Supplements for good training: how to lose weight, gain muscle or tone

  • By:jobsplane




Sometimes a good diet, however healthy and balanced, is not enough to maintain a training rate that achieves our goals;It is time to introduce a supplement.

The best therapy for the return to normal and routine is to resume sports habits;Nothing like step on the gym again to have more energy and feel good, in all aspects.That is why they do not miss the figures: after so much time training alone or with online classes, the billing in the gyms has increased more than 50% and what is most demanded are collective classes, something decisive for 30% ofUsers when choosing the sports center.

And once motivated to do sports, there is a decisive point for our good intentions to work: food.Eating healthy, between four and five times a day, and consuming proteins and carbohydrates, those responsible for the glycogen reserve that we need for the recovery of our muscles, it is essential so that the exercise does not take its toll.

Supplements to train

The most important thing is to eat in a varied way, including in our integral carbohydrates, lean meats such as turkey and rabbit, nuts to give energy, fruits, vegetables, eggs, and dairy, since calcium favors the loss of fatbodily.In general, it is recommended to consume 0.8 grams of protein per day for every kilo we weigh, a figure that increases to 2 grams in the case of athletes and those who train in the gym.

These amounts can be achieved with good diet, but sometimes it is not enough."If a person follows a healthy and balanced diet, based on vegetables, vegetables, legumes and quality proteins, perform intense training and, still, feel tired, tired or is in a personal time in which he needs aExtra aid, it will be a good case to raise, together with a health professional, a sports supplementation routine that helps you visible the results of your training before, "explain Andrea Báguena and Irene Lezcano, nutritionist

When to take a supplement to train

Suplementos para un buen entrenamiento: cómo perder peso, ganar músculo o tonificar

That is, the experts confirm, you have to take them when you want to achieve a specific objective and the food is not enough."The important thing is to customize and adapt the supplementation to each situation, which can be very different, increase muscle mass, tone, gain weight ...", they say.

And when is the time to start taking a sports supplementation? We ask them."When the person has stabilized healthy daily habits and wants to contribute an extra energy to his body to achieve his objectives 100%. Another case would be that of an elite athlete, who for his intense training needs to recover completely from all hissessions to stay in the best state during its entire competition. "They are also indicated for those who follow a poor protein diet, such as vegans, or in some regimes to lose weight.

What a supplement to take

"If you have never taken a sports supplement, the first thing is to look at other very important factors: a healthy eating, a correct training and the necessary rest," say the experts.Then, the most appropriate will depend on the objectives to be sought."For example, to improve performance in high-intensity and short-term exercises, take 3 g of creatine or 3-6 mg per kilogram of coffee weight are two interesting options. But what is needed is to improve recovery afterThe training, a supplement that contributes between 20 and 50 grams of protein will help maintain and increase muscle mass, "says Andrea and Irene.

6 supplements to train

In general, these are the six supplements that allow progress in training and delay muscle fatigue, according to the experts of, they insist that before starting some it is important to go to a nutritionist to know which one is and in what quantities.

  1. Creatina. Es uno de los suplementos más utilizados. Una ingesta diaria de 3 gramos ayuda a mejorar el rendimiento físico en series de ejercicios de corta duración y de gran intensidad, por lo que es ideal para deportistas que practiquen ejercicios explosivos. Con ella se aumenta la masa magra, la fuerza y la potencia muscular.
  2. Proteína aislada de suero de leche. Las proteínas son indispensables para mantener y desarrollar la masa muscular. La mejor forma de incluirlas es a través de una alimentación equilibrada, pero si realizamos una actividad deportiva intensa podemos ayudarnos con suplementos. Lo ideal es buscar complementos alimenticios que proporcionen entre 20 y 50 gramos de proteína por dosis, la necesaria para la recuperación después de sesiones de entrenamiento, para incrementar y mantener la masa muscular y los huesos.
  3. Hidroximetilbutirato. Contribuye a disminuir la degradación muscular si se toma antes de hacer ejercicio. Para entrenamientos de resistencia, minimiza el desgaste de los músculos y la bajada de proteínas. Si se combina con ejercicios de fuerza ayuda a aumentar la masa muscular.
  4. Magnesio. Favorece el funcionamiento normal de los músculos, el mantenimiento de los huesos y el equilibrio electrolítico. Es fundamental para prevenir los calambres musculares, combatir el cansancio y la fatiga después de un entrenamiento aeróbico. En cualquier caso, no hay que olvidar una buena hidratación con otras sales minerales.
  5. Cafeína. Es otro de los suplementos más utilizados por su acción estimulante, ya que se ha comprobado que mejora el rendimiento en ejercicios de alta intensidad y corta duración. Aunque la dosis recomendada es de entre 3 y 6 mg por kilogramo de peso, es necesario ver la tolerancia de cada persona a la cafeína, porque puede tener efectos secundarios.
  6. Beta Alanina. Es un aminoácido no esencial que nuestro cuerpo puede sintetizar. Incrementa los niveles musculares de carnosina, un compuesto que actúa reduciendo la acidez producida en el esfuerzo y que ayuda a retrasar la aparición de la fatiga. Tomado durante 10-12 semanas puede mejorar el rendimiento deportivo.

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Supplements for good training: how to lose weight, gain muscle or tone
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