Public 50% of the elderly already have the third dose while public health studies the new groups that will receive it

  • By:jobsplane






Spain continues to advance in vaccination against COVID-19. El 50,7% de las personas mayores de 70 años ya ha recibido la tercera dosis, según el informe de este lunes del Ministerio de Sanidad.There are 3.610.960 extra sera that have already been inoculated.

In some autonomous communities the result is much greater. Extremadura (72,3 % y 125.085 dosis), Navarra (68,8 % y 67.313) or Ceuta (65.6 % 4.079), are the territories with a higher percentage of over 70 years with third dose.

Vaccination is also advancing in the first and second doses. Desde el viernes, 27.767 ciudadanos han recibido su primera dosis, una media de 9 mil pinchazos cada día, dato que representa un leve aumento frente a los 6 mil registrados diariamente la semana pasada.On the other hand, 27.666 citizens have completed the guideline upon receiving their second puncture these days, an average of about 9 thousand on each day.

Salud Pública debate este martes si los mayores de 60 años y los sanitarios deben recibir dosis de refuerzo

The rhythm is really high, especially if vaccination coverage with that of other countries in Europe is compared.And it is also what is being able to control the COVID-19, although the incidence is on the rise, in the middle of the strong rebound of infections that Europe suffers.

Public El 50% de los mayores ya tiene la tercera dosis mientras Salud Pública estudia los nuevos colectivos que la recibirán

Mientras se consiguen estos datos, la comisión de Salud Pública estudia ampliar los colectivos que deben recibir estas dosis de refuerzo.Most likely, on Wednesday, all health and socio -health workers, over 60 years and other users of centers other than especially vulnerable residences, as reported by EFE.

Apart from the third dose, health and the autonomous community, the update of the so -called Covid traffic light is also pending approval;In the draft they discussed last week, the technicians of the alert presentation proposed to soften the incidence figures with which the level of risk is measured and more flexible the restrictions on the scenarios with lower transmissions.

Public 50% of the elderly already have the third dose while public health studies the new groups that will receive it
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