The best for the wrinkles of the lips |

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Cremas y tratamientos para cuidar el contorno de los labios y evitar su envejecimiento

A partir de los 40, igual que cuidas el contorno de tus ojos con una crema específica, deberías cuidar el contorno de los labios. Esta zona está constantemente sometida a gestos (comer, reír, hablar, fumar) que, junto a la pérdida de colágeno, ácido hialurónico y estructura ósea y muscular por la edad, hacen que aparezcan arrugas verticales. Descubre cómo retrasar la aparición de estas arrugas con nombre propio, el código de barras.Lo mejor para las arrugas de los labios | Lo mejor para las arrugas de los labios |

The lips are one of the most attractive areas of the face, but also more delicate.The fine skin that surrounds them tends to develop vertical wrinkles that we know as bar code.With the mouth we eat, we kiss, we laugh, we drink, smoked...All these gestures, which we constantly repeat each day, end up spending to the contour of the lips, in the form of wrinkles.

The skin of this area is thinner, it lacks sebaceous glands, so it is easily dehydrated.In addition, over the years, the lips lose definition and turgidity due to the loss of collagen and hyaluronic acid, as well as by changes in bone and muscle structure.All this translates into increasingly marked wrinkles that depend on genetics and inheritance, but also on your lifestyle.

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Lo mejor para las arrugas de los labios |

With the help of Dr. Natalia Ribé, director of the Aesthetic Medicine Clinic Institut Dra.Natalia Ribé, we offer you some tips to take care of the contour of the lips.

Aesthetic treatments to eliminate wrinkles from lip contour

Dr. Manuel Iglesias Pavón, medical director of Hedonai, explains that "the wrinkles of the lipstick are difficult to treat because this area is constantly moving".But there are different aesthetic medicine techniques that help soften them.Here you have a selection of aesthetic treatments that will help you eliminate wrinkles from the contour and wear more rejuvenated lips.

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The best for the wrinkles of the lips |
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