A cabinet is measured, first, in the way in which the appointment impacts public opinion;Then, in the ability to help the president contribute to the success of the constituent process, carry out the programmatic objectives and face the large number of unforeseen events, incidents and conflicts that make up the day to day of government experience;and, finally, when evaluating at the end of the four years global political management, the achievements in the objectives sought, in the effects on the political, economic, social and environmental life of the country, the non -anticipated consequences and the possibility that theFirst president be reelected or deliver the presidency to someone from the same political sector.
What we know, for the moment, is that the designated cabinet has been received with hope and with enthusiasm for citizenship, for the high participation of feminist women in the ministerial cast, due to the predominance of new faces, dueHigh political experience and for the knowledge that the designated ministers have (os) of the different policy areas that will have to drive.
The appointment of the cabinet also manages to find the key to objectifying uncertainty, controlling the irrational and distressing fears of an important sector of the population and business in particular.With the appointment of the cabinet, the conditions for a more objective political deliberation on a program that - as the future spokeswoman of the Government, Camila Vallejo - is a new type of new type, are created, since it incorporates the feminist perspective, the dialogue as the main instrumentof political management of the reforms and the commitment to address the climatic crisis.The evaluation of the other two dimensions will be seen in the course of the next four years.
The analysis of the cabinet designated on Friday, January 21, one day before the limit that the elected president had imposed and at the precise time when the ceremony had been convened, it cannot be evaluated with the traditional criteria.The photos that have circulated in the social media, in which the cabinet of President Patricio Aylwin is seen - which was well evaluated when he was appointed and at the end of the period of government -, formed only by men dressed in dark tern and serious faces, contrasts, contrastsWith the cabinet of the elected president in which 14 women (feminist) appear, of a total of 24 designated, and who also assume key wallets.They are other faces, more diverse, that must face very different tasks.
A cabinet led by a 35 -year -old woman, who, perhaps with tenderness, but who calls things by name, bets on dialogue and the search for new approaches to face the conflict in Araucanía and the fight against organized crimeAnd it is clear when pointing out that violence is not the way to get changes.It also expresses demands imagined only for a few 30 years ago: an approach to political life that is based on the equality of genders, which aspires to be consistent with family life, where building a friendlier society is a priority, where thesubjectivity and care of all for all is central.
The government assumes a new left project, committed to the changes that Chilean society has been demanding for more than a decade and that are made possible with 18-O, the opening of the constituent process and the triumph of Gabriel Buric.A left that has incorporated into its DNA that the deepening of democracy - representative with all the improvement necessary and adequately complemented with mechanisms of participatory and deliberative democracy - is not an obstacle to transformations, but is an integral part of theDued changes.Therefore, bet on dialogue and construction of the majorities necessary to make them viable.
A left that understands that it is not possiblethe necessary assets to ensure the welfare of citizenship in harmony with the protection and promotion of the environment.As soon as this new left is that democracy is violated and the fellow citizens to emigrate from the country is forced, since there are no conditions for a dignified life.
Various analysts, media and circles of approved dignity, has drawn attention to the degree of depiration shown by the team led by the president -elect and made up of Izkia Siches, Giorgio Jackson, Camila Vallejo and Antonia Orellana.A retrospective look at the six governments that preceded them, after the restoration of democracy, shows the particularities of collective conduction that begins to configure.As a counterpart, it is clear that the new government will be sustained by the most fragmented and weak coalition of the last 30 years.
In Aylwin's government, driving was structured around the president for his long political career and on the basis of Boeninger 'political-technical capacity, the strong control of the economic team by the Foxley and Ominami duo, and the powerCorrea tactics that ensured the unrestricted support of the left.The government argued a coalition that had formed in the fight against dictatorship and in the constitution of the so -called "cross party".
Frei's government wanted to structure from the presidents of the most important parties of the coalition;This failed flatly.Subsequently, it was organized from the triumvirate democraticristiano, made up of Minister of the Interior, Carlos Figueroa;Defense, Edmundo Pérez;and of the Treasury, Eduardo Aninat.Ricardo Lagos was added as the alleged future president of the Republic.The Government, beyond its achievements, did not achieve a political leadership, until when José Miguel Insulza assumed as head of the Segpres and as a "real" interior minister.
The uncontrollable force of then President Ricardo Lagos found a complement to Interior Minister José Miguel Insulza;While in economic.He characterized that administration the attempt to direct the government from the "second floor", to the detriment of the Segpres.
The first administration of President Bachelet was marked by the predominance of the Minister of Finance in decision making, which resulted in a pension reform that, although created the solidarity pillar of the pension system, strengthened the AFP E systemmade it impossible for a real reform of education to respond to its problems of inequality and poor quality.These two policies would have as an unwanted effect the student mobilization, the “no + AFP” movement and other social mobilizations that would largely configure the conflicts of the following decade and that Chile would change, some years later.
The predominance of the Minister of Finance would also be decisive for the division of the Concertación in two candidacies, which would lead to the triumph of Piñera in 2010.The two governments of Sebastián Piñera have been characterized by the absolute predominance of the president in government management and, perhaps even more importantly, by the undervaluation of the political as a fundamental element of presidential management.This resulted in both administrations, the early political defeat and, consequently, a bad government management.
The second administration of Michelle Bachelet was undoubtedly a government government;However, she lacked a political leadership that ordered the different ministries, allowing the president to be established from the Ministry of Finance.
Since the restoration of democracy and probably in the last 100 years, there has never been a political driving, such as the one that is prefigured in the incoming government.Structured in the heat of the social struggles of the first half of the decade, has starred in the construction of the Frente Amplio (FA), which broke the duopoly and comforted the political scene.In this context, the elected president complements the government leadership of the group of 5, with the development of the strong popular leadership that he exercises and that appears as the main support of the new government.The political thrust of the group is also evidenced in the way Camila Vallejo is affecting the political and cultural transformation of the Communist Party.The great weakness is undoubtedly the high political fragmentation, the lack of collective work experience of the different forces that compose it.In these circumstances, there is a danger that political parties are absorbed by government management and, with this, the political arena that civil society represents is neglected, which can lead to a disconnection with citizenship.
As we said above, the appointment of the hitherto president of the Central Bank, Mario Marcel, as the new Minister of Finance, constituted a master play of the elected president elected.However, from approved dignity, the concern that Marcel's appointment prevents the change program to which the elected president promised.It is not the opinion of Gabriel Boric, who in an interview with the BBC has argued that Marcel “has a trajectory and an experience in the state, in the budget direction, in the Central Bank and also outside, on the World Bank, in theOECD, and that trajectory is unquestionable, and that it is also a guarantee of seriousness for the reforms that we have to push and that they will be difficult and that they will require broad consensus and that they needed, I think, this guarantee that a person as a person as a person likeMario Marcel can give him, in addition to his firm progressive convictions, as he defines social democrat ”.
Marcel is undoubtedly a crucial and known figure in Chilean politics.Inspired by the reform of the English state of the late 80s, under thatcher, and the 90s, under Blair, put its stamp on the improvement of public management, establishing a relationship not exempt from controversies with public sector workers.He was the main actor of the 2008 pension reform, which - as said above - although he created the solidarity pillar, consolidated the AFP system without substantive changes.The management of the Central Bank under its presidency was from Dulce y Agraz, supported the weak policy of the government support for families and SMEs in 2020 and, at the same time, took reasonable measures in the monetary field to face the crisis, promotingtimely an elevation of the monetary policy rate (TPM) to control the inflation that began to accelerate.He has vigorously defended the extreme autonomy of the Central Bank and does not share the concern regarding the problems that for the diversification of the economy generates the orthodox inflation control policy.In this context, the question about whether Marcel will be able to print the necessary turn to what has been the predominant role of the Ministry of Finance in the definition of government policy and, in this way, as pointed out, “to help create the creation of creating the creation of theconditions for commitments to be met ".
Beyond this, it should be noted that Marcel arrives at a government and a time other than that of the ministers that were characterized by a domain position.Contrary to a Foxley, an Aninat or an Eyzaguirre, Marcel is not part of the nucleus that will make the decisions of the new government.Undoubtedly, he will assert his positions both in the Political Committee and in the Ministry he will lead, which has great power in the government and in the State's apparatus.The political support of the one who will have to be resembled that of his predecessors.In this regard, it will be the support of the President and the Political Committee its main force.But this will be associated with its ability to comply with the promise that is collected in the previous paragraph and compatible it with its commitment to stability.Fire test will undoubtedly be your ability to approve the tax reform, which collects what is necessary to finance the reforms and ensure the strengthening of tax institutionality.Crucial for the success of the Government will be a new type of balance between the Treasury and the other ministries of the economic area, which will be responsible for the impulse of the new development model that compromised the approved dignity program.To do this, the incorporation of the Minister of Economy to the Political Committee would be recommended.
As important as the above is that Marcel arrives at the government at a time when priorities have changed significantly.Today, together with macro stability, economic transformation is a fundamental priority to deal with the growing exhaustion of the economic model.Crucial is also to deal with the climatic crisis, the drought that has ravaged us for almost a decade and build a different relationship between our economic activity and the demand for environmental protection.There is a growing consensus in the need to give a strong impulse to the regions, which includes fiscal decentralization.Pension, education and health reforms are urgent.This problem complex requires powerful leaderships that establish a horizontal relationship with the Minister of Finance.It is no longer possible, that the reforms are digitated from the Treasury.This ministry must fulfill the budgetary obligations that correspond to it, but it must be the sector portfolios that assume the leadership in the transformations.This is crucial for government success.Recognizing this new scenario is a condition for successful management of the new head of the Treasury and for the success of the transformative political project of the elected president.
It is also remarkable the success of the elected president, Gabriel Buric, in structuring a real cabinet of the approve that triumphed in the plebiscite, which advances in the construction of the parliamentary majority required to boost the changes and that also translates the role that the mobilization and mobilization playedSocial organizations in the transformation of the country.A classroom teacher takes education reins;A woman director of Hospital assumes as Minister of Health;The person in charge of the Investigation of the University of Chile, who is also a member of the Communist Party, takes the position of Minister of Science and.
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