María Pombo's makeup artist and Sara Sálamo has told us how we should make up for our eyes to seem bigger (and works)

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María Pombo's makeup artist and Sara Sáámo has told us how we should make up for our eyes to seem bigger (and works)


Por Leyre Moreno@GlamourSpain Lectura: 1 minuto Más de:





Sara Sáámo



María Pombo


There is something in common the influencer María Pombo and actress Sara Sáámo: both wear a perfect makeup thanks to the help of Sonia Marina, her reference makeup artist.The expert has revealed to us what are the tricks that use to minimize the pores and wear some scandal eyes every time you make up.

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Creams for eye contour with which to have a cooler and younger look

For the first, Marina recommends preparing the skin before makeup: “If it is dehydrated it is very likely that the product will be absorbed and the makeup will not endure a long time, it can also happen that the skin is scans and the makeup is seen to patches inThe face, "he explains.The translucent powders will also be very helpful: "In the case of fatty skins and dilated pores, they help us seal makeup on the face and that this manages to cover the pore".

María Pombo's makeup artist and Sara Sáámo has told us how we should make up for our eyes to seem bigger (and works)

If what you want is to enlarge the look these are the steps you should follow.The first, use a curd to 'wake up' the eye.

Then, apply mask in the upper and lower eyelashes.An infallible trick is "to use a meat colored pencil on the water line," says the makeup artist.It will seem that you have the biggest eyes and will give you a plus of luminosity.“And of course draw the well -known banana on the fixed eyelid with eye shadow and apply a lighter in the mobile eyelid."


© Courtesy of Sonia Marina

Expression mask, from Sonia Marina Buy

Pero ¿cuál es la forma correcta de aplicarnos la sombra de ojos? “Es importante al menos jugar con tres tonos: el oscuro enmarca el ojo y se aplica en forma de ce, desde donde termina el ojo hacia la cuenca; el tono medio se utiliza en el centro del párpado móvil, y el más claro, en el lagrimal", concluye la experta.

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Creams for eye contour with which to have a cooler and younger look

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María Pombo's makeup artist and Sara Sálamo has told us how we should make up for our eyes to seem bigger (and works)
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