These are the best moments of the Gen Playz season

  • By:jobsplane



What's up, peña? 2020 is finally over.

And with it, all our problems:

the pandemic, the confinement, the curfew... Or not?

We say goodbye to this infamous year

with Ana Obregón and Anne Igartiburude holding hands.

You can't hear it! And also with great enthusiasm.

But is there a difference?

between December 31st and January 1st?

Do they serve the purposes?

How do you explain that low-spirited psychology that never forgives?

after Christmas?

Inside "Gen Playz".

But hey! Happy life, right?

Because, on January 12,

We can't say anything else, Dario.

Because the storm has passed.

I'm already on a diet, I don't even want to teach you

what's cooking down here.

It's a good thing he got the cut here.

Well, what's up? How about that New Year's Eve?

Did you see the chimes with Ibai? Very good. No no.

I am not stateless of those.

I'm not...pretty much a social louse.

I had it on my phone.

To give you...a "view".

You have to do them a favor. Paco does need "views".

They need. Man, they are twitcher child soldiers.

To collaborate, but no, no.

Me on TVE.

Oh, well. All my life.

Man. And for life.

For life, and more if you pay us the salary.

We are going to talk about all this,

from Ramona's downturn, the January downturn, right?

Always, you know, the projections,

the purposes...These things that you have, Dario,

and that you end up not complying. Because a year has ended,

but not their misfortunes. Give me the video.

(Foreign accent)Hasta la vista, 2020.

As much peace you take as rest you leave.

(Upbeat music)

After a most special year,

"Some of the mink slaughtered

to minimize the risk of coronavirus transmission

have emerged from their graves"...

To put it finely.

It's normal for us to welcome the new year almost eagerly.

But what changes from December 31 to January 1?

# New year, new life! #

Why do we make resolutions that we won't keep?

-We decided to go to the gym, cut down on pizzas...

Are they helpful or counterproductive?

Why do we get so sad when the new year starts...

should we be hopeful?

-No drama, always "smile".

How do we deal with the unforgiving letdown?

-I don't have post-vacation blues because I don't leave.

Oh, my mother, my mother!

But I like:# New year, new life... # Good.

What's up? I'll explain, Dario.

Don't gesture, I see you.

If not, I see it on camera. It's just, really,

people who abide by the Gregorian calendar...

Don't you like it?

Well...No, I'm not that... I'm not.

Ah, okay, okay. But, well, I don't know.

I do, I like it.

I come loaded with purposes and, above all, very excited,

because we are opening the year and program with an unbeatable table.

On my left, Ana Macías.

Hello. AKA I'm Cardo.

She is an illustrator and a fan of going down to the supermarket in her pajamas.

I really like that. I feel powerful and grown up.

A little. Sure.

Very well.

Also, if you don't follow her online, please follow her.

It has some illustrations that are different.

You know? "I'm down, so touch my palm."

That's right, that's my thing.

That's his roll.

Doctor Santos Olano, already a "regular" of this house.

Doctor in Clinical and Health Psychology.

Well, here, from the Poronda.

Is it or isn't it? That's right.

He's already become a narcissist,

corrects everything.No, no.

Now seriously, thank you so much for inviting me back.

It's a pleasure, and you know it. And what we said before,

I'm glad to be in a less dense program.

And we're going to see other things.

Deep down, Dr. Santos likes to joke around.

As soon as doors open, we're going to freak out.

Elizabeth Duval.

Philosophy student, writer, author of "Reina y excepción".

And, well, Minister, where there are, of Foreign Affairs.

There we have it, in Paris.

Heading up from his kitchen. What's going on there?

Well, I don't know if I share being grateful

for being a less serious program,

because I brought math formulas with me

Stop this down-and-out move.

-Well...-..."in quotes".

Mafer, "Check how she wiggles", Virtual Diva in networks.

Love advice.

And, well, big ass, who likes to wiggle.

I mean, I want to tell you, is it or isn't it, Mafer?

Yeah, yeah. Also, Biology major.

That it is up to the cucade to take "offline" exams.

Look at her.

On his show...

This is how we pay,

so they can do other things while.

Well, welcome back, Mafer.

Thank you for being here with us.

And not least: Paola Rivero.

-Holi. Paola Rivero.

That she is a member of the Cariño group.

Also, well, they have the song for January,

which is "La bajona".

Well, it has a lot of downbeat songs.

"Sad face" and a long etcetera.

I enjoyed them at the FIB at the time.

And we hope to be able to enjoy your music soon too.

Thank you so much for bringing me here.

Bachelor of Fine Arts. We have many artists.

We have a lot of people trained.

Anyway, stuff, you know.

Well, let me start by saying:

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian probably broke up.

People idealizing snow and playing "Let It Snow!".

(LAUGHS) Idealizing snow?

Idealizing snow.

Yeah, I almost left my hip walking.

An asteroid that is going to fall in 2022 and all "kaputt".

Has the slump hit you yet?

Yeah, I made it through day five without crying.

Then I started. New Year's resolutions.

Okay, until five without crying. That's enough.

Last year I started it with a sprain.

I cried on day one, because it hurt.

And now I'm moving on.

Well, now it's another kind of crying,

you mean, right? Yeah, more than 2021.

Crying pandemic, a little.Crying pandemic.

A laugh crying; more of Joker, right?

Yes. Can you do the Joker laugh?

Oh, okay. It's not so much "hee".

Well, do we have any expectations, Paola, in 2021?

Sorry for the refusal, but no.

I started like: "Well, 2020 has taken everything away from me."

I'm not going to start like:

"Well, I'm going to propose so-and-so." No.

Week by week, and whatever comes, may come.

And so I'm a little surprised, right?

It has been an extension of negativity, of what we had in 20.

Yeah, but, darling, it's just...Yeah, it's been a long time.

And, besides, that I am quite pessimistic,

but nothing happens. I play with that. Ah, okay.

Very good. Well, some nice table tennis.

Can you tell us something cool? (LAUGHS)

Something cool like... No. You know, mug messages don't.

I think that's one of the big mistakes.

We have the feeling that we have come into the world

to be happy, and it's a lie.

We came into the world to be adaptive.

And now we're looking at being adaptive

is present more than ever.

And, in that sense, it's not a matter of waiting for bad things to happen,

but not to invent that good things are going to happen.

Because, later, of course...

But I think this is also reconnecting us.

with things that maybe we forgot before

A bit for all this, right?

Little things that before did not make us so happy

because we had very high expectations.

Do you think we dated...?

A bit, the mug messages,

this time they were institutional messages...

Do you think we came out of this stronger?

Me more stable. I mean...

Before, it was like I was overwhelmed by everything.

And now it's like..."It's okay, relax."

But also because I'm more in the present

and I think less about what's going to happen.

And that has helped me relax a lot.

Well, taking advantage of this high medieval moment,

so you just said:

"You come to live here to make it a whole vale of tears

and later the glory will not compensate",

Liz, tell me your math formula.

Basically what I meant by the mathematical formula

It's not entirely true.

There is no such thing as a mathematical truth.

But it's just like the slump thing.

I have come to say that the low is not true,

that the slump is a lie.

We are not down because we are automatically programmed

so that a few days after...

Well, the third Saturday in January, I don't remember, Blue Monday,

suddenly feeling down.

That was invented by a travel agency,

who came up with a formula in which, supposedly,

There is the weather, the debt, the monthly salary,

the time that has passed since Christmas,

time since failing New Year's resolutions...

And that this is a lie.

Just as it has been said that you should not be there all the time

with those phrases in your head,

well, there are theories that also speak to us

how this happiness thing

and to seek happiness at all costs

it's a hoax.

And there are two books, they are the one by Eva Illouz, "Happycracy",

and Sara Ahmed's,"The Promise of Happiness",

It seems that it is not the downer,

May it be colder in January, let's be sadder,

although there may be a grain of truth to that,

but it is that the self-employed do not collect late invoices,

it's capitalism, work, going back to routine.

It's coming back from vacation and being in the shit,

so, in general.

My goodness. That's it.

Wow, kid, I'm freaking out over this show opening.

I'm freaking out.

It's the best. Let's see...

Mafer, I wanted to ask you,

Have your Christmases been more reflective and austere?

Do you think it should be repeated?

this formula that we have had for the next few years?

Let's see, I think it's true

that, as we all get older,

It's getting a little less exciting every time, isn't it?

In the end we are realizing

that... But also a bit along the lines of what Liz says,

that we are growing and we are seeing that the builder of the family

It's not what we thought in our heads.

We don't have to share time with people

because we have family ties and we want to be with these people,

but we have to go a step further and say:

"I'm going to spend it with whoever I want."

Yes we can make some happy times,

but with the people we feel like.

and it doesn't necessarily have to be a requirement.

Don't let anyone feel bad if you dined alone on Christmas Eve.

In the end it's another day.

Time and dates are important

that we wanted to give them; thus, to get deep.


What I wanted to talk about was if you have any tricks...

to discourage this moment you were telling me about,

from bajonero or whatever.

I know that depression doesn't exist, happiness doesn't exist,

but lie to me elegantly, please.

Please tell me some trick.

-I'm very dramatic.-(LAUGH)

-Me too.-It's just that I pass it.

I like to put the blanket on the bed and sad music.

Then I look at myself from the outside, and I say: "What are you doing?"

Because I'm too dramatic.

But, before the quarantine, I passed it, I continued with my life,

I was trying to avoid it, and now I suffer from it.

And I say: "If I suffer now, tomorrow I'll be better."

I'm going up."Suffer",

That's the first tip. For me, yes.

A piece of advice, Dr. Santos Olano.-(LAUGH)

Actually, the good thing is that we know that reality

It is not the one that provokes our emotions.

This is a bit of a shock to us.

What we say: January, because it is January,

It doesn't make us sad.

It is the interpretation that we make of reality

those that lead us to feel one way or another.

With the events you just mentioned,

There will be people who are happy and others who experience it as a drama.

And everything will depend on the point of view.

So, train yourself to see things

from different points of view

we do know that it helps regulate emotions better.

I think that might be good advice.

A good "tip": train your intelligence.

But I've stayed in Operation,

the game Operation.

Like to start training my intelligence.

Any tips, Paola.

Anyone who knows me and sees me giving tips for that...

I just can't.

Well... The only thing I've done in 2020,

that we've been locked in with oneself,

I was like, "I'm fine, I'm fine."

And, well, I started to face that maybe not so much.

I started going to therapy.

And what you say,

cope with anxiety and that kind of thing in a different way.

I don't know, in my field,

creatively, he can make a good song.

Or you can channel it in a completely different way.

It's not all bad,

These are the best moments of the season by Gen Playz

and keep the blanket on the couch.

And one thing, Liz, the Parisians...

They are more straw-colored, sadder.

Do you think Latinos get along better?

The thing is, it's hard not to be sadder

seeing Paris compared to the climate of Madrid or Barcelona.

In other words, here we have a number of hours of sunshine per year

that goes down a bit.

It's freezing cold in here.

It hasn't snowed, which makes us sadder,

because snow is that happy, Christmassy moment,

of being a little kid again and throwing balls at each other,

but I don't think there is anything intrinsic

that makes Parisians sadder.

To other countries further north, yes,

but it's kind of infinite scale,

in which you say:"No, not me, the ones from the north".

The ones from the north will tell you:"No, not me, the others from the north".

So, I don't think there's any truth to this.

That's right, it makes sense.Mafer.

What do you ask of 2021?


so, I ask that people get vaccinated, really.

As a biologist. Of course, you can contribute.

Sure. As a biologist, I ask people,

with the knowledge I have,

that I'm still there fighting with those 30 credits that I have left,

jolin, let people trust scientists.

Whoa, they've worked a lot, it's not that hard...

I understand people's reticence about this,

but, if we think about it with perspective,

the best brains have been put to the smartest people,

the hardest worker, the one who loves science the most, to the fullest,

everyone working together to get something done

that, at least, will be safe and effective, we hope so.

But minimal insurance...

Jolín, how can it not be, for God's sake?

Well, thank you very much, "Maferilla".

(LAUGHS) I take advantage, just in case...

Just in case, if you want to make a request to yourself,

I don't know, some flat or some flat...

What I ask of 2021 is to finish the race.

Because I'm already tired.

I want to become a minister or whatever I catch.

Come on! Hey, any wishes for the 21st?


No. The vaccination thing has me quite hopeful.

Fuck more?

No, I'm fine with that, really. Also?

Well, well, well, see?

-Hey, great. It's great.

That is, I already have a consumption of masturbators in my house,

That's already spectacular, it's a showcase.

So, okay, great. Any wishes, Thistle?

I always ask that everything goes well.

It is very general, encompasses health, money and love.

I always ask for that at the bells. Holy crap, aunt.

-It usually goes well.-And when it's my birthday.

Well, if I say it, it's true anyway. No problem.

I think so. You already killed it.

May all go well.

I think you're emitting it.

So, that...It's going to happen.

You're going to receive something. Liz, a request from 2021?

-I have no requests.

Except for things beyond my control,

I'm very happy with things.

Shit, we need to stop bringing stoics.

Let them be resolved.

Okay, okay, okay, okay.

In other words, stoicism, present at this table.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

If peace is internal...the rest, fine...

If there is a coup in the United States,

I'm going home with my cats.

Okay. But no...

A civil war.

Don't end up destroying Parliament.

Dr. Santos, what are your requests?

You dedicate a lot of time to rest, but for you? How are you?

Thank you.

You are one of the few people who ask me this,

and I thank you.

Am I one of the few people who ask you how you are?

Beyond my family and friends, I must say yes.

I tend to do it myself more.

"How was your week?" Sure.

Okay, I'm not going to help you much with this.

Actually, what she was saying, as far as it depends on me,

okay for now.

I'm lucky.

I think that, for the difficult times that we are living,

I consider myself lucky.

So, on a very individual level, keep it up.

I have to say that I am lucky,

that there is a general situation that is very busy,

and may it, well, be better for everyone too.


Danel! What is Danel telling us?

Welcome to the second season of "Gen Playz".

Seconds were never good.

And I know because I'm a middle brother.

You think life is free,

that life is a joke, a joke in bad taste,

but it's not true.

Things are coldly organized

by a reptilian elite

which is hidden among the high places

of world politics,

and everything has a reason for being.

Christmas is there so that, in comparison,

The month of January hurts less,

because the month of january sucks.

Post-vacation syndrome only exists

because the holidays are sooner.

And even if there were no holidays, January would be fucking shitty.

This video was recorded while I'm on vacation.

And I already have post-vacation syndrome.

The last days of a holiday

You can already hear the funeral bells coming.

They come, they don't stop.

Responsibility, routine, work, the cold are coming...

Because what better time

than incorporating yourself into the work dynamics of capitalism

that in a month in which sunrise is at 10:30, sunset is at 6:00 p.m.

There's rain and rats and snow.

I hate snow, I hate it with every beat of my heart

to this unpresentable motherfucker,

that gets on your clothes and makes kids think

that it's funny to attack each other

and, what's worse, other people.

The "January slope" is a term to normalize and to assume

that we have made the same mistake: having less money in the account.

Why? Because Christmas is a party of ostentation,

of sharing and love,

but, above all, to have the Christmas lights

cooler at home.

So, you bought your kids an iPad

so they leave you alone.

Fuck you, you have to work, you have no money.

You can use that free time you have right now

to recover the money that your gifts have cost you

and then back to your normal life.

Next year or close to summer. There are no days of summer left

because it's winter, which is a whore... shit!

I'm Tim Calor, here where you see me.

Enter the Tim Cold-Tim Heat debate.

I'm Tim Calor, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for those

who have to rejoin the gear this month.

I hope you had a good time.

and you've stuffed three whole tablets up your asshole.

Because you won't taste it until December;

Not just because of the tradition, but because it's expensive.

Think of the shrimp heads you've sucked on.

Who is happier, them or you?

I don't know.

Hello, by the face.

Whoa! Uh!-Bumba.

I loved the snow thing. I totally agree.

He screwed us up, on top of that he lives in Bilbao.

Now, in Mondragón.

It's true.

The cradle of Fujitsu, Eroski and ETA.

Sorry, Daniel.

Danel, we love you. You are always the best.

And Mother Lucius too. Of course.

To all the "crew".

Yes. No, what I was going to say. Let's see.

What I was going to pull out to question our glorious table,

is yes, on social media,

You think this downturn is well represented.

Or are you trying to pull the trick,

the old trusty of social media from...

"I smile; and if I smile, nothing happens"?

Do you think it represents...?

When I'm down, I don't touch my phone.

When I write a tweet, I delete it the second.

"I'm sad." I erase it.

Yes? Yes.

But why don't you allow other people's protection?

No, since I'm in Bajona and I don't feel very strong,

well I don't believe what I'm saying

I'm saying it right.

You know? I don't feel empowered and comfortable.

So, he tried to put it aside. I don't know about you, but I...

But is the slump a thing for posh, rich and well-to-do children?

Let's see, we can understand the low as sadness, right?

And it's always going to come up when there's a loss.

It can be a loss of something that is no longer there

or expectations that we know will not be met.

And, in that sense, Christmas... We are on vacation,

There is an atmosphere, you see people you want to see...,

or not so much, that's why we said, depending on the person.

But, of course, going back to work,

maybe stop having so many social events,

this weird year is weird in and of itself,

many people have lost loved ones,

we've lost work...

Well, well, I think in that sense this is understandable.

But, well, that doesn't mean everything causes depression.

Sadness is an adaptive emotion,

like all the others,

something that "Inside Out", the movie, taught us.

-Very cool.

And "Soul" too.

"Soul" is good too.

From Pixar. It's more recent, it's true.

You have to see it.-We are not going to make spoilers,

but it comes very to...

It's related to... With the theme of the move.

Yeah, sure. No, we're not going to do spoilers.

What do you think, Ana, love?

-I think that this year there is less depression than ever.

It's already been a bad year of 2020.

2021 we have started normal, as always.

And you let yourself be cast?

If you tweet "I'm sad"?

It's just that I'm ashamed sometimes to put that, because they're going to tell me:

"How heavy, sad all day."

-(LAUGHS)-It's true, sometimes...

-It's true.-Sometimes I don't post things because of that.

I always say: "What I put on is not my life", but, in part, yes.

Yes, I tell what happens to me, but I say no...

Ah, "sad"; that's what a friend told me.

Sad and horny, which is the "mood" of...

Universal.-It's bad.

Actually, there aren't that many basic emotions.

And only one seems good to us.

That in itself is a problem.

You are denying the normality of the rest.

And every day we will have emotions

that maybe we think we are doing something wrong

for having them, but you don't say:

"How annoying, I'm happy all the time on the networks."

And that's what to go for.

Actually, it's fake too.

Although you transmit eternal happiness,

if you have a normal body,

You will have all the emotions.

Another thing is that you are bad at identifying them.

That's another clue.

You have them all, because it doesn't depend on you,

They are a reaction of the body.

Sure, but socially, you do say, "Man, it's August,

people are piguis, I'm here".

"I shouldn't be expressing it to the cunt that I am."

but you're more up to the cucaque, for example, in January, you know?

The "mood" is seasonal.

It also has to do with education.

We are educated to...

That is, to be well, to be content or happy.

Sure. But there are differences.

Traditionally, boys are educated a little

that joy and anger is okay to show.

I mean, when you get frustrated, you can get pissed off.

If you have anxiety, you get angry. "If you're sad, get angry."

Women are "allowed" others,

but also views from vulnerability.

In the end, sadness, anxiety is like...

"Jo, you are neurotic, you are"...

It has to do with whether or not this is normalized.

But it's a good thing that's being deconstructed little by little.

Remember, we're working on it.

And therefore, emotional education in the cabbages.

Emotional education in schools.-Ojalá.

Mafer, switch off.

There it is, let's go. You already had it to click.

So, hooray!

Hey, did you set out for yourself last year to keep up?

Jolín, the truth is that yes.

But that's what they were saying,

everything has already gone a bit badly and it can't get any worse.

I only have good hopes anymore.

And not...? And since you didn't comply, maybe

Any of your goals or purposes that you had...?

No, actually, I've accomplished a lot of things

that I had proposed.

Okay. It hasn't been a bad year either.

Kind of like Liz said before, personally it hasn't been that bad.

But it's sad to see the general situation.

That's true too, lol...

I have more apathy, for example, regarding my university...

See how the labor market, which was already regular,

see now that, in no time,

My generation is going to enter that job market,

and see how she is...

I think it's something we don't talk about that much either,

and how are they invalidated

the emotions young people have,

when we are the ones who are beginning to live

an "adult" life, and we hit a wall:

economic recession, mega-pandemic...

And so it seems we can't complain

because there are other people who are experiencing things

that are considered more serious.


But, well, let it.

You know? scratch yourself


Hey, doctor... Doctor...-No, but you're right.

This happens a lot.

Sometimes you try... Is the diagnosis not correct?

Your part is.Okay, okay.

But she says...It's what we were saying before,

from an adult, who has lived a lot,

It's not a problem for a teenager not being able to meet their friends.

So, we tried to cheer up with... "There are worse people".

But that doesn't encourage,

because emotions have to do with your reality,

not with someone else's. Exactly.

Being a teenager and this is happening to you,

Obviously, it's a loss.

It's a loss.

Are about to finish college

and see that the work situation is not...,

it's a waste.

"You still have no children or burdens."

Sure."It doesn't matter. It's my life."

Or not having attended the Sanfermines.

Maybe Mafer really liked it.

Man, that's the truth.

I wanted to wiggle

and hook up with some weirdo at the club, and i missed it.

And it's very sad, really.Yeah.

Three Bad Bunny records, yeah.

Let's see if the "twerk" trend is going to pass, Mafer.

I wanted to ask...(LAUGHS)

I wanted to ask...

Me personally.

and I think it is expandable to other people,

the common evil...

It comforts me a bit.

Oh yeah?

There is a saying that goes:

"Evil for many, consolation for fools."

I'll be silly, but consolation if we fail 18 out of 20 in class.

That happened to me. Oh, yeah?

If I failed, but I saw that we were all failed,

I say: "Okay"...

If I am confined, but we are all confined...

Sure, that has to do with...There are two ways, right?

One, that the loss is not so much because everyone has lost.

I'm not missing anything because no one is having it.

And, on the other hand, it also decreases guilt.

If we all fail, it won't be my fault.

I wouldn't have done so badly when maybe there's another reason.

Yeah, it's basically washing my hands.

No, but, of course, that's normal. I understand you, okay.

Liz... Is the media...?

Well, say what you want to say and I ask you,

for you to link like that...

I mean, you're a DJ mixing songs.

Ask me first and I'll link to that.

That's why I say, you're a DJ

mixing bits of some themes and others.

The media have reinterpreted the bajona,

and they are partly to blame for instilling this in us.

Really people are in the shit,

but was he really in the shit 20 days ago too?

That's the question. (NODS)

Well, at first

you might expect that on social media

see a lot of sad people, already with the low New Year,

and that Twitter was full of crazy kids

who walk and declaim their sadness, their boredom or their anger

with the world,

but, when I have started this 2021, I have seen a kind of jubilation,

of wanting to leave behind all the bad things,

this immeasurably bad year, which has been 2020.

In relation to all that, as I said before,

The Blue Monday thing comes from a travel agency,

marketing strategies,

all these things, and there's nothing real about it,

nothing settled, beyond that post-vacation slump.

In relation to what we were talking about before

of what we've missed,

there was a very funny phrase from the president of France,

who said it was hard to be 20 in 2020,

And it's tough.

Because I believe that always, the positive,

it is the other who saves us,

and it's those relationships, it's those affections,

It is taking care of yourself with the people around you.

And, in that situation, the hardest part of confinement

or the hardest of those things,

It's not being able to see those people.

It's what I miss the most, for example, from the beginning of 2020,

that I could go to Madrid with some regularity,

where I meet a lot of my friends,

and now it's been a long time since I've seen them.

I have friends that I haven't seen for almost a year

because we live in different cities and we can't see each other.

Anyway, I think we should be more optimistic about the vaccine

with the year 2021 coming up.

And also, if we listen to the proverb,

As you have already said, Inés,

"Year of snow, year of goods",

so everything will be a little better.

# And it's that I spend the day partying,

# all night without rest.

# Hitting the wine and the guitar... #

Man, a hymn to Peret.

Say yes, but a saying...

Perret! A "perret"...

A Perret, okay, but a valid one for the Middle Ages...

Oops, Dario!(LIZ) Good, good!

The Middle Ages were a dark age,

It's a myth. The Middle Ages were very good.

In the Middle Ages there were also orgies.

He was very well, at 20 years old,

You already paid the bus pass for the old people nowadays.

And the pandemic, we have taken a liking to it.

In the Middle Ages, the self-employed fund was less.

That's true.

Well, what were you going to ask, my love?

I was going to ask, Cardo...

Obviously, the world situation is what it is,

but what from the "mass media"

is all the time with this machine gun fire

negative news...Ugh...

I have stopped watching the news since the quarantine began.

Everything stays more or less the same. The what?

It overwhelms me. In addition, they put a super isolated case,

and they play it like it's happening all over the world.

And I get overwhelmed, I don't watch the news.

Just memes, more than ever.

And I find out about the news through memes.

What is to have as a topic of conversation

and not look like a fool, and that's it.

You've talked before, Paola, about the creative stuff.

That maybe it takes you

How to make more songs, etcetera.

Have you been productive in that sense, or have you given yourself your "chances"?

Sometimes it does. There were days when I felt creative,

and said: I'm going to do it.

but the days that don't, it's also very important...,

Like, when you're down, let yourself be down.

Sure. I mean, you're wrong.

And also talking about it with people.

I said before that I don't put it on social media.

I don't think that's a good thing either.

Yes, yes. I mean that you have to make visible

that people aren't happy all the time, you know?

And, I don't know, I've lost the thread a bit.

No, no, no.

No, we were just talking about that,

that creativity,

being at a point where it leads to more threads,

Days yes and days no.

At the beginning of the quarantine, it was full:

"I'm going to use mallet!".

I had been on tour for a long time,

it was the infinite tour of Las Cariño.

We said: "Turn, turn", but it was infinite.

We never stopped. And it was like... "That's cool,

a few weeks of relaxation".

At first, full throttle, but then it was like...

"Get me out of here."

By the fourth brownie, you were getting a little bogged down.

No brownie, I can't cook anything.

(LAUGHS) We didn't even try.

I don't know, to the fourth pizza

from Casa Tarradellas.Yes, yes.

On top of that, I was crazy about not ordering food.

I would kill for a hamburger. Yeah, huh?

It's that the situation forced us, forced us, forced us.

Hey, what about your 2020 song?

Oh, you got me.

Well, my artist, I was thinking about it the other day,

and it's Sen Senra, I really like what he's done.

"George Ezra"? No... Senra.

I don't even know who it is. Hey?

Oh, the Galician?

Yeah, yeah. Oh, okay.

I really like what you've done. Sorry.

No, had to listen.


(HUMMS) Well, we sent you a "ber"...

A "verse". Boo! You're regular, huh?

Whoa so-so.

So-so. Well...Yes, excuse me, Dario. Oh poor thing.

Uh... nope.

Just as the low can serve,

in doses, like gasoline, for creativity,

is it good for the "hee haha" that you are the manufacturer of?

I go "hee haha" with dramas.

So, it's good for me to be wrong. Sure.

But I had idealized it to be wrong

to be creative, and it's not true.

I've found that when I'm better,

I'm more creative.

So, I think we have to remove the romanticism

from the cartoonist's idea...

(SPEAKING AT THE SAME TIME) And leave me... the snow.

Water, in no other state.

I hate all clowns.

And Ronald McDonald and Joker, dammit!

(LAUGHS EVILLY) I mean, control + alt + delete.

That's bad vibes. I mean, no, throw that idea out.

I prefer to be happy to create,

because when I'm sad, it's hard for me.

Why is that so?-And that you enjoy it more.

You're the wild card.

"Does what I'm saying make sense?"

Let's see, since I don't believe, what I don't know I don't talk about.

Let's see.

Yes, it is true that we have to differentiate, right?

That is, it is one thing to have an emotional impact on something

which can be positive.

It can cause us sadness, anxiety...

and maybe that does help to create your own experience.

You have to differentiate the experience from a bad mood

or a depression, which I guess won't help

because, as you say, the attentional processes,

behaviorally, socially,

we're on to something else and it won't help.

But, perhaps, a couple breakup, on a creative level, can come in handy,

but not maybe the day they left you.

-Exactly.-If it's that experience,

since they've left you, it's time to cry,

or, if it's good, rejoice.

But what...

Look at how Dr. Santos laughs, it's spectacular.

-I also think that seeing and living all the time

of positive stimuli, I think it's also negative.

-It's just that learning...-It's like a vice, you know?

-Learning also implies that not everything is good.

I haven't seen a kid walk without falling.

We need those other things, too.

I have used this proverb many times, and I use it again:

"If every day is a sunny day,

what's a sunny day?" Oh!

I'm just a giant baby.


Give us a succinct message, and I'll fire you from Zoom,

but I want to know a little about your message for this 2021.

Well, my message for 2021.

I thought you were going to ask me a verse or a song...?

Do you want? I would have told you this one from Bad Bunny,

that at the beginning of his first album, this year, of...

"I don't write anything anymore, I just share memes."

And to add to this thing that the rest are saying,

I absolutely don't think sadness or depressed moods

be good at creating.

It seems to me, in fact,

that some of the best things ever created

They are made precisely from happiness,

tenderness, sharing with others and love.

That's what moves me right now,

and it makes me createand it makes me want to share things.

It's love.

So I stream for this 2021

a message of love, harmony and understanding...

and affections among all.

It's just not the same

than being on the foolish conquest of happiness.

chasing her like she's a carrot hanging from a stick,

but simply to appreciate, recognize,

know this phrase by Italo Calvino:

"Know how to recognize in the middle of hell

who is not hell and preserve it and give it space."

Fuck! Damn! Well, Mafer,

a message from 2021, or at least from January, next week.

It won't look as pretty on me.

Jo, on top of that you're talking about creativity.

I throw a spear in favor of people who are not creative,

and I'm going to say that nothing happens

For having spent your forties with TikTok.

So, it's also valid, huh?

What did I do, for example.

So, nothing, a message of positivity,

It looks like there's a little light at the end of the tunnel,

although it gives me vertigo what is coming now.

But now, I won't say more;

if not, I get into a loop of having a hard time.

Don't go down the Aquopolis slide again, you know?

See if it's going to burn your ass.

Okay, girls, thank you so much.

for having been with us this afternoon.

And, nothing, see you in the next program.

-See ya. Bye-bye.

-Bye, bye.-Bye.

Bye.And we have our "Grey Trash",

who has prepared the ticket of the week for us.

Let's see what they say. Gray Trash!

(piano music)

All the best from us. I think we will try

and, of course, we will win this match against the coronavirus.

And I can only say...

As captain of the Spanish National Team

and citizen, thank you.

Thank you, thank you.

Your example of work and generosity

serve to fight this virus all together.


It's just, man...

It's that... It's that this person, this being...

(LAUGHS) This being... Anyway...

Grey Trash, bravísimo!

But we are going to add, as always, to our chats.

to two girls.

Ruth, 22, graphic designer.

How are you, Ruth?

Very good. Very good. Thank you very much for being here.

And Irene Peris, 24 years old.

She is a student and a worker.

And, well, there you have your star hanging.

We understand that it is not the one in Bethlehem.

It's the Christmas decorations, which I haven't taken down yet.

There is time.

Hey, we are already on day 12, we have to remove it now.

I'm going to start with you, Irene.

Nothing, if you are one of those who does not remove it

and take advantage of the LEDs all year round, forward, however you feel.

I wanted to ask you,

Does this start of the year motivate or inspire you?

Well, a little in equal parts.

It's something different. Normally, this beginning of the year

it's always usually preparing for exams,

a little bit cold...,

but now we have the coronavirus.

I mean, what can we expect from that?

All negativity.

But also get a little positive part.

What is...

-Of course!- (LAUGHS)

-No, positive news always comes out.

For example, vaccines.

There's always something to bring out. Okay.

Okay, okay, okay. Well, Irene, you'll know.

I don't know if...It's because I don't get all the negativity out of it.

If not, I think we're sunk.

Dr. Dre is getting good, the rapper,

that he was sick, he had given him a telele,

but it's better now.

Uh... Ruth.

Will everything go back to the way it was before,

as El canto del loco said, or not?

# Nothing will ever be the same again... #

-Great song, huh?-A great song from...

-Well, I don't know, really.

Personally, I finished my degree a month ago.

So...Wow, congratulations!

Sure. Well I don't think it's the best time of all

to have finished it.

Graphic design, if things were already complicated,

on top of a possible lockdown,

the curfew and everything that's happening now,

Things are a little dodgy.

So, will it go back to the way it was before?

Well, I hope that in some things yes and in others no.

I hope I don't have any more exams in college

without being registered,

but I do... No, I know, I don't know.

For example, outside the kisses, which Dario said.

# (MIMICASING) "That's what you want, kisses"... #


My God! The song of the madman, Nostradamus.

Well, speaking of old... losing old ways...

of the old normal.


Well, I don't know, to get an east...

The thing about the kisses was already a turra, right?

I think we're all going a little crazy,

because now I'm at home,

My mother is a doctor, she is in the hospital

and it's like I'm kind of homebound too

when I'm with my family.

We're apart all the time.

We're going to get a little crazy

when things can be a little like they were before,

When it comes to hugs, kisses and so on,

it's going to be a chore to get used to...

I don't know, I was a super loving person.

And now it's like...

"I want to give a hug, but I can't."

And I don't know.Yeah.

Look, advantage for those of us who had the idiosyncratic clamp from before.

Look, see, this hasn't happened to us.

Irene, resolutions for 2021.


Shit, Irene, daughter,-Purposes?

But hey!

Yes, I have resolutions, but I don't know if I'm going to fulfill them.

I've decided to become independent, but... (BREATH)

Become independent? Fabric.

A good year to choose it.

Okay, okay, okay.

Okay. Yes, exactly.

-The rental price is going down.

You can also do it using an illegal method,

like squatting.

Not urging that, eh?-No, better not.

It was a joke.

And any purpose...? For example, what if that doesn't work out?

Is there some other purpose or do you get a little carried away,

on the go?

No, I've decided to finish getting my driver's license,

I think I'm going to get it.

I think so too. It's preferable.

You look like a fucking driver, man.

I mean, be careful. Thanks.

No, no, no. Bumper cars, total.


Do you think it was the healthiest Christmas of your life?

Uh... yeah.

Well... Yeah, yeah.

On a mental health level, too.

Come on!

It is that we are discovering the cake

that no one gets along with their families.

Which, well, well...

I joined this trend in the year 2000, you know?


Let's see,'s come in handy...

to save certain conversations in the middle of some dinners,

of trying to be politically correct all the time.

Put that aside and be with my parents and my sister,

which is my closest family, it has been very good for me.

Continue being as I can always be,

But it is true that it has been boring.

I got really bored.

But, well, it's just... It's just...

Yeah, well, from seeing them so much...

I also tell you, look, a message of love and also sanity.

I don't know, in the end,

see the people who really interest us.

That has been very positive.

Okay, girls.

a message to overcome the January downturn

and 2021 in general.

and I'll let you study or do whatever you want to do.

Or take a resume or look at apartments on Idealista.

That would come in handy,

The thing about the resumes. Sure.

A message, Ruth, come on. Tell me about it, love.

My message, a bit of philosophy

what I'm trying to lead my life these days:

assume the context in which we are fine.


Do not generate immense expectations.

And, well, well...

not looking for that utopian happiness you were talking about before.

But I will work...With what I have,

I'm going to try to be in the best possible way

because I don't know how I'm going to be next week.

Dr. Santosse is going to lose his job,

They're already telling you everything you say.


Better out of work...

This person is spectacular.

Santos you can't stop.

Irene, message of 2021.-I a little...

A bit like Ruth.

Go little by little,

taking out the good things, without stress,

and doing the things we like.

Girls, thank you so much, Irene and Ruth,

For having been with us this little while.

Same. And what do I know,

recommend the program,

so that we are no more in that mass that they call INEM, right?

Thanks so much, girls.

Goodbye. Greetings and happy January.

Okay, Ana, it's your turn to start a round.

The round, well, that's it, of the message for January.

I don't have to look at any cameras, do I?

Would you like that? I've been nervous.

I thought it was like the king's message.

No, no, but the king's message...

Do you remember, it sounded like it was on delay.

Yeah, I was doing it wrong.

For one thing that man had to do.

Yeah, it's not that complicated.

Okay, I'm going to look... at you.

I look at you. Come on, and I look at you.

My message is that you all live,

I'm looking at the whole world,

May you live day by day and not be overwhelmed by the future.

And don't freak out about the resolutions.

Lots of people say things you really know you don't.

Then, better, small resolutions and full of present.

"Carpe diem". For example, put a washing machine.

Exactly! Mission to accomplish...

Set! Tender it, another roll. Like Cholo Simeone.

"Game by game".

Go ahead, dad. Not like the rest of the teams,

who play last. Well, shut up.

The other day, I don't know what happened, I think they went down...

A Catalan team...has disappeared, they've dissolved it.

Yeah, shut up. You need to watch "The Pioneer",

I always recommend those things, with the Imperious and Jesús Gil.

Well, nothing to do.

Start your year with real purposes,

not with shit.

Dr. Santos Olano, please.

Any messages? Any laughs? Any chance?


Well, regarding what she was saying,

the message is... Well, I'll break it into two parts.

First, let's adjust expectations.

I mean, maybe they're starting to come to us?

good or bad news? Let's adjust expectations

so that later we feel capable of reaching them

and we do not have the feeling that we are not up to the task;

Above all, with the subject of purposes.

And on the other hand, regardless of what the future holds,

the future that does not depend on us,

what I was telling you: we are going to normalize all emotions.

Let's accommodate it.

Let's see that they are all useful,

and, above all, that they are compatible.

Okay? No need

to be happy all the time, sad all the time,

but joy can also come from sadness,

growth can come out of malaise...

That is, it can be good.

So that's my message. Oh, awesome.


Paola, love...And now what do I say?

Well, say what you want.

As if you have to shit on some deity.

No. The conclusion I have drawn is that a vaccine is coming.

Morreos are coming, the party is coming.

So, really... right? It's coming, it's coming.

Okay. And accept yourself, live with yourself,

with the circumstances...

If everything isn't so bad.

And, if the world ends, it ends, that's it.

But don't let them take away your dancing. Exactly.

"May the end of the world catch you dancing

and let the stage dye your gray hair",

What would Chavela Vargas say.

27 years old are going to fuck me at festivals.

Well, my youth has been taken away.

Well, well... oh, youth...

Your youth has been taken away.

But I'll always look like I'm 18.

The other day they asked me for my license to buy beer in a Chinese.

That's great.

Here one of the co-directors of the program told me:

"She seems older all the time on the show."

I say, "Come on." Nope.

Because I look Croatian. I have a very short message.

Let's see. Can I give it?

Sure, say what you want.

How can you not say?

Folks, what's up?

My message and reflection

It's all about "New Year's resolutions".

Do you remember what I said before about "if I failed,

but I was failing 98% of the class, I could care less"?

That's why New Year's resolutions fail.

Because you start them on the same day as a large part of the population.

Choose, for example, to start the resolutions...

the third Thursday of April.

The first news of a 60-year-old lady who has given birth.

The second soppollez that Feliciano López says in the year.

Choose your day, make it unique and start your resolutions there.

Not when everyone does.

If not, it's very easy to quit.

No, if everyone does...

That's right, well said!

No slump! Much encouragement!

Let's go to that 2021... Look!

I ate it already!

And very important, tomorrow we have a program,

hate program on networks and polarization.

Look, now with the whole EE theme. UU. It's all very hot.

USA USA and supertendant.

Well, and follow us, of course, on all our networks:

TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter...

And we don't have any more.

Managing them with four people we have is enough.

They don't care so much about time, man! Bye bye!

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