorship he is dedicated to helping the victims of repression, denouncing the abuses and injustices of the military regime.Due to this work, Cora and her husband, Manuel Sadosky, exile in Caracas and then in Barcelona, where Cora dies without being able to fulfill her dream of returning to Argentina.

two003 muere en Tucson, Arizona, Monique Wittig (nació en 1937), escritora y teórica feminista francesa.In 1964 he received the Medicis Prize for his Opoponax book.His most famous works are: Les Guerrillères (1969), the lesbian body (1973) and the thought Straight (1980).His literary and theoretical production strongly influenced French and international feminism.


1887 In Chile, Eloísa Insunza becomes the first -wing when receiving the title of medical surgeon from President José Manuel Balmaceda.Due to the social prejudices prevailing in its time.Eloísa attended classes accompanied by her mother.He specialized in gynecology.In 1886 she received her degree in Medicine and Pharmacy.

1897 Dorothy Arzner was born, (1897-1979) the only film director at the Hollywood of the 30s.

1967, Genoveva Cardenares Ladrón de Guevara was born in Mexico City.Doctor of Marine Sciences stands out for the development of new technologies in the use of fishing in Mexico.Biological Oceanography Specialist.Founded the laboratory of dynamics of fishing populations.Work on the Puerto Ángel campus, Oaxaca, from the University of the Sea.

197two muereElisabeth Schiemann (nació en1881), genetista y botánica que se opuso al nazismo

1978, la abogada Carmen Lugo demuestra la legítima defensa de Cecilia González Balderas, acusada del homicidio de su violador, quien es liberada tras 1two meses de encarcelamiento.In 1975 he created the archive of the International Women's Year.She is a founder, in 1984, of the Mexican Academy of Human Rights and co -founder of FEM magazine.He is the first Mexican consulting firm in the United Nations.


19two4, nace en la ciudad de México, Cristina Stoupignan de Payán, promotora cultural, etnohistoriadora y pedagoga; fue subdirectora del Museo Nacional de Arte y fundó el primer Museo Comunitario de Culhuacán.He died on July 4, 1997.

1956, in the city of Puebla, Yolanda López Vidal, a doctor in Medical Sciences from the University of Gothenburg, Stockholm, Sweden, was born, has a wide career in the area of infectious diseases.Directs the Microbial Molecular Immunology Laboratory and coordinates the Biomedical Sciences and Biology Programs of the UNAM Faculty of Medicine.Advisor to the World Health Organization in Vaccination.It highlights your research on the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in cerebrospinal fluid in pediatric population with meningitis, by immunoenzymatic test.

1981, the association of housewives of the State of Mexico was born.Older history of urban security demand and other public services.His first president was Martha Alvarado.

1953 María de la Cruz (191two-1995) es elegida por amplia mayoría senadora por Santiago.De la Cruz was one of the most controversial female figures in Chilean politics of the twentieth century.Recognized as a cream leader with huge popular drag among women, María de la Cruz founded, in 1946, the Chilean women's party, which aspired to not only had political rights but also chosen to Parliament.This organization received the influence of Argentine justicialism, especially Eva Perón. En sus mejores días el Partido Femenino Chileno llegó a tener cerca de two7 mil integrantes.Charismatic and great speaker, his presence aroused admiration and simultaneously rejection.During the year as a senator, she was accused of an alleged marketing and smuggling of watches, being unfortunate.Never returned to politics.


141two Nace en Domrémy, Francia Juana de Arco, heroína francesa (muere en 1431).Called the Orléans maiden, he put himself in charge of the Army of France to fight the English.When falling into the enemies, he was burned alive. Fue beatificada en 1909 y canonizada en 19two0.At thirteen, he confessed to having seen San Miguel, Santa Catalina and Santa Margarita and declared that her voices exhort her to lead a devout and pious life.Later, he felt called by God to a mission: direct the French army, crown as king to the Dolphin in Reims and expel the English from the country. En 14two8 decidió viajar hasta Vaucouleurs, donde se encontraba el ejército del príncipe Carlos, para unirse a sus tropas, pero su petición fue rechazada.Dolphin's situation worsened dramatically when the English besieged Orleans, which forced him to take refuge in the city of Chinon.So far Juana accompanied by 6 men with weapons assigned by Roberto de Baudricourt with the intention of helping her to carry out her mission. Tras recibir su aprobación fue armada caballero, poniéndose al mando de un ejército de cinco mil hombres en 14two9, con el que consiguió derrotar al ejército inglés, liberando a Orleans del asedio al que había estado sometida.Durante el asedio a París, Juana fue capturada por el duque de Borgoña el two4 de mayo de 1430 para después ser vendida a los ingleses.She was judged and accused of witchcraft and heresy and then declared guilty of said charges and finally condemned to die at the stake.

190two nace en Viveiro Maruja Mallo (muere en1995), pintora surrealista autora de Sorpresa de trigo.

194two, fallece en la Ciudad de México la fotógrafa italiana Tina Modotti. Vivió en México entre 19two3 y 1930, año en el que fue expulsada por el gobierno mexicano, años en los que realizó la mayor parte de su obra y se convirtió en una activista revolucionaria. Incluso formó parte del Partido Comunista Mexicano (19two7).Participated in the International Red Relief.During the Spanish Civil War he enlisted in the fifth regiment.He returned to Mexico under the name of "María", Lázaro Cárdenas annulled his expulsion.He died inside a taxi of a heart attack.

1957, was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, María Esther de Jesús Sherman Leaño.He entered the PRI in the twenties.Jalisco's first senator at the LV Legislature (1989-1991). Diputada federal en 1985 y two006.Holder of the Senior Office of the Ministry of Energy (1994). Delegada en Miguel Hidalgo (DF/1994-1997) y directora general de la Lotería Nacional para la Asistencia Pública (two013-two0fifteen).

two007, Sara Topelson es designada Subsecretaria de Desarrollo Urbano y Ordenamiento del Territorio de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social; el 1 de septiembre de 1996, fue nombrada presidenta de la unión Internacional de Arquitectas, con sede en Lausana, Suiza, primera mujer en ocupar el cargo que concluyó en 1999.


1887 In Chile, Ernestina Pérez Barahona (1868-1954) becomes the second woman to graduate from a surgeon.His degree memory was about popular hygiene.A year later Ernestina was able.

19two7, María de los Dolores Rivero Fuentes, al presentar su examen profesional en la Escuela de Medicina del Estado de Michoacán, se convirtió en la primera médica en esa entidad.He was born in Mexico City in 1897.He obtained important results in his investigations on malaria.

1945 Carmen LaForet, receives the Nadal award for his novel "Nothing".In the aggregate scenario of the Spanish postwar.But it was in that unavailable context that a twenty -three -year -old girl surprised everyone with her first novel, which would go down in the history of Spanish and universal literature.After a long time he received admiration from his readers.The economic difficulties, the envies and quarrels of the literary circles, as well as a political-social environment in which he felt strange, were causes that lealed to a voluntary retreat.

1948 Born in Jaén María Castellano Arroyo, First Professor of Spanish Medicine and Second Mujer of the Royal National Academy of Medicine.

1954, the sexologist Aldana García was born in Mexico City.He has participated in Mexican lesbian groups and stood out for his work in favor of women's sexual health.He directed Lamexicana de Sexology.In the seventies he was part of organizations such as the Liberation Movement of Women and the Homosexual Liberation Group Lambda.Collaborator of the newspaper La Revuelta, Dissemination Organ of the MLM.

1994 The blue novel, from the Spanish writer Rosa Regás (was born in 1934), wins the Nadal novel award.After exercising as a translator in the Spanish publishing house Seix Barral, Ruás collaborated with Argentina Edhasa and in 1970 he created a small Editorial Gaya Science, from which he launched the magazine Architecture Bis, the Moby Dicky Children's Collection, especially a chosen selection of narrative.In 1984 he left the editorial activity and moved to live in Geneva, Switzerland, as an independent translator of the United Nations.In 1988 he published a book about Geneva and in 1991 his first novel, Almator's Memory.

two004 Fallece, en San Salvador, Rosa Mena Valenzuela (nació en 19two5), figura importante en la plástica salvadoreña del siglo XX.Rosa Mena overturned to impressionism, using the most unsuspected materials, such as lip paint, coal and pencil combined with oil, acrylic or watercolor.

two006, muere la Comandanta Ramona.Tsolsil born in 1959.Who on January 1, 1994 was present and took part in the taking of San Cristóbal by the Zapatista National Liberation Army.Together with Lieutenant Ana María, and after a consultation between Zapatista women, the Revolutionary Law of Women announced.He participated in the Conference for Peace and Reconciliation in February 1994 in San Cristóbal de las Casas.


187two, apareció el periódico literario El Federalista, donde coincidieron las redactoras Carmen Cortés, Pilar Moreno, Isabel Prieto de Landázuri, Gertrudis Tenorio Zavala y Rita Cetina Gutiérrez.

1940, was born in Mexico City, economist Lourdes Uranga.Guerrilla that in the 1980s joined as a teacher at the National School of Agriculture.He began his vocation as a feminist as a social worker of the National Institute for Child Protection.In his book I appear and accuse, he reconstructs the psychological violence to which he was subjected by the men of his family.

1943 Sadako Sasaki was born (dies in 1955), one of the first victims of atomic bombs.Sadako grew as a strong, athletic girl with a lot of energy.A day nine years later, while running, he began to feel bad and fell to the ground.Subsequently it was diagnosed with leukemia, known as "pump A disease".Suamiga, Chizuko Hamamoto, reminded him of an old tradition about someone who made a thousand cranes in the form of paper figures (Origami) and thanks to this the gods granted him a desire.Sadako thought it would not be fair to ask for healing only for her, and asked that the effort he was going to do serves to bring peace and healing to all the victims of the world.With the paper of the medicinal boats and others that I found it came to complete 644 paper cranes. El avance de la enfermedad impidió que acabase de realizar la tarea, muriendo el two5 de octubre de 1955 (a los 1two años de edad) tras 14 meses de ingreso en el hospital.His schoolmates, after his death, came to complete the thousand cranes.

1953, was born in Mexico City, María de los Ángeles Paz Sandoval, doctor in Chemistry.Outstanding for its contributions in organometallic chemistry studies.He received the José Gómez Ibáñez award, from the University of Wesleyan, Connecticut, United States.

1955, María Teodora Elba Arrieta Pérez, the first municipal president of Chicoloapan, State of Mexico (1985-1987) was born. Diputada local (1987-1990) y diputada federal (two000-two003). Presidenta de la Liga Femenil Margarita Maza de Juárez (1981), secretaria general de la Liga Municipal de la CNOP (198two), contadora pública de profesión que gestionó la introducción de la distribuidora de leche Liconsa en su municipio.

two004 en Estocolmo muere Ingrid Thulin (19two6), destacada actriz sueca quien, durante años, fue una de las actrices favoritas del director sueco Ingmar Bergman, con quien desarrolló su estilo personal en actuaciones de gran intensidad como El silencio (1963) o Gritos y susurros (197two).It was considered as the third Swedish actress of international fame after Greta Garbo and Ingrid Bergman.


1638 ELISABETTA SIRANI (+1665), an important painter from the Italy of Baroque.

1658 María de Salas I Suraleda was born.Promoted Baroque artistic renewal in Mallorca.

1790, in Mérida, Yucatán, María de la Encarnación de Cárdenas Escobedo, poet, grammar student was born, in addition to Abbess and Nun, before she died on February 3, 1831, all her notes and writings were burned.

1867 Emily Greene Balch, an American academic, writer, trade unionist and pacifist, who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946 in 1946.It was one of the first graduates of Bryn Mawr College, in 1889.He continued studying sociology and economics in Europe and the United States, and in 1896 he entered the faculty of Wellesley College, and in 1913 he became a professor of Economics and Sociology.During the First World War it helped to found the International Women's League for Peace and Freedom and campaigned against the entrance of the United States in the armed conflict.Due to its pacifist activities, Wellesley College ended with its contract, and became an editor of "The Nation", a well -known liberal news magazine.In 1946 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, for his pacifist and integrative works as Honorary International President of the International Women's League for Peace and Freedom.

1896 In Argentina, the woman's voice appears "anarchic communist newspaper".Without known editor, she proclaimed to be "the only newspaper in America and perhaps the entire world that propagates our ideals of women and especially for them".

1949 At the Municipal Theater of Santiago de Chile, the promulgation ceremony of the law granting the vote to women is held.President Gabriel González Videla is present at the event.

195two fallece Antonia Maury (1866-195two).He dedicated all his professional life to observe, analyze and catalog the nature of the stars, a work that obtained the recognition of a good part of the scientific community.

1991, the Activities begins the Support Center for Women "Margarita Magón" in which guidance, both legal and psychological, was given to women in the process of divorce.It became the first law firm dedicated to these purposes, contributing in court to ensure the payment of food pensions in the case of divorce and in general to protect women's rights.

1996 The Spanish writer Carmen Conde (1907-1996) is.She was the first woman who entered the Royal Academy of Language, sitting a precedent in the history of Spanish letters.When he was chosen academic in 1978, he said that "Machismo evident in the Castilian language is sad consequence of the history that Spanish women drag".But times have changed and the academy itself has noticed.They are no longer the days when Concepción Arenal said that "the woman could only be a pond, queen or whore". Carmen Conde obtuvo el Premio Ateneo de Sevilla por su obra Yo Soy la Madre y en 1966, ganó el Premio Nacional de Literatura con su libro Obra Poética, una recopilación de poemas escritos entre los años 19two9 y 1966.He corresponded to the poets Rubén Darío and Miguel Hernández.

Efemérides de January - SemMéxico

two00two Mirna Cunnigham (1947), médica miskita y dirigenta indígena de la Costa del Caribe,en Nicaragua es designada “Heroína de la Salud Pública de las Américas” por la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), en el marco de la conmemoración del centenario de esta organización internacional.


1773 Cassandra Austen (1773-1817), Jane Austen's older sister, stood out for her artistic talent.

1848 German astronomer Caroline Herschel (1750-1848) dies.

1875 nace la escultora estadounidense Gertrude Vanderbilt (1875-194two).

1908, was born in Paris, France, Simone de Beauvoir, author of the most emblematic book of contemporary feminism the second sex (1949).Philosopher, writer and teacher.Also author of memories of a formal young woman, mandarins and a very sweet death, among others.She was an outstanding fighter in favor of abortion in her country and one of the signatories of the 343 manifesto.He founded with some feminists the Women's Rights League, which set out to firmly react to any sexist discrimination, and prepared a special number of modern times aimed at the discussion of the subject.He won the Goncourt Award with Los Mandarines (1954), where he treated the difficulties of postwar intellectuals to assume his social responsibility. En 1966 participó en el Tribunal Russell, en mayo de 1968 se solidarizó con los estudiantes liderados por Daniel Cohn-Bendit, en 197two presidió la asociación Choisir, encargada de defender la libre contracepción, y hasta sus últimos días fue una incansable luchadora por los derechos humanos.

19two3 muere la escritoraKatherine Mansfieldpseudónimo que usó Kathleen Beauchamp (Wellington, Nueva Zelanda, 14 de octubre de 1888 – Fontainebleau, Francia, 9 de enero de 19two3), una destacada escritora modernista.Kathleen was raised by his grandmother.His mother wanted to have a child and at birth girl caused him to constantly indicating that it was an "accident", showing interest in her.He published his first story in the school magazine. En 190two, se enamoró de su profesor de violonchelo, pero no fue correspondida.He became a lesbian.Study in London Queen’s College de Oxford.In addition to going to cello classes, he wrote for school magazine.From 1908 and during the rest of his life, his father sent him an annual pension of 100 pounds sterling.At the beginning of 1916 he entered his most productive time, published. En 19two0 publicó su tercer libro con historias Por Favor, que fue un gran éxito. En 19two1, se trasladó a Suiza, donde escribió El viaje.A year later he published his fourth stories book, the party in the garden. Viajó a París, donde se alojaba en un balneario cerca de Fontainebleau, murió de tuberculosis el 9 de enero de 19two3. Posmorten se publicó El canto del cisne, Algo infantil, Diario de Katherine Mansfield (19two7) y Cartas de Katherine Mansfield (19two8).

1946, was born in Mexico City, Lidia Dorantes Álvarez, Biochemistry Engineer, Teacher in Food Sciences and Doctor Ende Food.It has three patents with recognition of the National Polytechnic Institute.First place of the premiode the food in 1979.Institutional Coordinator of the Latin America Network Academic Training.CONACYT consultancy and reviewer of Food Science and Technology International magazine.

1991, the National Front of Fight for Voluntary Maternity and the decriminalization of abortion, composed of 55 organizations.He supported the reform that extended the exceptions of law by abortion in Chiapas in 1991, braking by the Catholic Church after various mobilizations throughout the country against abortion.

1957, the writer Gabriela Mistral dies in Chile.Chilean poet, diplomat and pedagogue.Precursor of Public Education, even in Mexico.Among his works are desolation, logging and lagar.For his poetic work, he received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1945.


1480 Margarita de Austria (1480-fifteen30), regent of the Netherlands during the empire of his nephew Carlos V.

1706 Fallece la escultora Luisa Roldán (165two-1706), conocida como La Roldana, fue realmente una artista excepcional.Contributed to the highest quality religious imagery from his father's workshop until he reached the Spanish Court.Luisa Roldán came to occupy the camera sculptor of Carlos II and Felipe V, a really extraordinary title for a woman.

1897 Joaquina Eguaras, first woman professor at the University of Granada.

1918, in Mexico City Santa opens, first mute film version of the homonymous novel by writer Federico Gamboa.The camera operator feared incurring sin during filming.Santa tells the life of a prostitute.

1981, the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) approved by the United Nations Organization, is considered the legal framework for women's rights worldwide..

198two, los medios confirmaron que la escritora, periodista y activista Alaíde Foppa (1914) fue asesinada por el gobierno del dictador guatemalteco Romeo Lucas García.Foppa had disappeared in December 1980 in that country.

two007 Falllece Jane Bolin,la primera jueza negra de Estados Unidos y la primera en licenciarse en Derecho en Yale. Hija de un abogado de Nueva York, Bolin logró el título de esa profesión en 193two para convertirse siete años después en jueza de un Tribunal de Relaciones Domésticas.From that stand he fought for 40 years for the defense of the family and against the racial discrimination he suffered when he was the only black student of the Wellesley school and after the University of Yale.It also helped create in these functions a multi -regular center for rehabilitation of youth criminals.He never gave too much importance to the fact that he managed to overcome these problems until he became the first Afro-American magistrate in the United States.


1870 In Mexico, Matilde Montoya (1857 - 1938) is the first woman to enter the study of Medical Sciences, antecedent of the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.Matilde Montoya graduated from a surgeon in 1887, the same year as the Chilean Eloísa Díaz Insunza and Ernestina Pérez Barahona, and the Brazilian Rita Lobato Velho López.

188two, nació María de la O Barriga, originaria de Tecpan, Guerrero.Agrarian fighter and defender of women, published the newspapers El Pueblo and the truth.

1957, was born in Mexico City, Adriana Ortiz-Ortega, academic at UNAM.He carried out an integral analysis of the process of decriminalization of abortion in Mexico, from which he wrote the book reasons and passions around abortion (1994). Rectora de la Universidad Politécnica de Guerrero (two008-two009) y coordinadora del programa interdisciplinario de Estudios de la Mujer en El Colegio de México (two004-two007).

1980, dies in Havana, Cuba, Celia Sánchez Manduley.He joined the rebel army that overthrew the Machado government and one of the closest collaborators of Fidel Castro.Promoter of the creation of the female squad known as "Las Marianas" in honor of "Mariana Grajales" in 1957. En 196two fue nombrada Secretaria de la Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros de Cuba.

19two3 Esther Neira de Calvo (1890-1978), destacada educadora y defensora de los derechos de las mujeres en Panamá, funda laNacional para el Progreso de la Mujer luego de una conferencia que ofreció en el Instituto Nacional sobre “El feminismo triunfante”. Fue designada por el Presidente Porras para participar como delegada oficial al Congreso Feminista de Baltimore en 19twotwo. También asistió representando a Panamá, a la Segunda Conferencia Panamericana de Mujeres que organizó la Liga Nacional de Mujeres Votantes en 19two5, en Estados Unidos.In 1945 he participated as a candidate for deputy to the Constituent Assembly that prepared a new Constitution.Esther Neira was chosen.These were the first elections where women exercised the right to vote.The Women's Patriotic League Organizations and the National Women's Union conducted an intense campaign to support female candidacies.

19two9 nace en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua,Socorro Membrila de Mora luchadora social.He actively participated as a manager of several popular colonies for the regularization of land tenure.It was recognized for leading the litigation that lasted years for the possession of the La Carbonifera, Coahuila properties. Murió el 5 junio de two014.

1969 Richmal Crompton Lamburn dies.She was an English writer, specializing in children's books and horror stories.As a woman he felt the concerns of his time and in his youth he was part of the suffragist movement.Richmal Crompton squeezes for a long series of books that have Guillermo Brown as a central character, a child who lives in a small town in the English countryside.In no country reached the Guillermo series as much success and in the Spain of the fifties, through the popular collection of Molino Editorial, illustrated with wonderful engravings of Thomas Henry.However, he also wrote no less than forty -one novels for adults and nine books of non -youth stories.He never married or had children, although it was apparently an excellent aunt for his nephews.He died in 1969 at his home in Farnborough, Kent.

1980 Fallece Celia Sánchez Manduley (19two0-1980), figura mítica de la revolución cubana.It was one of the first women to head the opposition movement against the Machado dictatorship. Participó en la fundación del Movimiento two6 de Julio, que derrocó a la dictadura y llevó al poder a Fidel Castro.Created a support base to facilitate the landing of Granma.Prepared the combatant nuclei.Subsequently, in March 1957, he joined the Rebel Army.Then it will be one of the drivers of the creation of the Mariana Grajales female squad.After the triumph of the Revolution, he integrated the central committee of the Communist Party and served as a deputy in the National Assembly of Popular Power.

1995 "The women of Lomas" are born.Because of the December error more than four hundred outraged women of upper middle class, they went out for the first time to demonstrate in the streets. Los granaderos les impidieron llegar a los Pinos; el 1two de enero enviaron la carta a la presidencia enla que expresaron su indignación por lo que pasaba yreclamaron al presidente sus promesas de campaña.The demands were; information; true democracy;Government separation with the Institutional Revolutionary Party;Resolution by the Pacific Way of Having in Chiapas.His public meetings were every week at Rosario Castellanos Park.On February 14, 1995, they were constituted as the Association of Women for the Defense of Civil Rights to.C.AMDEC.


1673 The painter Rococó Rosalba Carrie (1675-1757) was born.

1973nace en Oriente Aguanaval, Durango Evangelina Chávez Rodríguez, la primera presidenta del Comisariado Ejidal en el Ejido Maravillas, municipio de Matamoros, Coahuila, con una población de mil two00 habitantes, del eleven de nov de two014 al 19 de agosto del two016 fue nombrada para suplir al anterior comisariado ejidal, a quien destituyen porque “no trabajó adecuadamente”.Among the works he managed are the expansion and remodeling of the sports court, the ejido room, the street nomenclature.

1976 Agatha Christie, English writer of suspense novels dies.Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, Lady Mallowan, Dbe was an English writer known for her sixty -six detective novels and fourteen stories collections, in the literary genre of mystery of murder, she was a pioneer of the police novel;She belonged to the Detective's goldenness.

1954, was born in Mexico City, María Graciela Freyermuth Enciso, Medical and Promoter of Sexual and Reproductive Rights. Radica en Chiapas desde el año two000.It is part of the San Cristóbal Women's Group and is coordinator of the National Maternal Mortality Observatory.

two000 En Palermo, Italia, se firma por las Naciones Unidas, el Protocolo contra la trata de personas.


The Law of the National Women's Institute, decentralized body with management autonomy, rector of the federal government gender policy is decreed.


1916, the First Feminist Congress was held in the city of Mérida, Yucatán, who demanded the citizen vote of women and was erected as the first organization for women's rights.

1966 María de la Pau Janer, a Spanish writer mainly in Catalan and Castilian languages.She is a doctor in Philology and Professor of the University of Les Illes Balears.It presents cultural and television programs and is a habitual collaborator in the press.Collaborates in various newspapers such as Diario de Mallorca, Avui or El Periódico.She was elected deputy of the Balearic Autonomic Parliament, renouncing the seat one day before taking possession.Her most recent works have consolidated her as one of the most read and appreciated writers. Las mujeres que hay en mí (Finalista Premio Planeta two00two) superó los fifteen0 mil ejemplares vendidos y se ha publicado en cinco idiomas.Previously he published the novels Els Ulls d'Hir, L'Ono dels Eclipsis (Andròmina 1989), Màrmara (Sant Joan's Prize 1993), Natura d'Alguila (Carlemany 1995 Award and Prudenci Bertrana Award for popular voting for best1995 book), East, West. Dos historias de amor (Finalista del Premio Sant Jordi 1997), Lola (Premio Ramon Llull 1999) y Eres mi vida, eres mi muerte (two001).

two00two, muere María Guadalupe Dueñas reconocida cuentista y ensayista.Among his works is: a tree has the night, before silence, imaginations and I will not die at all.

two003, murió Silvia de Neymet Urbina, primera mujer en México en obtener un doctorado en Matemáticas en 1961, con especialidad en Topología.It is also one of the first women hired as full -time professors at the Faculty of Sciences of the UNAM.He was born in Mexico City in 1939.

two016, concluyeron en Mérida, Yucatán, las celebraciones del Primer Centenario del Primer Congreso Feminista realizado en 1916.He gathered women from the Federal Government, businesswomen, civil society leaders, academics and powers of the Union.


1833 was born, in Puerto Príncipe, Ana Mora (1833-1901).It was one of the first Cuban journalists and also the first test corrector in the newspaper El Mambi. Estuvo comprometida con la causa de emancipación de su país, motivo por el cual tuvo que emigrar a Estados Unidos, viviendo posteriormente en Jamaica, donde dirigió una escuela para niños en 188two, además de elaborar artículos sobre la situación cubana para periódicos de Nueva York.

1875 In Chile, Eloísa Zurita Arriagada (1875-1941) Cecco Lade Obreras.Mutual instruction and relief No. 1, First Women's Workers Organization of Antofagasta.It was one of the most outstanding women of labor activism in Chile.

1903 In the Hacienda de Santa María, next to Knchil in Yucatán Felipa Poot.Recognized as “a committed community activist of the Yucatan of the early twentieth century.Emerged as one of the few women leaders of a reformist movement in Kinchil, Yucatán. A través de su liderazgo, Felipa Poot se afirmó como precursora presagiando el activismo de las mujeres yucatecas en la década de los noventas” fue asesinada el two8 de marzo de 1936 a la edad de 33 años.Participated in the Agrarian Reform.His actions are registered since 1930 in historical documents of the then Secretariat of the Revolutionary Union of Peasants and Peasants of Kinchil, being one of the three women belonging to the board of directors of this organization.

1918 Nace Laviña, militated in exile in international anti -fascist solidarity.

19two5 En Puerto Rico surge la “Asociación Feminista Educativa”.

1957 Nace in San Juan Lalana in the Sierra de Choapan, Oaxaca, Macrina Ocampo Hernández, who in 1981 was integrated into the fight for the communal land in dispute with caciques of the region that stripped the community members whom they killed or imprisoned frequently.The land - according to the Agrarian Unitary Court, belonged to San Juan Lalana since 1630.

1981, in Oaxtepec, Morelos, the National Revolutionary Women.For four days the responsibilities of the public sector were analyzed to improve women's conditions

1988, dies in the city of Aguascalientes, Carmen Toscano Escobedo, director, documentary, editor, film and theater screenwriter.In 1941 he founded the Literary Magazine La Rueca, collaborated in America and Magazine of the University of Mexico. En 19two9 participó en el movimiento universitario por la autonomía.In 1960 his Mexican memories was exhibited as part of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the Mexican Revolution.He was born on October 19, 1910.

1994 Federica Montseny Mañé, a Spanish anarchist politicalist and trade unionist.She was a minister during the II Spanish Republic, being the first woman to occupy a ministerial position in Western Europe.

two000, muere Meche Barba, actriz y bailarina de la época de oro del cine mexicano, de enfisema pulmonar.Debuted in the cinema in 1944 on the Sota, horse and king tape.Other of the films in which he participated are: smoke in the eyes (1946), Venus de Fuego (1949), Love of the street (1950), if it were anyone (1950), love sold (1951) and ambitious (1953 ), among other.

two004Dominga Vásquez, líder indígena, es electa alcaldesa de Sololá, Guatemala.During his management he had a central role as a mediator in the different conflicts of the indigenous population.

two005, Muere la primera actriz Ofelia Guilmáin. Exiliada en México tras la Guerra Civil Española obtuvo la nacionalidad mexicana en 195two.He was theater actress where he participated in fifty representations, in more than thirty tapes and forty soap operas.

two013, fue designada secretaria de Desarrollo Social, Rosario Robles Berlanga, nacida el 16 de febrero de 1956. Primera jefa de gobierno en el Distrito Federal (hoy Ciudad de México) designada por la Asamblea Legislativa el two9 de septiembre de 1999.She was president of the PRD and federal deputy.He collaborated to emerge the first Women's Commission. El 13 de agosto de two019 fue puesta en prisión preventiva justificada y trasladada al penal de Santa Martha Acatitla por el presunto delito de ejercicio indebido de la función pública cuando fue titular de la Sedesol.


1888 was born in San José, Costa Rica, Carmen Lyra (1888-1949), one of the most outstanding figures of political activism in that country during the twentieth century.Carmen Lyra, whose real name was María Isabel Carvajal, was a writer and an exceptional gift educator.It was sent by the government of the time to conduct studies in Europe.Entered the sorbonne. Fundó y dirigió desde 19two6 la Escuela Maternal Montessoriana.Opposition to the dictatorial government of the Tinoco, participated in 1918 in various protest days.In 1931 he joined the Communist Party.Together with Luisa González, he created the Single Union of Costa Rican Women.His public performance earned him being expelled from the country in 1948, year prior to his death.

1898, photographer Natalia Baquedano, pioneer of photography in Mexico, opens her national photography study.He gained popularity with his flower portraits.He made a photographic record of his sister Clemencia throughout his life.

1919 Rosa Luxembourg, a German revolutionary of Polish origin, is murdered by the police.Journalist and writer, founded the Spartan Revolutionary Movement with Kart Liebknecht and Clara Zetkin.Rosa Luxembourg dedicated her life to the defense of the democratic participation of the people, opting for an international socialism.Founder of the movement that gave rise to March 8, International Women's Day in 1910.He was also the founder of the German Communist Party in 1918.It is considered one of the brightest brains of the generation of Marxist revolutionaries.

1945 The Cuban writer and Cuban poet María Borrero dies (1883-1945).His first poems were published in the magazine of Cayo Bone.At the end of the War of Independence, Dulce María returns with her family to Cuba.He was a number of the National Academy of Arts and Letters since its foundation in 1910 and co -director, with Miguel Ángel Carbonell, of Anales.In 1935 she was appointed Director of Culture of the Ministry of Education.Created the Bibliographic Association of Cuba in 1937.He had an important participation in activities in favor of women's rights.

1956, was born in Mexico City, María de los Ángeles Moreno Uriegas, deputy, assemblyman and twice senator.Promoted electoral legislation in favor of gender quota. En two014, como integrante del Grupo Mujeres en Plural, contribuyó a la redacción de la iniciativa sobre la Paridad Electoral y del acuerdo que dio paso a la resolución del Tribunal Federal Electoral que eliminó las llamadas Juanitas, con lo que se garantizó que las candidaturas de mujeres tengan como suplentes a mujeres y no a hombres. Falleció el two7 de abril de two019.

1970En Buenos Aires muere Azucena Maizani (190two-1970), una de las primeras mujeres que ingresó en el mundo del tango a comienzos del decenio de 19two0.He opened the way to other women who began as singers in an exclusively masculine environment.Maizani cultivated his own style and repertoire, in addition to venturing into the field of composition.She was dressed in male costumes, or with the classic gaucho attire, thus projecting an aggressive style for the time.Acted in several films during the 1930s.In 1938 he made a tour of the United States.She was a friend of Carlos Gardel, who recorded her tango song from Buenos Aires, composition that made her famous.

1975, Yuridia Mercado Flores, National Food Science Award for its fungi studies to improve its protein content was born.Doctor of Chemical-Biological Sciences of the National Polytechnic Institute granted by the Lázaro Cárdenas Presa.


193twonace Dian Fossey, zoóloga especializada en gorilas. En sus twotwo años de estudio con los gorilas, Fossey enfrentó y combatió la actividad de los cazadores furtivos que estaban llevando la especie de los gorilas de la montaña a la extinción.This fight created many enemies, and it is suspected that it was the reason for his murder in 1985.His death, to machetes, was attributed to the chief of the furtive hunters of gorillas against whom he fought.At first, the furtive ones were pointed out, but Wyne McGuire was later accused, a young doctorate who was under the advice of Fossey and who was accused of ‘professional jealousy’

1943, Frida Kahlo is invited to the exhibition show by 31 Women in the Gallery The Art of this Century, founded by the no less famous Peggy Guggenheim.In the same year he reconciles with Diego Rivera.

1987 María Dhialma Tibrti, Argentine writer dies.Active member of the Women's Council of the Inter -American Association of Writers.He wrote "Straight sky", "Tierra de Popalas" and "The Yellow Shadows", Forest Edition.As a writer, she received numerous honorary mentions and literary awards, including that of the writer's advice for the girl's story in the window, and another by the estimated novel Mr. Gray.His light and fragile poems force a serene and deep reading, in order to capture.His subject death, María Dhialma is the exception because he avoids naming her.She undertakes a spectacular career against the inevitable scourge.The last poem of this poet says: «My heart is falling ivy/ at the beginning of dawn.Implicit allusion to fatality ».


1940, was born in Toluca, State of Mexico, Yolanda Elisa Sentís Echeverría, Chemistry and National Leader of the National Revolutionary Women.Participated in the elaboration of the documents of the International Women's Conferences.She was a deputy, senator and first woman to occupy the mayor of Toluca.


1884, Elena Arismendi was born in Mexico City.Revolutionary.From New York promoted International Feminism magazine.He died in 1949.The only woman who despised José Vasconcelos and lived in the US, created the white cross and participated in the arrival of Madero to power.

19two3, mediante decreto de Rafael Nieto, gobernador de San Luis Potosí, se establece mediante decreto, el voto municipal y estatal de las mujeres que sepan leer y escribir, que no pertenezcan a una congregación religiosa ni hayan realizado estudios en una escuela confesional (requisitos no establecidos para los hombres).

1980, born in Cuernavaca, Morelos, the solidarity action group with domestic employees (CASED) pioneer in the defense of household workers' rights.The group was promoted, among others, by Mary Goldsmith, author of the first studies on domestic workers.The group is born inside the women's release movement, founded by Martha Lamas.

1985, nació Angélica Gabriela Mendoza Madrigal, Premio Nacional de Ciencias yde Alimentos two013, otorgado por Conacyt y la empresa Coca-cola.Science doctor stands out for their studies of micro and nanotechnologies applied techniques.He designed and built microbiosensores for the detection of microorganisms of importance in food.

1993 Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert, British writer, author of about two hundred historical novels dies, most of them with the pseudonym Jean Plaidy.Worldly known as Victoria Holt, he began writing at a very early age, although it would not be until 1949 when his first job would see the light.


187two, nace en la ciudad de Coatepec, Veracruz, la poeta, novelista, cuentista y traductora mexicana María Enriqueta Camarillo y Roa de Pereyra, entre sus poemas destacan: Rumores de mi huerto, Rincones románticos.He died in Mexico City in 1968.

1889 Sophie Taeuber-Arp, a painter and sculptor Switzerland is born.His image appears in the tickets of 50 Swiss francs since 1995.It was one of those pioneer women of feminism and willing to change everything.The truth is that Sophie Taeuber-Arp ventured into all forms of artistic expression with the audacity of those who live with their backs to the established molds.Linked to fundamental moments of the birth of the avant -garde, he moved as a virtuous funambulist between Dadaism and constructivism.

1919, Elvia Carrillo Puerto, cover in Yucatán, the Resistance League "Rita Cetina de Gutiérrez", among its objectives is to promote the political participation of women and support local candidates for government positions.

1919, was born in Mexico City, Sara Rodiles of Ayala, promoter of scientific societies.Mathematics teacher, founded Lamexicana de Mathematics in 1943, being the first member of the Board of Directors.He had various positions in the astronomical of Mexico, in Physics, in the Mexican Academy of Sciences and was president of Friends of Agriculture and Art.

19two1En Fort Worht, Texas, nace la escritora Patricia Highsmith (19two1-1995), considerada una de las máximas exponentes del género de la novela policial.All his life was dedicated to literature.His extensive work attests to: more than 30 books between novels, collections of stories, essays and other texts.At 17 he published his first novel, the cry of love, and in a posthumous way, Carol and Small G: a summer idyll.

196two En el Perú, luego de once años de lucha de un grupo de mujeres apoyadas por las parlamentarias, se aprueba la Ley de Jubilación de la Mujer a los two5 años de servicios.

1963, was born in Mexico City, Gisela Fuentes Mascorro, a doctor in biology of animal reproduction by UNAM.His research work focuses on the study of animal sperm such as bovines, pigs, kids, dogs, sea turtles, snakes, stripes and bee zánganos, among many others, which could contribute to reverse human sterility after aChemotherapy treatment, due to DNA spacing error or, even to preserve endangered species.Work that has developed during the last two decades since the laboratory of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics of the UABJO.

1966 Indira Gandhi is chosen Prime Minister of India.Strata and a brilliant political thinker, occupying such a high position in a still very patriarchal society, you can think that Indira Gandhi was a "passive boss", but his actions continually demonstrated the opposite.He used all means at his disposal to consolidate his power and authority as Prime Minister;And as one of the most powerful women in the world, she did not hesitate to materialize the political ends of her nationally and internationally.

1999 A series of celebratory activities are initiated by the fiftieth anniversary of the appearance of El Segundo Sex, by Simone de Beauvoir.In Paris an international colloquium organized by the magazine Nouvelles Questions feministes directed by the writer Christine Delphy.During the five days of the colloquium, academics, writers and journalists from 30 countries participated in round tables and master exhibitions around the meaning and influence of this book.

two003 Muere Françoise Giroud (1916-two003), destacada figura del periodismo, las letras y la política francesa.He was co -founder of the weekly L’E express.Author of numerous biographies of musicians, she received the Medicis Prize in 1984. Pertenecía, desde 199two, al jurado del renombrado Premio Fémina de Literatura.In 1993 he made furor his book Les Hommes et les femmes (men and women), about the relationships between the sexes, written together with Bernard-Henri Lévy.


1666 Ana of Austria (1601-1666), Queen of France and Mother of Louis XIV dies.

1758 Marie-Anne Paulze (Madame Lavoisier) "Mother" of modern chemistry is born

1881, María Andrea Villarreal González, a journalist and revolutionary is born.Member of the Mexican Liberal Party.Exiled in Texas founded the radical newspaper the modern woman in 1910.In the two presses that Andrea Villarreal moved from the city of Cleveland to Nuevo León, the newspapers regeneration, the son of Ahuizote and the grandson of Ahuizote were printed from the city.She wrote in all three.Died on January 19, 1963.

1931 Birgit Finnilä, Swedish Contralto, famous for its opera recitals.He studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London.His debut in the opera occurred in 1963, in Gothenburg.He has made his career mainly on the concert platform, but his appearances on stage include papers in Benjamín Britten's the rape of Lucrecia, the Gluck Orpheus (his opera was in that role in 1967 in Göteborg), Georg Friedrich Händel 'Flavio S, by Mozart Le Nozze di Figaro, and from Wagner the Nibelungo ring.

1960 In the Dominican Republic, Maria Teresa Mirabal (1936-1960), the youngest of the three famous sisters Mirabal, killed by the Trujillista dictatorship in 1960 in 1960.

two003 Nina Pacarí (1961), abogada y diputada por el Partido Indigenista de Ecuador, es la primera mujer indígena en asumir el cargo de Ministra de Relaciones Exteriores.Pacarí, of Kichwa nationality, was leader of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador and president of the National Council for Planning of Indigenous and Negros Peoples.In 1997 he is chosen by popular vote to integrate the National Constituent Assembly.


1918 Elisa Mújica, a Colombian writer.It is perhaps the most important Colombian writer of the twentieth century.His work, not yet studied, already offers a notable set for generic diversity and for the coherence of his cardinal themes.His stories are an example of careful construction and fine descriptions of surrounding reality.But, above all, Elisa Mújica is a great essayist, matured on the passion of her own education and her "Bogota" readings.

1981 The writer Marguerite Yourcenar (1903-1987) is the first woman who enters the Academy of Letters of France.Poet, narrator, essayist, playwright and translator, is considered one of the key figures of contemporary French letters.She was chosen a member of the French Academy in 1984.In 1986 he was awarded the French Legion of Honor.Adriano's memoirs, is one of his universal books.

1991, Esperanza Pulido Silva dies, recognized poet, concertist, pioneer of musical criticism and historian of the presence of women in music.He founded Heteophonia magazine (1968). Afirmó que en 19two5 se creó la primera orquesta de mujeres.He was born in Zamora, Michoacán, in 1901.

1991, the Pro Victims Committee is constituted, made up of assembly members, deputies, militants of political and feminist parties.It emerged around the case known as the 19 young people in the South, who were raped tumultuarily by federal police.Four of seven involved after several years of judgment was imprisoned.The Committee is the first civil group that monitors the functioning of sexual crimes agencies, created in 1989 in Mexico City.


1858NACE MARTHA BEATRICE POTTER WEBB, ENGLISH SOCIOLOGUATOR AND SOCIAL REFORMER.It is surely the economist who has exerted the greatest practical influence.But the most important thing may be that Beatrice and Sidney, together with other Fabianos, intellectually guided the creation of the British Labor Party outside the Marxist and revolutionary postulates, thus laying the foundations of democratic and moderate socialism of our day.

1901 Queen Victoria I of England dies (1819-1901).She was a construction of an entire era, where "Victorian" ideas were developed, about family and education in England.

1973 The Supreme Court of Justice of the United States fails in favor of the case of the young lawyer Sarah Weddington (1947), defender of Norma McCorvey, known with the nickname of Jane Roe, who demanded the right to interrupt her pregnancy.This failure, considered historical, gave rise to the law of decriminalization of abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy."The day I supported the case, the members of the press thought it was so young that it was unlikely to win," Sarah recalled.That same year he became the first member of the House of Representatives of Texas, a position he held between 1975 and 1977.She was also the first woman to hold a high position in the Ministry of Agriculture, and was an assistant of the former president, James Carter.His book a matter of option, recounts the long way traveled by Americans to achieve the right to decide on their fertility and body.Currently, Sarah Weddington continues to fight for women's rights and is a firm believer that "if women cannot control their reproduction, they cannot control anything".

1981 María Moliner dies (1900-1981), Spanish Lexicographer, author of the famous Spanish use dictionary, considered one of the best contributions made to the field of current Spanish lexicography.He received the Lorenzo Nieto Award from López, awarded by the Royal Spanish Academy of Language.He was born in Paniza, Zaragoza, Spain.His professional life passed in various libraries and archives.Mother of four children, began the lexicographic work of the dictionary with the intention of obtaining benefits that helped one of their children to finance a clinic.He thought that five years would be enough to conclude the work, but finally fifteen years went in front of his typewriter, his pencil and his eraser.Moliner was one of the first Spanish university women.

two005, la regiomontana Carmen Hernández Brenes recibió el premio Rómulo Garza de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico.Doctor of Food Sciences, from the University of Arkansas, United States.Innovative in processing, industrialization, design of food and health operations.He was born in Nuevo León on January 6, 1970.

two004Marjatta Rasi (1945) es elegida presidenta del Consejo Económico y Social de Naciones Unidas (ECOSOC), convirtiéndose en la primera mujer que dirige este organismo.Rasi was a permanent representative of Finland before the United Nations.


1909 in Tomsk, Liberia, Tatiana Proskouriakoff, famous archaeologist and researcher of the Mayan culture is born.His greatest contributions are contained in the Mayan Architecture Album and Study of the Mayan Classical Sculpture, which has allowed specialists to know better the architectural evolution of this great culture.Proskouriakoff studied architecture and discovered his vocation for archeology by integrating an American expedition made in 1936, where he met Palenque.Shortly after making the decision to return, immersing himself in the study of Copán and Chichen Itzá.

1919 was born, in New York, the outstanding medical and scientific Gertrude Belle Elion (1919-1999), who in 1988 received the Medicine Prize, shared with his colleagues George Hichings (USA) and Sir James Black (England).Thanks to Elion, today there is treatment for leukemia and rheumatoid arthritis, mainly.Immigrant daughter who spent her first years of life in a humble neighborhood in New York.His scientific vocation was born in adolescence, his grandfather died of stomach cancer.In 1937 he graduated in biochemistry and during the next seven years, prevented from obtaining an investigator post due to his status as a woman, worked as an assistant in several laboratories and taught chemistry and physical in various educational centers of higher education.He never obtained a formal title of Doctor, but was later recognized with an honorary title by George Washington University.In 1988 Gertrude together with George H.Hitchings and James W.Black were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine of 1988 for the development of medicines that treated important diseases, especially cancer, and that were also the precursors for the synthesis of new new ones.Gertrude B's life.Elion is, without a doubt, an example for thousands of women around the world.

19two7, nació en Pánuco, Veracruz, María Luisa Ortega Delgado, pionera en la aplicación de la química y la bacteriología en el estudio de la agricultura, llevó a cabo los primeros estudios sobre fisiología vegetal en el país.Emerita researcher of the Chapingo Postgraduate College, made important contributions to the agricultural and nutritional sciences that study corn, sugar cane, beans, wheat, barley, nopal and xoconostle.For more than 30 years he was promoter of his specialty.

1943, historian María Margarita Dalton Palomo, founder of the Women's Studies Group “Rosario Castellanos in Oaxaca, was born in Mexico City, from where the entity's feminist movement promoted the feminist movement.In 1978 the transmission of the first feminist radio program began that occurred at Radio Universidad de la Uabjo, Women's Forum.

1965, was born in Mexico City, Dr. Magdalena Trujillo Barragán, first woman to obtain a doctorate in mechanical engineering from UNAM.Specialist in plastics processes, natural and biodegradable compounds.In 1995 he founded the UNAM plastics prosecution laboratory.It belongs to the surface and finished engineering research group of the UNAM Faculty of Engineering.

1978, the painting and poet Nahui Olin dies.His real name was Carmen Mondragón.In the twenty years he was interested in feminism.He could never divorce Manuel Lozano, from whom he separated when he returned from Paris.He met Gerardo Murillo, the dr.ATL, and who baptized her as Nahui Olin.He was born on June 8, 1894.

two000 A la edad de 103 años, fallece, en Austria, Margarethe Shütte-Lihotzky , arquitecta pionera que se especializó en el diseño de viviendas sociales.It is fundamentally known for being the creator of the famous "Frankfurt Kitchen", a prototype of the functional and modern cuisine of our day.


1957, was born in Mexico City, Elba Escobar Briones, discoverer of hydrocarbons in the deep sea of the Gulf of Mexico.Outstanding researcher in the oceanographic systems of our country.He has coordinated two UN megaprojects in which 40 scientists in the world participate.His passion is the global study of the state of the oceans.She has been the director of the Institute of Marine Sciences and Limnology of the UNAM.

1978, María Dolores Velázquez Rivas dies, known for her artistic pseudonym "Lola Cueto".She was a writer, playwright, painter, editor, puppet designer and puppet.Known for the impulse given to the children's theater and promoter of Mexican traditional toys. Nació en Azcapotzalco el two de marzo de 1897.

1999, diverse feminist national political group is born, in which feminist, policies, workers, unionist, housewives, members of sexual and religious diversity participate, in response to the fundamentalist advance in Mexico.It resulted in the possible Mexico party, which achieved representation by popular election throughout the country.


188two Nace Virginia Woolf, escritora su nombre Adeline Virginia Woolf, se suicidó eltwo8 de marzo de 1941.She was an English writer, considered one of the most important modernist authors of the twentieth century and also a pioneer in the use of the current of consciousness as a narrative device. Autora del célebre libro Una habitación Propia y la SeñoraDalloway (publicada el 14 de mayo de 19two5), su narrativa ofrece como sentido de vida la independencia de las mujeres.This one from Mrs. Dalloway details a day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway, a fictional woman of high society in England after World War I.Woolf was born in a accommodated home in South Kensington, London, the seventh daughter of a mixed eight -eight family that included the modernist painter Vanessa Bell, girls were educated at home in the English classics and Victorian literature.His books his own room and three guineas, constitute a valuable contribution to contemporary feminist thought.

1954 The National Congress of Honduras issues a decree by which the vote is granted to women.This day is instituted as "Honduran Women's Day".

1990 Fallece la actriz Ava Gardner (19twotwo-1990), una de las actrices que brilló con luz propia en los años dorados de Hollywood.

two010, Martha Sánchez Néstor, enlace continental de la Coordinadora de Mujeres Indígenas, funda el Programa de Mujeres Indígenas del Instituto de Liderazgo Simone de Beauvoir.He was born in Xochistlahuaca, Guerrero, on February 4, 1974.He joined the Guerrerense Council "500 years of indigenous resistance", in which the Women's Commission (1997) creates. Recibió en two0eleven el reconocimiento Women Deliver entregado a cien mujeres más comprometidas con su género en el mundo. Secretaria de Asuntos Indígenas y Afromexicanos del gobierno de Guerrero en two014.

1980, was born in Mexico City, Citlalli Sánchez Aké. Con two7 años concluyó su doctorado en Ciencias e Ingeniería de Materiales.It joins the photophysics laboratory and thin films of the Center for Applied Sciences and Technological Development of UNAM, where it investigates the interaction between light and matter. En two008, obtuvo la beca para las Mujeres en la Ciencia de la Fundación L´Oréal.


19eleven nade en la Ciudad de México Paula Alegría (19eleven-1970), primera embajadora de carrera en 196two.Pedagogue, had an important participation in campaigns for the right to female suffrage as head of women's action in the National Revolutionary Party (PNE).During his diplomat care.

1917, el Congreso Constituyente de Querétaro, en su 63ª sesión, con 16two votos a favor y dos en contra, aprueba el texto del Artículo 34 Constitucional, que excluye a las mujeres a participar en política.

1955, was born in Mexico City, Olga María del Carmen Sánchez Cordero de García, who held the position of Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation and laid a precedent in the delivery of justice with a gender perspective, as in thecase of the crime of rape within marriage.She is the ninth woman to occupy a chair in the Supreme Court and the first public notary of Mexico. Dejó la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación el 1 de diciembre de two0fifteen. En diciembre de two018 fue nombrada Secretaria de Gobernación, un cargo por primera vez ocupado por una mujer.

1979 Victoria Ocampo dies (1891-1979), Argentine writer and one of the figures that contributed the most to the dissemination of Spanish-American thought and creation, joining the south with the north through its famous southern magazine, of international resonance for decades for decades.In 1967 he received the title of Dr. Honoris Causa from Harvard University.In 1976 he was appointed member of the Argentine Academy of Letters, becoming the first woman to enter that institution.

two014, Luz de Teresa de Oteyza participó en la Primera Reunión de Mujeres Matemáticas, realizada en la ciudad de Querétaro, del two3 al two6 de enero, con la ponencia Control de Ecuaciones Parabólicas Acopladas. Secretaria General de laMatemática Mexicana (two014-two016). Editora asociada de la publicación Computational and Applied Mathematics desde febrero de two013. En two009, la UNAM le otorgó el reconocimiento Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, por su trabajo académico.

two004 Anna Karamanou, eurodiputada socialista griega, Annie Sugier, francesa, presidenta de la Liga Internacional de Derechos de la Mujer, y la senadora belga Anne Lizin, hacen un llamado al Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI) para que no acepte la participación en los Juegos Olímpicos de Atenas two004 a aquellos países que excluyan a las mujeres en sus delegaciones.


184two nace, en Puerto Príncipe, Aurelia Castillo de González (184two-19two0).Poet and journalist, hugged the cause of Cuban independence.For this reason he suffered persecution, living exiled in Spain for several years.In 1913 he published an anthology of his poetic work in a volume entitled writings.He made some French translations, collaborating in magazines and newspapers from Cuba and Spain.

1880, was born in, Santiago de Papasquiau, Durango, Juana Belén Gutiérrez de Mendoza, who in 1909 founded the Women's Political Club "Amigas del Pueblo".Occupied various public positions. Murió en la Ciudad de México el 13 de julio de 194two.

1889 Marjory Stephenson, a researcher at bacterial metabolism was born.Together with his sister they were the first students, in the generation of long skirts.They had practical classes taught in the separate laboratories of women and carbine if they were going to conferences outside Newnham.But the photograph was to see Marjory out of his laboratory with short hair and short skirt, becoming a symbol of the revolution in the life of women and education in the first half of the twentieth century.

1905 In Belgium, Elizabeth María Hollants (1905 - 1996), a journalist, anti -fascist and pioneer fighter of the documentation centers on women in Latin America in Latin America.Based in Mexico since 1969, the Intercultural Center for Human Development in Latin America (IACHAL) founded that same year, and in 1984 creates old age.Studies and Action (VEMEA), of Independence.Informant of the Rebel Army, he participated in some battles.For this reason she was confined in a convent by the realistic forces.

1937, Felipa Velázquez widow of Arellano, activist and communicator, headed the agrarian cast in the Mexicali Valley, with the movement assault on the lands against the Colorado River Land Company.

1990, the first feminist assembly of the Valley of Mexico was installed in the University House of the Book and agrees.The National Lesbian Coordinator, the National Movement of Women and the Group of Feminist of Guadalajara participate, among others.


19two6María Luisa Marín es apresadaen Veracruz.By stirring stirring. Anarquista, fue la protagonista de la mayor rebelión de mujeres de los años two0 del siglo pasado, cuando las prostitutas del barrio obrero de La Huaca en Veracruz iniciaron las protestas por el precio exagerado de los cuartos de alquiler.Founder of the Tenant Revolutionary Union.He created the Federation of Libertarian Women, his activism extended to the markets, domestic workers, the prison, where he made demonstrations against the owners of the houses and formed strike committees in the neighborhoods.That is why it was arrested numerous occasions. Ese two8de enero fue obligada a decidir cárcel o destierro.It was located in Mexico City, where he died.

1930, the writer was born in Mexico City, professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and Academic of the Margo Glantz Language. Ha publicado más de two5 libros de ficción y ensayo, recibió el Premio nacional de Artes y Ciencias, el FIL (antes Rulfo), y las becas Guggenheim y Rockefeller.

1947, was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Gloria Careaga Pérez, social psychologist and LGBT activist. En two008 fue electa co-secretaria general de la Asociación Internacional de Gays y Lesbianas ILGA.It is one of the main promoters of public policy changes in favor of sexual diversity in Mexico and in the international arena.COFUNDADORA OF THE ORGANIZATION THE CLOSET OF SOR JUANA.She is currently a general coordinator of Fundación Arcoíris.

1966, murió Luz María Zaleta Islas de Elsner, quien había nacido el 7 de junio de 19twotwo en Tuxpan, Veracruz, diputada federal en el periodo 1964-1967.In 1966 he was the first federal legislator to break the presidential report.


1887, appeared the first number of violets from Anahuac (1887-1889) foundational medium of the journalism of women in Mexico, directed by Laureana Wright of Kleinhans, with the collaboration of Fany Nataly Titania, Mateana Murguía and Rosa Navarro, among others.

19fifteen In Mexico, a decree of President Venustiano Carranza establishes the possibility of marriage for the second time, that is, a divorce in the modern sense of the term.The initiative of the revolutionary chief, wine from Hermila Galindo, one of the promoters of political life and the freedom of Mexicans.

19two0, se publicó en El Universal Ilustrado la fotografía con que María Santibáñez ganó el concurso de Belleza convocado por el periódico El Universal.Considered the first modern photographer of Mexico.

two016, se reforma el artículo 133 de la Constitución que establece: “Todas las personas gozarán, no sólo de los derechos humanos previstos en el marco jurídico interno, sino también de todos aquellos derechos reconocidos en los Tratados internacionales de los que el Estado mexicano es parte”.

1947 Linda Diane Brown Buck, Biologist, Medical and American teacher is born.Known for your work on olfactory system. Obtuvoel Premio Nobel en Fisiología o Medicina de two004 por sus trabajos sobre los receptores olfatorios.

1997 Lotta Kronlid, Andrea Needham y Joanna Wilson, integrantes del grupo pacifista Ploughshares de Gran Bretaña, ingresan a la fábrica de British Aeroespace, en Barton, Lancashire, y con martillos caseros inutilizan componentes armamentistas de los aviones militares, luego cuelgan pancartas y dejan imágenes de las víctimas de la matanza ocurrida en Santa Cruz, en Timor Oriental, en noviembre de 1991, donde murieron two71 personas por disparos de los soldados británicos.


18two0 nace en Galicia, España, Concepción Arenal (18two0-two893), destacada escritora y jurista., To be able to attend the Complutense University, and take classes at the Law Faculty, dressed as a man.Concepción Arenal wrote a lot, particularly on judicial and social issues.One of the most progressive aspects of the jurist is his recognition that women were marginalized ben.As a writer, Concepción chose the epistolary genre and folletin.Concepción Arenal not only opened the doors to women to social and work life, but also constituted an expert in Penitentiary Law and Hospital Medicine at the international level.In case it was little, he wrote novels, plays, zarzuelas and poetry

19eleven, was born in Turkey, Marie Paris Pismis, Mathematics and Astronoma. Llegó a México en 194two y comenzó a trabajar en el Observatorio Astronómico de Tonanzintla, lo que la convirtió en la primera astrónoma profesional.Nationalized Mexican in 1948 was hired as a researcher at the National Observatory of Tacubaya at UNAM, which in 1970 appointed her titular investigator.Editor of the Astrophysical Catalog of Tacubaya and the Mexican magazine of Astronomy and Astrophysics.Founder of Mexican and Mexican Mathematics of Physics.It belonged to Laroyal de Astronomy (England), to the Mexican Academy of Scientific Research and the American Astronomy.

191two nace Bárbara Tuchman, historiadora, periodista y escritora estadounidense, ganadora dos veces del premio Pulitzer.He worked as a research assistant at the Pacific Relations Institute in New York and Tokyo, and then began a career as a journalist before devoting himself to books.

1950naceen Monterrey Nuevo León,Guadalupe Rodríguez Martínez,maestra de Instrucción Primaria, directora de los Centros de Desarrollo Infantil (CENDI) del Frente Popular Tierra y Libertad, la primera gran toma de tierras del siglo XX;diputada Local en la LXVIII Legislatura (1997-two000) y en la LXXLegislatura (two003-two006) por el Partido del Trabajo, organización política de la que fue fundadora.

1970, the magazine always!He published "Our dream is in a steep place: Chronicle of a Holy Wednesday among women", emblematic text of feminism in Mexico, written by Martha Acevedo, about a feminist march made in California, United States.

1976, nace Andrea Medina Rosas, abogada, quien el two6 de marzo de 1999 presentó en Guadalajara, Jalisco, la primera iniciativa popular para legislar sobre la violencia familiar, la primera que se aprobó en el país. Es consultora internacional y desde la Red Mesa de Mujeres de Ciudad Juárez (two010) ha participado en la creación de políticas públicas para detener la violencia contra las mujeres.


1873 Melitta Bentz (1873-1950), inventor of the famous coffee filter that bears his name.

1885 Ana Pavlova (1885-1931), famous Russian dancer is born.It became a living legend with the only "the death of the swan", choreography made especially for her by the famous choreographer Fokine, with Saint-Sans music.

1896 Sofia Aleksádrovna Yanovskaya, Russian mathematics of Jewish origin born.One of the few women who, despite the prejudices of the time, has done with a very notable place in the history of mathematics.

two006, Josefina Guadalupe Aranda Bezaury, antropóloga social, toma posesión como Secretaria Académica de la Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca. Nació en la Ciudad de México el two de enero de 1955.He founded the State Coordinator of Coffee Producers in Oaxaca (CEPCO).Participate in the Oaxacan popular movement support center.He was a member of the Oaxaca Committee for the Fourth World Conference on Women, in Beijing, China, and the Publications Evaluation Commission of the Interdisciplinary Program for Women's Studies at the College of Mexico.

two009, la astrónoma Irene Cruz González Espinosa organizó la Noche de las Estrellas en el zócalo de la Ciudad de México, a la que acudieron 50 mil personas.Dedicated to observation work to understand galaxies, their environment and nuclear activity. Recibió el Premio Universidad Nacional en two00two en Innovacióny Diseño Industrial y el Reconocimiento Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz en two006. Nació el 1two de abril de 1953.


Agenda two014, Homenaje a mujeres periodistas.Immujeres

Agenda two0fifteen, Pioneras.Immujeres

Agenda two016, Mujeres en las Artes y la Cultura en México.Immujeres

Agenda two017, Las mujeres en la Ciencia.Immujeres

Agenda two018, Mujeres por la Tierra Urbana y Rural, Sedatu

Agenda two019, Los Logros,Immujeres

AMDEC A: C.Women Association for the Defense of Civil Rights.Memories.January-August 1995


The indispensable: recovering memory. two018 Ed.Immujeres


Semmexico Research Team headed by Sara Lovera.

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