Quality, at the Center for Oncological Patient Care

  • By:jobsplane



La Fundación para la Excelencia y la Calidad de la Oncología (ECO) en colaboración con la American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), han celebrado durante los días 11 y 12 de noviembre, el 3er Simposio dedicado a la calidad en el campo de la oncología médica.

A multidisciplinary meeting where great experts have been approved to share strategies and methods to improve the measurement and implementation of safe care and quality for the patient.

Rafael López, president of the Eco Foundation opened the days making clear the objective of the foundation with disgust: fight for excellence in oncology and care quality, researcher and teacher, always measuring the results and advancing in the right direction.

“We have to try to eliminate cancer or, at least, prevent the suffering of society from increasing.To do this, investment, research and management will allow to reverse everything that cancer is producing.The Spanish and European authorities have to develop initiatives to fight against the consequences of cancer on society, "said López.

Pilar Aparicio Azcárraga, General Director of Public Health of the Ministry of Health, stressed as an important aspect to manage to homogenize the integrated care required by patients without interrupting care continuity and based on the best available evidence.

In the words of Aparicio, the update of the national cancer strategy should be a common frame of reference to achieve excellence and equity and thus improve patient care.


The days were formed by educational sessions, round tables and presentations in which oncologists, nurses, pharmaceutical, managers, researchers or patients participated, among others, among others.One of the main ones, addressed European care initiatives in the quality of oncological patient care.

Dolors Montserrat, former Minister of Health and MEP in the European Parliament was in charge of opening the session, describing as "historical" the moment that Europe and cancer live.

La calidad, en el centro del cuidado al paciente oncológico

And, in 2020, 2.7 million people were diagnosed with cancer in the EU and another 1.3 million lost their lives for this cause.From here to 2035 it is expected that cases will increase almost 25 percent and therefore will become the first cause of death in Europe.

Montserrat pointed out that one must work by putting in the center of policies to the patient, taking advantage of all the potential of new technologies and knowledge and reinforcing above all cooperation between 27, in order to obtain better sanitary results.

On the other hand, the former Minister of Health stressed that the European Cancer Plan of the EU represents a historical change of paradigm in the fight against cancer at all stages of the disease.And, the strategy presents four main axes: prevention, early detection, treatment and improvement in the quality of life of patients and survivors.

Among the most relevant and transformative initiatives of the Planors Montserrat stands out: a vision of cancer with modern approach, adapting to new technologies, research and innovation, an improvement in early detection, guaranteeing all access to quality oncological care, quality care,An improvement in the quality of life of patients, survivors and caregivers.As well as reducing inequalities in cancer in the EU and putting childhood cancer in the spotlight.

"This plan establishes actions for the first time to support the 27 Member States, coordinate and complement everyone's efforts and that EU countries also join this strategy to homogenize processes".

In this sense, the MEP pointed out that more collaboration between European health systems is needed, especially to share the best clinical practices, an investigation of excellence without borders, a production and distribution of medicines and sanitary equipment capable of facing any emergency, andCommon training systems of professionals.

Eco-Asco Foundation

For his part, Carlos Camps, director of scientific programs at the Eco Foundation, explained the experiences in Spain promoted by the Foundation.

First, Camps wanted to highlight the importance of quality, since with it “we play the survival of patients."

Camps, explained that, after the beginning of Eco in 2009, they wanted to make a collaborative agreement with disgust because they had initiatives that established “the best way to analyze the quality."

Currently, the three Eco-Asco collaboration tools are summarized in the QOPI program, the certification program and the training program.“This allows us culture and quality and having tools to improve the quality of our care."

Specifically, the QOPI certification program grants a three -year quality certification to Spanish Oncology services, offering support and recognition of continuous improvement processes.The Eco Foundation validates the QCP / disgust processes that demonstrate the commitment of hospitals and their professionals with patients, the medical community and society.

Quality Training Program is a 6 -month -old disgusting program distributed in 3 face -to -face sessions that offers training and training to medical oncology services.

The objective is to help and provide teams with the knowledge and resources necessary to design, implement and lead successful activities for the improvement of care quality in their services.

“We have not only tried to do this accreditation work with international standards, but we wanted to make our own quality criteria and create reference guides in different areas of clinical application."

The day has been closed by the Director General of Health Assistance and Health Assurance of the Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid, Jesús Vázquez Castro.

Vázquez wanted to highlight the role of oncologists in the pandemic having made a great effort for cancer patients.He also highlighted the beginning of telemedicine since “two years ago it was inconceivable to attend a patient without seeing it, and this is a great advance to help the good care of patients."

Por otro lado, señaló como objetivos de avance, los cribados poblacionales y la medicina personalizada, ya que se debe “afinar" en cada uno de los tratamientos para mejorar la supervivencia del paciente.

And he ended up reiterating his recognition and thanks to all the professionals “who are the tractor and without them we cannot advance to try to innovate in a field as necessary and important as the future of oncological care."

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