The Maternal Pathology Manual for primary Care is born

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The Spanish Association of Surgeons (AEC), the Spanish General and Family Physicians (SEMG) and the Spanish primary Care Physicians (SEMERGEN) create a Manual of Mamary Pathology for primary Care that aims to bring together the vision of breast pathology of breast units in hospitals and primary care.

This manual aims to improve training in breast pathology at both levels of care; to promote the professional development of all professionals involved in the treatment of breast cancer patients; to coordinate more effectively care in relation to breast pathology at both levels; and to optimize the quality of health care for patients.

For the coordinator of the ACS Mama Section, Sonia Rivas Fidalgo, the primary Care physician plays a fundamental role. Not only in the early diagnosis of breast pathology, but also in follow-up after oncological treatments have been completed, in the identification of social or psychological needs, in the identification of high-risk women and in the promotion of healthy lifestyles.

"all this implies good coordination between primary care and the nursing units of hospital centers," he continues.

The work reviews 19 topics of interest divided into 4 sections, prepared thanks to the participation of hospital professionals and primary care. In total, 23 specialists in surgery, 23 specialists in primary care, 4 specialists in gynaecology, 2 nursing professionals and a specialist in radiology have participated.

Nace el Manual de Patología Mamaria para Atención Primaria

According to Fatima Santolaya Sardinero, from the Spanish Oncology Working Group of General and Family Physicians (SEMG), one of the fundamental actions of primary Care is to carry out a set of preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, follow-up and care activities aimed at the comprehensive management of people who present clinical signs / symptoms or findings in tests diagnosed with imaging technique suspected of malignancy. Or those that detect increased risk for breast cancer.

For this reason, Santolaya says, to produce an updated manual on Mamaria Pathology for the Family physician is an attempt to update, disseminate and improve these activities, with a view to improving the health of the citizens. "No doubt the goal of all the toilets."

In the western world, breast cancer is the most common among women. Its incidence grows every year and its age of appearance is advanced. In addition, benign breast pathology is very common in our population.

Currently, this type of cancer is of great social relevance thanks to public awareness campaigns on the importance of early diagnosis and screening programs, which implies greater commitment on the part of patients to actively search for signs and symptoms of the disease and as a result of the demand for early health care in the face of their onset.

The manual therefore proposes a change of roles at these two levels of care, in which both new information technologies and information in health care play an important role, in order to improve patients' accessibility to the health system, reduce waiting times at all stages of the process, provide comprehensive management of breast pathology taking into account the psychological and socio-familial aspect, and facilitate the complete rehabilitation and return to normal life of patients after treatment.

In the words of Ana Rosa Jurado, coordinator of the GT for the Care of Women and Secretary of the Sexology GT of SEMERGEN, once again, and at a time of unprecedented care overload, the primary Care professionals who have participated in the preparation of this Manual have shown that the priority is the quality of care of the users of the National Health System. On this occasion, since the training, advice and consensus work that made it possible to prepare this work.

"we value the effort of the three is and its professionals, at this special moment when coordination between care levels can be fundamental, especially in pathologies as prevalent as mammary ones," concludes Jurado.

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