The filtration of a video with the family and community nursing exam calls into question the validity of the test

  • By:jobsplane



Raquel González Arias.- Nursing outrage at the development of the extraordinary evidence of access to the title of Family and Community Nursing specialist held last Saturday, December 11.A test that more than 31 attended.000 nurses from all over Spain and for which they had been waiting for no less than ten years.However, after so long, the sensation is that due attention has not been given to the process of carrying out the test and that has been carried out in an improvised and accelerated way.


The exam was held in the online mode and the students were distributed in three shifts.In this way, some were summoned at 8.30, others at 12.00 and, finally, at 16.00 hours.The test had a first part of 100 questions and another of 5 clinical cases that should be resolved in three hours.

After the exam, many candidates criticized the complexity of the issues raised, with writing failures and spelling faults, and the fact that they were quite far away from what the day to really are and the object of the evaluation, whichIt was none other than that of the evaluation of competition in the field of family and community nursing.In addition, numerous problems related to connection and technical support during the test were noticed.But the drop that, without a doubt, filled the glass was the filtration of a video and photos of the first -hour exam that immediately began to circulate between the mobile messaging applications and that, according to applicants, turned out to be almost identical to those of the second andThe third turn.This allowed paths of calls to be able to share and consult the answers before the test.

La filtración de un vídeo con el examen de Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria pone en entredicho la validez de la prueba

Lack of guarantees

From the General Nursing Council they have shown their discomfort in this situation: “We regret that after ten years waiting for the realization of this test, the care and care necessary to guarantee the confidentiality and equal opportunities among the applicants have not been taken.For more than 31.000 nurses and nurses who last Saturday attended the exam, with the previous effort that this is, this was an important step in their professional development and, as such, deserved to be carried out with the highest guarantees ”.That is why they demand explanations to the Ministry of Universities and to the Health on the process for the performance of the evidence and the guarantees that should ensure the confidentiality, impartiality and equity of the process and that, clearly, have been violated.They also ask for an immediate response about what is going to happen to the exams that were performed on Saturday since many of the applicants, all of the first shift and those of the subsequent ones who did not receive the filtration, have performed the test inflagrant disadvantage.

Etiquetas:consejo general enfermeriaexamen enfermera especilalista Familiar y Comunitarianivel 3Raquel González Ariasslider

The filtration of a video with the family and community nursing exam calls into question the validity of the test
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