Rafael Rodríguez and Manuel García
When just over a month is missing for the Crucis Magno via that will be held on March 5, in the cathedral, on the occasion of the centenary of the Association of Brotherhoods, little by little details are known about this event that, byIts extraordinary character will be chaired by 14 images of Christ of Holy Week, which will be accompanied by Marian holders in the cases of Nueva Esperanza, Salesianos and Monte Calvario.
Following the evangelical stories, the Lord of the Garden will be the first effigy that will go through the official route established by the Entity of San Julián.Next, Jesus of Prenndimiento, Humillation, Soledad (Dulce Name), Humility, Christ Coronado de Espinas (Students), the Nazarene of Forgiveness (New Hope), Jesus of Passion, Salutation, Humility and Patience, the Chrysof the crucifixion, penalties (Salesianos) and Victoria (Santa Cruz), and, finally, the Yacente de la Paz and the Unity in its Sacred Mortaja (Monte Calvario).
The common tour will begin at Puerta del Mar to continue through Martínez, Sancha de Lara, Molina Lario and Postigo de los Abades.Then, the courtships will access the interior of the cathedral through the Puerta del Sol and, once the corresponding station, according to each iconographic moment, the different committees will continue their march through the courtyard of Los Naranjos, Cister and San Agustín, until it leads to itIn the Plaza de Jesús Castellanos.
There are still issues to decide, but some of the main novelties that this great via Crucis will bring, which will bring thousands of people from Malaga and from outside at the start of this next Lent.
Jesus of prayer in the garden
The eighteenth -century image will leave from its provisional headquarters, the church of San Julián, in the interval of 17.00 to 18.00 hours.Although it is pending approval of the Brothers council, summoned for this Tuesday, everything indicates that the Lord of the Garden will go on a small throne, with capacity for about 40 carriers, adapted for this occasion.
As planned, the Christiferous sculpture would go, in this case, without the accompaniment of the angel of Castillo Lastrucci, "since the Lord, for his position, makes clear the passage he represents," explains the older brother of the garden, David Ruiz.On the other hand, an olive tree is expected to be in the throne, as a landscape note of the scene, although this decision is pending ratification by the Cabildo.Preceding the throne the Our Lady of Conception Musical Chapel will be located, belonging to the Corporation itself.As for the tour, the idea of the Archicofradía is to use a direct itinerary to the common route and return to San Julián along the shortest way to be the shortest possible time in the street.
Jesus of the PREDENCE
Jesus of the PREDENCE, que representará la segunda estación del vía crucis, irá a acompañado de la figura de Judas Iscariote.The two sculptures of the Im of Im of Antonio Castillo Lastrucci will be carried on the throne of the brotherhood for at least two shifts, one formed by women and another, by men, although, as the older brother, Juan Manuel Gutiérrez, “we arehaving a lot of demand and we will not limit the number of shifts, ”he emphasizes.
The delegation will leave from the Brotherhood House, in the area of El Ejido, and will take a musical chapel to the first leg and the band of bugles and drums of the Macarena century of Seville on the return.The Sevillian training, which celebrates its 125 this year.º Anniversary, will go to Malaga for the first time wearing his most common clothing and not with the characteristic uniform of Roman centurion, since he can only use it during the penance station of his brotherhood.The inclusion of an olive tree on the throne will be decided in the next few days, «but we are studying how to place it;Bringing out the olive tree would be logical, ”says Gutiérrez.
Jesus of humiliation and forgiveness
The third station will be presided by the lord of humiliation, which will depart from the parish of Santo Domingo around 18.00 hours, en el trono de traslado de la cofradía «al que se le aplicarán algunas reformas», adelanta el hermano mayor de la corporación del Martes Santo, Rafael Retana.
From his departure to the cathedral, the image, which stages Herod's contempt with the Lord dressed in white and handcuffed in the back, will march with a musical chapel, while the return to El Perchel will do so with a band of buglesand drums still to specify.
Jesus of loneliness
La efigie de Jesus of loneliness, de la Hermandad del Dulce Nombre, saldrá a la calle acompañado de las figuras secundarias de San Pedro y el gallo, atendiendo al momento iconográfico de 'Las negaciones de San Pedro', «aunque dependiendo del trono que tengamos, es posible que se añada alguna imagen más», asegura el hermano mayor, Carlos Galiana.«The intention is to start the tour from our temple, the parish of the Divine Pastora, but it will depend on the dimensions of the throne that we finally have, because right now we shuffle two options and one of them, which is from the province, does not fitby the door of our headquarters.We will decide the throne and the place of departure in the next few days, ”explains Galiana.
In relation to musical accompaniment, the courtship of the sweet name will march to the first leg with a musical chapel and, after concluding the common tour, will incorporate the Virgen de la Oliva de Vejer de la Frontera (Cádiz) musical group, linked to the Capuchinera Brotherhood fromHoly Week 2018.
Christ of Humility
El Christ of Humility en su Presentación al Pueblo (Ecce Homo) se verá acompañado de la figura de Poncio Pilatos durante el vía crucis magno.The courtship will be around 17.30 hours, from the Basilica de la Victoria, and will be accompanied by the San Pedro Nolasco de Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) coral, which has the particularity that the chapel choir songs are accompanied by a realejo (portable organ), single -key wind instrument between the fourteenth and seventeenth centuries.According to Francisco Cifuentes, older brother of humility, the Christ of Francisco Buiza and Pilatos will go on a throne "that will give us a brotherhood for the occasion".
Christ crowned with thorns
La Hermandad de los Estudiantes cuenta los días que restan para el regreso de su titular, el Christ crowned with thorns, que en estos momentos se encuentra en Sevilla, en el taller de Juan Manuel Miñarro, donde está siendo sometido a un proceso de restauración.The image of Pedro Moreira will arrive in Malaga "if everything goes as planned, the second week of February," reveals Jorge Alcántara, older brother of the corporation.Therefore, the Via Crucis Magno on Saturday, March 5 will involve the first departure to the street of Coronado de Espinas after its restoration.
The Lord will leave from its canonical headquarters, the Church of the Holy Christ of Health, and will appear in the transfer andas.In principle, I would be silent to the cathedral, "although we do not rule out that we could include a musical chapel, we have to see it";Alcántara points out.The return would do it with music band.
Jesús Nazareno del forgiveness
Pending approval of the Cabildo de Brothers, convened for February 1, the Brotherhood of Nueva Esperanza is committed to processing the Nazarene of Forgiveness with the Virgin of New Hope "representing the Lord's encounter with his mother," explains the older brother of the older brother ofThe Corporation of the New Malaga neighborhood, David Vidal, who advances that the Christian image "would wear its embroidered robe," he emphasizes.
The entourage, as planned, will leave the brotherhood and use a novel itinerary in some sections, both to the first leg and the return, "which will serve as a face face to the next Holy Week," says Vidal.Thus, after its headquarters in the Camino de los Castillejos, the courtship will take Magistrate Salvador Barberá street to find the Gamarra lane and continue by Doctor Lazárraga, José María Freuiller, Eduardo San Martín, Eugenio Gross, Catalonia, Pelayo and MartínezMaldonado, heading to the center for the Puente de la Aurora.Instead, the return to Nueva Málaga will be for Bailén, Eugenio Gross, Domingo Lozano, Josefa de los Ríos, Lorenzo Silva, Enrique de Egas, Sondalezas, Maestro Pablo Luna and Camino de los Castillejos.
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The Brotherhood considers the use of a throne of a Archidona Corporation to carry its headlines, "carved in goldMusical of Zamarrilla "and we will return to the neighborhood with the Ecce Mater Musical Group of Cádiz, the usual of the Nazarene," says the older brother.
Jesús Nazareno de la Passion
The Passion Archicofradía is working to profile its participation in the Via Crucis, but for now it prefers not to reveal any detail.According to his older brother, Antonio Sánchez, «neither the departure time has not yet been determined.Everything is to decide ».
The image of Jesús Nazareno de la Saltanción will be accompanied by the Holy Woman Verónica on the throne of the transfer of the Brotherhood of Cena.The courtship will leave at 6:00 p.m. from the parish of San Felipe Neri, accompanied by a musical chapel and the puericantores escolanía of the Brotherhood of Jesus Nazareno de Almogía to the Cathedral, and back to its canonical headquarters will go or the Musical Group San LorenzoMartyr or the Nazarene music band of Almogía, still to be confirmed.
The Ida itinerary will run through San Felipe, Parras, Molinillo, Ollerías, garden of nuns, Carmelitas, Don Rodrigo (RRMM convent Carmelitas barefoot), Álvarez, Gigantes, Carretería, Andrés Pérez, Arcos de la Cabeza, Plazuela de las Penas, wellsSweets, Company, Fajardo, Cisneros, Escerías, Nueva, Félix Sáenz and Puerta del Mar.While after the common tour and the station in the Cathedral temple the delegation will continue through the Plaza de Jesús Castellanos, Granada, Child Guevara, Méndez Núñez, Tejón and Rodríguez;And depending on the solution to the wiring of access to Calle Cabello, by Ollerías to Cabello and its temple, or by Plaza del Teatro, Alamos, two sidewalks and Gaona to San Felipe.
In the procession, the Brotherhood will premiere the Nimbo of the Holy Woman Verónica, work of Montenegro with design by Juanjo Galiano, and the secondary image will wear the cloth of José Antonio Jiménez, who ran out of 2020 for the beginning of the pandemic.Likewise, it is possible that other novelties are the crown of thorns that Antonio Dubé is making, the tunic for the Nazarene, La Cruz Alzada and the circials that are being executed in the Emilio Méndez workshop, as well as the premiere of a marchDedicated to the Lord, by Cristóbal López Gándara.Although, according to the older brother, Manuel Calderón, "all these novelties, in addition to the musical accompaniment of return, are not definitive and will depend on what is decided in the next few days".
Christ of Humility y Paciencia
The brotherhood of humility and patience is another of the brotherhoods that have not yet confirmed the details of their participation.For this Tuesday a Governing Board is planned in which this matter will be addressed.However, the brothers are unaware if the current headline or the new size that the Malagaño Im of Malaga José María Ruiz Montes will go to the street.The older brother, Antonio Ríos, announces that although he hopes to have everything closed this week, "right now everything is in the air," he says.
Cristo de la Crucifixion
El Cristo de la Crucifixion, que irá solo en su cruz procesional tumbado en unas andas cedidas por la Hermandad de las Penas, iniciará su recorrido a las 18 horas desde la parroquia de El Buen Pastor.The musical accompaniment will be carried out by the Coral Group Specialized in Ancient Music 'Lumen Laudis' and the Musical Chapel of Carmen Doloroso in the entire itinerary.
El camino de ida será plazuela Cristo de la Crucifixion, Carrión, Refino, Dos aceras, Montaño, Mariblanca, plaza del Teatro, plaza de San Pedro de Alcántara, Muro de San Julián, Muro de las Catalinas, Arco de la Cabeza, plaza Virgen de las Penas, Pozos Dulces, Compañía, Salvago, Especería, Nueva (cuya llegada está prevista a las 20.20 hours), Plaza de Félix Sáenz, Puerta del Mar, Martínez, Sancha de Lara, Molina Larios, Postigo de los Abades, station in the cathedral (scheduled at 21.40 hours), Cister, San Agustín and Plaza de Jesús Castellanos.From here they will continue by Basatas, Cárcer, Madre de Dios, Hinerosa, Frailes, Cruz Verde, Los Negros and Church of El Buen Pastor, whose confinement is expected for 23.45 hours.
The older brother of the crucifixion, José Núñez, explains that "the possibility is being studied that the image goes on a mount of flowers instead of carrying lateral and frontal friezes in the steps and two large fans".The brothers are working the musical repertoire to interpret adapted pieces of classical music for chapel and choral themes that are not usually included in this type of acts, such as 'The last seven words of Christ on the cross', by Haydn;Hildegard songs von bingen or 'passion according to San Mateo', by Bach.
Christ of Penalties (Salesians)
The crucified of the penalties, of the Brotherhood of Salesianos, will carry out its processional departure from the Brotherhood House from 7 pm in a few walks, which "will be modified for the Crucis via," according to the older brother, David Martín.The Christ will be accompanied by the images of Mary Most Holy of Aid and Saint John Evangelist.
The tour, which will depart from Eduardo Domínguez Ávila street, will run through Pérez de Castro, Marqués de Cádiz, Alderete, Cruz del Molinillo, Ollerías, Huerto de Monjas, Hermit, Plaza de los Cristes, Don Rodrigo, Álvarez, Marqués de Valdecañas,Plaza de San Francisco, Carretería, Mosquera, Muro de San Julián, Arco de la Cabeza, Plazuela Virgen de las Penas, Sweet Wells, Company, Fajardo, Cisneros, Escerías, New and Plaza de Félix Sáenz to continue on the common itinerary.Back, the Brotherhood will continue through Granada, Plaza de la Merced, Madre de Dios, Montaño, Guerrero, Parra, Cruz del Molinillo, Capuchinos, Capuchin Square and House Brotherhood.
The Escolanía de la Parroquia Nuestra Señora de la Encarnación de Marbella will go in the courtship to the cathedral, and the metal quintet of the bugle and drums of the captive will be incorporated into the common route to the door of the Sun of the Cathedral temple.Once the penance station is completed, the Captive Cornet's and Drum Band will accompany the Christ to his Brotherhood House.
Cristo de la Victoria
The brothers of the Brotherhood of the Holy Cruz are expectant to be able to take the Christ from the victory for the first time through the streets of Malaga, two years after his blessing."It did not enter our plans to bring to Christ as soon as soon, but it is an unparalleled opportunity and we are all with a tremendous illusion," says older brother, Alberto Stecchini, who adds that he would have liked the image to leave his canonical headquarters, but its size and not have a throne for the Lord prevents it.«At least we will make a transfer to shoulders on Friday night March 4, about 9 p.m..30 hours, from San Felipe to the House Brotherhood of Mollinica, which will also be an important and exciting moment, ”progresses.
Thus, the crucified will leave the House Brotherhood of Chick at 18.30 hours, approximately, on the throne of the Brotherhood of El Rico, in the company of the metal quintet of the Master Band Eloy García-Archicofradía of the Expiration, to go to the first temple of the city by Parras, Santísims Most HolyChrist of the Blood, Gaona, Guerrero, two sidewalks, cartería, teson and Rodríguez, wall of San Julián, wall of the Catalinas, arch of the head, virgin square of the penalties, sweet wells and company.It is at this point where the brotherhood must still determine one of the two options that she considers: or by Fajardo, Cisneros and Escerías or, on the contrary, access by Salvago and Escencías, to continue by Nueva, Martínez, Larios, Sancha de Lara,Molina Lario and Postigo de los Abades.
Back to her parishion, Montaño, Plaza de Montaño, two sidewalks, high and parras.
Yacente Christ of Peace and Unity
Por último, el Yacente Christ of Peace and Unity comenzará su salida desde el Santuario de Santa María de la Victoria a las 18 horas, aproximadamente, junto a las imágenes de Santa María del Monte Calvario, San Juan y María Magdalena, «en unas andas propias de nueva ejecución, obra del taller de Orfebrería Montenegro», informa el hermano mayor, Arturo Fernández.
In the procession, a musical chapel will be the accompaniment of the courtship, although the band that will go to the Victoriano neighborhood is yet to decide.The tour will be the following: Plaza del Santuario, compass of La Victoria, Plaza de la Victoria, Altozano, Cruz Verde, Peña, Mariblanca, Plaza del Teatro, Comedias, Nosquera, Muro de San Julián, Wall of the Catalinas, Arc de la Arc de la ArcoHead, Plaza Virgen de las Penas, Sweet Wells, Company, Salvago, Esceriarías, New and Puerta del Mar.After the common tour and the station in the Cathedral, it will continue through Plaza de Jesús Castellanos, Granada, Plaza Merced, Merced, Huerto del Conde, Alonso Benítez, Vital Aza, Lagunillas, Plaza Victoria, Amargura, Glorieta Manuel Gámez, Via Dolorosa del Calvario del CalvarioAND CAPILLA DEL CALVARIO.
Cautivo,Dulce Nombre,Estudiantes,Humildad y Paciencia,Humillación,Monte Calvario,Nueva Esperanza,Pollinica,Salesianos,Salutación,Málaga,Semana SantaTendencias
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