Soy sauce, risks and health benefits

  • By:jobsplane



La salsa de soja es una de las más importantes "incorporaciones" de la dieta española en los últimos lustros. Este producto llegó sobre todo de la mano del sushi y otras comidas japonesas, y poco a poco ha ido abriéndose camino en diferentes platos y recetas.La salsa de soja, riesgos y beneficios para la salud La salsa de soja, riesgos y beneficios para la salud

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Its origin dates back to China more than 2.000 years.It was taken to Japan in the thirteenth century and in recent times it spread in the West, while soybeans in other ways also began to be valued as food for humans.

We often talk about benefits but also about possible risks and losses for health, both soybean in general and soy sauce in particular.What is true in here?Does the consumption of soy sauce imply health problems?

Types of soy sauces

First of all, it is convenient to make a small review of the conformation and the different types of soy sauces that exist.The traditional ingredients of soy sauce are four: soy, wheat, water and salt grains.

To elaborate it, the first step consists in the fermentation of soybeans and roasted wheat and party.After a few days you have to add the water and salt, and then the mixture is allowed to rest (although it is necessary.

The result of this process is a paste that is then deposited in fabric bags, which are pressed to extract the liquid.Then that liquid is heated to remove the foam and, thus, "purify it".The result is soy sauce.

It is a long and, consequently, expensive process.Therefore, the industry has found ways to prepare a soy sauce in a more expeditious way, which allows it to be commercialized at lower prices.This is one of the main reasons for the diversity of prices of the sauces offered in stores and supermarkets.

La salsa de soja, riesgos y beneficios para la salud

The fact is that industrial soy sauce includes, of course, varied ingredients that are not part of the traditional recipe.They are an ultraprocessed product, which contains substances such as hydrolyzed flour, dyes, sweetening, malt extract or sodium glutamate.

And they also include amounts of very high salt, and therefore also sodium.At this point lies one of the main risks derived from the consumption of these industrial production soy sauces.

Excess salt and sodium, a real problem

On average, soy sauces marketed in Spain include 5.72 grams of sodium per hundred grams of product.This is stated by the Spanish Food Composition Database (Bedca) of the Spanish Food Security and Nutrition Agency.

A tablespoon of soy sauce represents about 15 grams, which is equivalent to about 0.85 grams of sodium.The recommendation of the World Health Organization and other agencies is not to consume more than 2 grams of sodium per day.Therefore, just one tablespoon of soy sauce is equivalent to more than 40% of that suggested maximum consumption.

It is because of the intake of products such as industrial soy sauce that most of the Spanish population, only through "hidden salt" in food, exceeds the recommended limits.If the salt added in the preparation of the food or at the table (which represents only 25–30% of the salt consumed) is added, that excess is even greater.

From these data, it is important to avoid excessive consumption of soy sauce.Especially of the lowest quality products, which generally coincide, as usual, with the cheapest.In any case, it is convenient to read the labeling carefully.

Can soy sauce increase cancer risk?

One of the alleged risks - and that has been spoken most - of the consumption of soy mens.

However, American society against cancer (SEC) has pointed out that belief lacks scientific evidence.He points out that some misunderstandings are derived from the fact that, in certain studies, the rodents exposed to high doses of isoflavones - a component of soybeans - did show a greater tendency to suffer from cancer.

Human studies offer different results.Apparently, the organism points out, people process isoflavones differently than rodents.And in addition, in the tests with these animals, the amounts supplied were very high.

Recent studies confirm these presumptions.The conclusions of a work published less than a year ago by Japanese scientists affirm that "fermented soy food.

A previous investigation had also found a lower risk of breast cancer in women who consumed soybeans and isoflavones in a moderate way, and suggested that these products could have a "protective effect" against that disease.And I could also protect women who have already crossed that evil from recidivism.

In fact, another study - realized by China scientists and published in 2013 - emphasizes that the growing trend of breast cancer cases in that country could be due to the fact that, in recent years, traditional dietary styles have given ground to habitsmore "westernized" food.

What benefits does soy sauce have?

By data like those, the SEC ensures that "evidence does not indicate that there is any danger to people resulting from eating soybeans, and health benefits seem to overcome any potential risk".

What are the benefits?Isoflavones are essential phytonutrients and function as powerful natural antioxidants, which among other effects delay the aging of cell tissue.

But also the soy - and specifically salsa - is a source of plant protein of high biological value, its contribution of fat and calories is very low, it contains calcium and some studies have shown that it contributes to the reduction of LDL cholesterol, the so -called"Bad cholesterol".

Moreover: the microorganisms included in soy sauce, since it is a fermented product, protect and enrich the intestinal flora.And all this adds, of course, to the possibility of enjoying a delicious sauce, which enhances the flavors of other foods.

Therefore, whenever it is in a moderate amount and, if possible, of a quality product, soy sauce is a positive contribution for those dishes with which it can be combined.

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Soy sauce, risks and health benefits
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