This facial mask of less than 3 euros will end your maskné or mask acne in record time and will leave you as handsome as in old normality

  • By:jobsplane



COMPRAR mascarilla facial Maskne Calming & Purifying, por 5,75 € / 2 unidades en Beauty Bay.

De composición vegana y filosofía cruelty free (es decir, no se han empleado ingredientes de origen animal y tampoco ha sido testada en animales), la Maskne Calming & Purifying Mask de Revolution, firma cosmética con sede en Londres, promete funcionar como ese paso extra para tratar el maskné y, en general, cualquier brote de acné causado por la fricción.

Sin embargo, se trata de una mascarilla facial particular no solo por su fondo sino también por su forma: a diferencia de las face masks comunes, que cubren el rostro al completo, la silueta de la Maskne Calming & Purifying Mask de Revolution está concebida para tratar únicamente la mitad inferior del rostro (de pómulos a barbilla), que es en la que se observan las consecuencias del uso continuado de mascarillas.In this way, you will receive intensive treatment only in those areas that need it without altering the rest of the skin.

While this facial mask seeks to attack the signs of the maskné with ingredients such as salicylic acid, with exfoliating and anti -inflammatory properties, it also has a huge list of moisturizing, repairers and non -comedogenic ingredients that will act at the same time for a balanced face and in perfectstate.Among them stand out:

Esta mascarilla facial de menos de 3 euros acabará con tu maskné o acné de mascarilla en tiempo récord y te dejará igual de guapo que en la vieja normalidad

At a price of 5.75 euros for two units (less than 2.90 euros each), you will only have to deposit the veil over the lower half of your face, let it stand between 10 and 15 minutes and distribute to touches the remaining serum.How would I sing *nsync in 1999: bye bye bye, hateful maskné.

The 10 best facial masks to pamper your face week by week

10 Fotos

By Javier Guerrero

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This facial mask of less than 3 euros will end your maskné or mask acne in record time and will leave you as handsome as in old normality
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