Total Beauty 6 ways to get rid of the “mustache” Shopping Philosophy

  • By:jobsplane



It is one of the aesthetic problems that most troubles many women. The unanimous opinion is that it is very annoying due to its inconvenience when appearing in a strategic area. And it's true!

It is impossible for the best makeup to hide it, rather the other way around. Although there are only four hairs installed on each side of the vertices of the upper lip, like a "Mandarin Chinese" style mustache, the hairs give the worst impression. As it is also true that many of the treatments to eliminate it, in addition to being painful, have unwanted side effects such as: flaking, pimples or skin irritation.

The point is that leaving the upper lip area free of hair and without consequences is an obsession that drives a large part of the female population to the head. In addition, age can cause some type of aggravation, dermatologists say that since facial hair in women arises especially during menopause, when experiencing hormonal changes that can make hair more prominent, the upper lip area can be involved.

Total Beauty 6 Ways to Get Rid of “mustache” Shopping Philosophy

Ways to make it go away

According to the experts consulted, there are several important factors when selecting the best method to remove that lip hair, including skin type, lifestyle and, of course, budget. If the skin type is sensitive, that is, it is easily irritated, you must be careful and opt for the gentlest methods that do not damage the skin. The lifestyle, meanwhile, determines the frequency with which you need to remove hair; there are women who need to be impeccable and cannot afford any license in this regard; others may be more permissive and wait until they have visible hair to remove it.

Depilatory methods

On the market there is a small spring-shaped device called Epicare, with which, turning it around, you can catch the hair yourself and remove it imitating the depilatory thread. A very simple system that you can do yourself at home whenever you need it.

The best solution is to combine some of these techniques and consider the option of permanent laser hair removal as a vital remedy.

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Total Beauty 6 ways to get rid of the “mustache” Shopping Philosophy
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