Telva although the tapes, your lips deserve to take care of them

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Beauty of the keys, although we almost never do it, it is the exfoliation agreed

Now that smiles cannot be seen by the masks, it can be paradoxical that we worry about taking care of our lips.But it is one of the areas of the face to which we pay less attention and, nevertheless, one of the most delicate.Its epidermis is very fine, it does not contain melanin and in the beauty routine we forget to dedicate its deserved time.Therefore, we want to emphasize the care of your lips so that with a mask or without it, your smile has the best protagonists.

Since the masks came to our lives, I intuit the sadness on the lips where there was a colored festival before.What's happening to us?What is not seen does not require attention?Before, at least, we dedicated some more time with a balm or a lipstick.But the reality is that the lips are the great forgotten in the daily beauty routine.Most people do not take care of this face area with any specific treatment, to tools, or additional products, or specific steps for their attention.Nor is it that a lipstick was the solution, but at least that fact made us occasionally put the focus on them and, inevitably, palliative measures were taken because they were cracked or dry.Now as they are not seen (so much), we fear that because of the mask the concern about its status is further devalued.

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The balms are also the new lip red

The balms are also the new lip red

According to dermatologists, there is something that we almost never do with them and is of vital importance to their health: exfoliation.It is important to include this habit in our beauty routine because we will prevent them from drying out and cracking.When we have the lips cut and dehydrated we usually just apply a moisturizing balm.But if before that we follow an exfoliation routine, the product that we apply will penetrate the deepest layers helping in regeneration.In the other way, the moisturizer stays in the most superficial layer, Aquuella formed by a set of dead cells without any effective function on the skin.

When and how to exfoliate your lips

Telva Aunque los tapes, tus labios se merecen que los cuides

Experts advise to exfoliate the skin of the mouth whenever there is an emergency such as cracks or extreme dryness.If this is not the case, at least once a week."It can be done once a week or when we notice the skin very dry. Exfoliation helps eliminate dead cells and hydrate the lips," says the pharmaceutical rocío escalante.Its mechanical effect also activates microcirculation and lips are healthier and more beautiful because color depends on circulation (not melanin - which does not have-).Therefore, after each exfoliation the lips are sound slightly, in a very natural tone that gives even more juicy to its appearance.

They are also that part of the face where the signs of damage and dehydration have the most visibility.To external aggressions (temperature changes, humidity) is added the lack of natural oils and sweat glands in the area so keeping it wet costs much more.The good news is that they have a great regeneration capacity that we should not abuse.Avoid nibging or sucking them will constantly prevent them from drying.

A slight exfoliation will help soften and eliminate cuticles to recover hydration levels and further define lip contour. But be careful because if we submit to this care to the lips without paying attention to the rest of the facial routine, it can fall into an over exfoliation with the completely opposite effect. This can happen because we are using facial cleaners that, when coming into contact with the lips, unbalance their hydration levels. "Scientific research in dermocosmetics allows us Dark, with spots or acne, they could exert an action of over exfoliation on the lips, "explains Raquel González, Director of Education of Perricone MD. To alleviate it, it is best to apply lip balm to create a barrier that avoids damage to the area.

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Telva although the tapes, your lips deserve to take care of them
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