Take care of the scalp in summer (and prevent burns): the pending subject you should not forget

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Cabellosi want healthy and beautiful hair, in addition to preserving the well -being of your skin, you should not forget this sensitive area (which suffers so much in the heat months)

By Ana Gándara

Solar filter for the body?Check.Photoprotector with face color?Check.Lip balm with SPF?Check.Solar hair "hair?Check.But what about the scalp?If you have ever gone to the beach and you have smeared from top to bottom of protective cream, just to realize the day after you have burned the hair stripe, you are not alone.After all, it is an area very sensitive to the exposure of UV rays, but whose care and defense are often forgotten.In addition, as confirms the DR.Javier Pedraz, medical director of INSPARYA MADRID, "You have to be careful with the water of the sea and the pool, because chlorine and marine salt weaken keratin fibers".Likewise, excess sweating "will cause the scalp to be irritated and become more sensitive".If we add to this that, precisely because of these factors, we wash the hair more, the greatest use of shampoos - especially if they are not very respectful of the skin - it can cause the hair to “dry out, becoming fragile and brittle.In other words, nor is the sun the only thing that should worry us, nor should we leave the protection and treatment of random scalp.

Hydrate (much) before summer

According to DR.Pedraz, in summer "you have to be more careful, so we must hydrate the skin of the scalp and hair itself".What we always repeat: better prevent than cure.To do this, the specialist recommends using nutritious shampoos -he recommends Prevent has to inspire or nutritional -but also specific protocols both for before and after vacations: “We can opt for treatments such as Mesohair (insarraya capillary mesotherapy) or plasmaPlatelet rich (PRP).The more hydrated the scalp, it will be less affected by these factors ".In the case of mesotherapy, it is a technique to stimulate hair growth and increase its resistance;While platelet rich plasma is focused on tissue regeneration, delaying follicle deterioration and, thus, avoid capillary aging, that hair becomes finer and loses brightness.

Buy: Champoo with Prevent Hyaluronic Acid Hy, of Inspartya (€ 40).

Sun protection is not enough

Cuidar del cuero cabelludo en verano (y prevenir las quemaduras): la asignatura pendiente que no debes olvidar

Although the use of the photoprotector is essential throughout the body, and is, without a doubt, a great defense against the action of the sun's rays, Dr. Pedraz points out that in the case of the scalp, this can be insufficient to avoid burns.“Always, and as a general norm, physical protection is preferable.Everything that acts as a screen between the sun and our scalp.Therefore, the defense will not be so appropriate and physical protection is preferable and even avoid the sun ”.What do we mean by this?Well, to the use of caps, hats or any other type of accessory that blocks the penetration of the rays.

Looking ahead to the capillary photoprotective - which is mandatory for the moments in which we do not carry physical protection - it is best to use “a capillary spray with solar filters, which must be re -applied after each dip” ”.In addition, the doctor recommends that we choose a light formula, so as not to contribute more fat or waste to the scalp.

Buy: Capillary sunscreen, from Phyto (€ 18.45).

What to do in case of burn?

Obviously, it is best to avoid as far as possible that the scalp suffers burns or redouble, since, as explained by the expert of Inspartya, “in the long term injuries that can be premalignant or malignant can occur, such asactinic keratosis or even skin cancer ", although it clarifies that" this can occur if the scalp is burned continuously.If it happens once, nothing has to happen ".But if in your case it is already late to prevent, the treatment will depend on its gravity (and if it is very intense, it will be best to go to the dermatologist), but at first Dr. Pedraz comments that “antibiotic cream is usually used forprevent the burn from being infected.A commonly used is argical sulfadiazine, but if they are intense burns, even topical corticosteroids can be used, since inflammation will decrease ”.

In addition to using soft and moisturizing shampoos, when the burn has decreased, the specialist recommends using healing creams, such as the classic bepanthol (yes, the one they recommend in pharmacies for irritated, reddened or sensitive skin and that has countless uses).Finally, the mesotherapy treatment we were talking about at the beginning will also be a good ally to recover the skin of the skin.

Buy: Multiusous Protective Ointment, Bepanthol (€ 11.05).

What to do not irritate (more) the scalp

Taking into account that we will have sensitized by all the aforementioned factors -or in the worst case, by a solar burn -there are certain things that we should avoid so as not to harm the welfare of the scalp.Dr. Pedraz emphasizes: “Avoid compulsive brushes and shampoos containing sulfates, opting for those who have natural ingredients.Also, avoid irritating products, such as those that contain acids ".

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Take care of the scalp in summer (and prevent burns): the pending subject you should not forget
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