Prevent Flurona: How not to spread COVID-19, flu and influenza?

  • By:jobsplane



Prevent flurone and avoid getting the COVID-19 and its new omicron variant, flu or influenza is probably one of the goals of the New Year 2022 of more than one person in the world.

This particular desire not to get sick, including now of the "flurone", the simultaneous infection of flu and covid, includes the Dominicans because after Christmas and New Year, positivity has increased up to 30%, according to public health data.

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However, the good news is that the measures to avoid infecting Covid-19, influenza, influenza or flurone have not varied much since the COVID-19 was detected.

In this sense, the issue of hygiene and distancing are basic.But what else can be done?

The newspaper today Digital investigated in this regard with specialist institutions such as CDCs in the United States and Dominican experts such as DRA.In infectology Clevy Pérez Sánchez.

Here your recommendations:

Prevenir Flurona: ¿Cómo NO contagiarte de COVID-19, gripe e influenza?

Vaccinate and receive the reinforcement dose

1. Lavarse las manos para prevenir la flurona

Sounds simple, but it's effective.Washing your hands with soap and water is one of the most effective measures to prevent COVID-19, influenza, influenza and flurone.

Dr. Clevy Pérez Sánchez, who is also the president of LADE Infectology when he is interviewed today in program one+one that is transmitted by Teleantillas, Channel 2, said that this is an efficient cost measure that helps prevent infections.

When should it be used?It is very simple, at any time that it is not possible to maintain a safety distance of at least two meters, both in closed and open spaces.Its use is totally essential in places where it is lived with a confirmed case.And, of course, it is mandatory in public transport.It is recommended that its use does not exceed four hours for reasons of hygiene and health.

On the subject of the use of masks to avoid spreading Covid-19, influenza, influenza and flurone, the centers for the control and prevention of diseases in the United States is much more specific and adds when to use masks, when not and what types of mask:

When to use masks to prevent flurone.:

CDC understand that there are certain specific instances in which the use of masks may not be possible.In such cases, consider using adaptations and alternatives.

The following categories of people are exempt from the requirement to use a mask:

Types of useful masks to prevent flurone

Some masks are more effective than others to help slow the propagation of the virus caused by COVID-19.Note: N95 breathing masks approved by the National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH) of CDC should be prioritized for medical care personnel.

3. El Distanciamiento físico y prevenir la flurona

Some people call it social distancing, but the correct name is physical distancing and refers to that space away from six feet (two extended arms), more or less, that we must have of others to prevent flurone.

Dra.In infectology Clevy Pérez Sánchez lamentó que en República Dominicana en espacios como el transporte público no se cumple ese distanciamiento y en los últimos días en el país se han hecho eventos masivos de tipo artístico, social y religioso.

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