José Antonio Kast, from the clinic: "They are not only critical hours for me, but for Chile"

  • By:jobsplane



Six days after being admitted to a capital clinic after contracting Covid 19, the leader of the Republican Party, José Antonio Kast, wrote a letter in which he calls on the government, the ruling party and the opposition to leave their differences aside and joinTo face one of the most complex moments the country has lived since the pandemic arrived.

In the letter - to the one that had access the former deputy UDI recounts in the first place the complex medical picture that must have faced."I write these lines from the total isolation, connected to intravenous masks and roads with remedies that are helping me to recover the lung capacity," says the former presidential excandidate.

"These are not only critical hours for me, but mainly for Chile," Kast says.

José Antonio Kast, desde la clínica:

"Nobody is free to fall ill or suffer, as I have had to suffer personally, the almost more extreme version of this virus. They have not been easy for me or my family, but they do not compare to the suffering and complexities they havethat facing most Chileans suffering from this virus, "he says, before placing the different political sectors to leave their differences behind.

"It is precisely at the moment, when political leaderships must be at the service of the country, to seek alternatives and be available to the government, whether it is, in the search for the best solutions to face this crisis," says Kast,Who although supports the executive's management ensures that he must make a greater effort to deliver social help if he continues to harden the movement restrictions associated with the pandemic.

"My second call is to Congress, so that they make a policy quarantine, leaving the contest that divides and all available to work for the benefit of Chileans," says the former deputy."No one has a magical solution to reverse this situation; neither the government, nor the rulingThis virus, that the most effective response to the pandemia we can only achieve together, "he says.

José Antonio Kast, from the clinic: "They are not only critical hours for me, but for Chile"
  • 1122
  • a health clinic of the capital's woman

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