October 19: World fight against breast cancer

  • By:jobsplane



With the pandemic many issues were relegated by isolation, work and care tasks.In fact, the public opinion survey on breast cancer reveals that 65% of Argentines did not make the medical control visit, mainly for fear of infection.

Breast cancer is the first cause of cancer death in Argentine women, but if detected in time, it is curable in more than 90% of cases.Few women know that it can be asymptomatic in their early stages and that the only study that can detect very small and not sensitive toomalies is mammography. What does the study consist of?It is an x -ray of breasts that helps identify evil transformations in the chest.It is the most reliable and most precision method for the early detection of breast cancer.It is recommended to perform a gynecological control every 12 months, in which the health professional must prescribe this study to women between 40 and 65 years.It is free and very simple to do.

19 de octubre: Día Mundial de la Lucha Contra el Cáncer de Mama

October 19: World fight against breast cancer
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