Why is it important to remove eye makeup before bed?

  • By:jobsplane



You brush your teeth, put on your pajamas, set the alarm and you're ready to go to sleep. But have you remembered to remove the eye makeup? Surely you have already heard about the importance of cleansing your face well before going to sleep, but is leaving a little mascara on overnight really that important? The answer is a resounding yes.

Eye makeup can help improve the appearance of the eyes during the day, however, it can become a nightmare at night as it is more complicated to remove and, of course, because it is the most exhausting time of the day. From MIA Cosmetics Paris they tell us the importance of establishing an eyelid hygiene routine.


The eyelashes have bacteria and this is natural as they act as the first line of defense, protecting the eyes from foreign particles. For this reason it is important to remove eye makeup properly. This gesture can reduce the amount of bacteria that accumulate on the eyelids and eyelashes, which reduces the risk of developing a bacterial infection.

Also, whenever makeup brushes are used to apply product to the eyelid or eyelashes, those brushes can pick up bacteria from the eyelashes and mix with the makeup. Over time, bacteria captured by makeup brushes can build up. The longer the same eye makeup products and brushes are used, the more the risk of bacterial infection increases.

MIA Tip: Clean makeup brushes regularly. This will also help you fight harmful bacteria. In addition, it is recommended never to share makeup products.


The Meibomian glands are large sebaceous glands located in the tarsal plates of the eyelids. Each upper eyelid contains between 24 and 40 meibomian glands, and the lower eyelid contains between 20 and 30 glands, each of which secretes a small amount of oil. This oil is used to prevent tears from evaporating too quickly.

When these are clogged by makeup, bacteria or other foreign particles accumulate so the meibomian glands cannot properly secrete their oils and this causes tears to evaporate too quickly. This can result in an itchy, irritating, and often painful condition called "dry eye" or "ocular surface disease." Dry eye can cause irritating symptoms, such as itchy, burning eyes. It can also cause your eyes to become watery, sore, or suffer from increased sensitivity to light. Fortunately, you can decrease your chances of developing blocked meibomian glands and dry eye by establishing a proper daily eye and lid hygiene routine.

This is just one of the conditions that can result from ineffective cleaning of the eye area, in addition there are other risks such as the formation of styes, eyelash loss...


Establishing a daily routine for eyelid care can help reduce the chances of developing diseases and infections as well as promote an even more radiant look. While it's true that makeup application can be time-consuming, removing makeup correctly can be easy, especially if you find the right cleanser. It is important to find a soothing and non-irritating cleanser, suitable for sensitive eyes, since the eye area is delicate, it is also recommended to also remove waterproof products so that it is effective in removing any remaining makeup.

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