Male waxing: advantages and disadvantages

  • By:jobsplane



The paradoxical thing about the current fashion is that while the faces are covered with beards, a waxing is imposed on the bodies that reaches its maximum splendor with the summer.

Outdated the metrosexual type, trimming or pruning is imposed, that is to say it does not take away the excess or the shortage of hair. In addition, male waxing has to be moderate according to age: depilation does not favor an athletic young man as a middle-aged man with michelines.

Below, we show you the forms of waxing and the advantages and disadvantages that each of them presents.

Male waxing

There are three types of wax that adapt to each type of skin: hot, cold, and warm. If you dare to wax, the first time it is advisable to cut your hair a little. It's very important that you follow the instructions. If, on the other hand, you prefer to go safe and fear that your skin will get irritated, you can go to an aesthetic center the first time for a specialist to do it for you.

The advantage is that when the hair is removed from the root, it takes 2 to 3 weeks to get back out. The downside is that it's a painful technique.

Laser waxing

The light that is applied on the skin destroys the follicle, so that the hair that grows becomes thinner and weaker until it disappears. The laser is a permanent technique and one of the most requested.

The best areas to treat with this method are English, armpits, legs, and forearms (areas where hormones do not influence). In the rest of the areas (lumbar region, back, chest, neck and face) it is a little more difficult; however, very good results can be obtained if checked every six months.

Depilación masculina: ventajas e inconvenientes

The advantages of this method are clear as they provide the maximum time without hair. Inconvenient: you have to have a lot of patience and money, because it's expensive. And on the other hand, special care should be taken if your skin is very sensitive, as it could cause burns and serious problems.

Electric machine

It is a simple form of waxing and can last up to 3 weeks as it removes the hair from the root. The correct way to pass the maquinilla is to do it in a way contrary to the growth of the hair. There is a wide variety of machines so choose the device that best suits you, and consider whether or not you have sensitive skin.

The advantage is that it is simple, fast and can last for several weeks. The disadvantage is that the hairs can be shrunk under the skin and can be a little painful.

Male waxing: electric maquinilla is one of the methods of Freepik depilation


You have to consider that it's not the same thing to shave the face as the chest, so the movements must be different. Apply a moisturizer to the waxed area to calm the skin.

The advantage is that it is a fast, economical and painless method and the disadvantage is that by not pulling the hair from the root, the hair becomes harder and grows to that of a couple of days. In addition, 62% of Spanish men have suffered wounds scratching their bodies and itching when their hair begins to grow.

Depilatory cream

Depilatory creams are very easy to apply: spread evenly over the area you want to wax, wait a few minutes (as indicated in the instructions) and remove it with a spatula. It is important to rinse with plenty of water afterwards, to remove all traces of cream.

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The advantages are that these are very easy to apply, they are economical, it is an painless method and the process is done quickly. The disadvantage is that hair can come out hard, just as granites can appear. The unpleasant smell is another drawback.

Male waxing: advantages and disadvantages
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