Video: Abnormal vaginal bleeding is a possible symptom of cervix cancer

  • By:jobsplane



Preventive health care should be on the list of priorities in this new year.

Although preventable and treatable, Cérvix cancer is the second most common world cause of cancer death in women of reproductive age, according to the UN Health Agency, which commemorates the month of awareness of Cervix cancer in January.

Dr. Adria Suárez Mora, specialist in Gynecological oncology at Cleveland Clinic, indicates that one of the most typical symptoms of cervical cancer is irregular vaginal bleeding, not related to the menstrual period and that can occur after sexual intercourse.In addition, presenting changes to go to the bathroom, pelvic pain, abnormal or persistent flow that has not been treated with antibiotics by infection, can be other signals.

As explained by Suarez Mora there are no very specific signs, so they could be symptoms caused by other health conditions, not related to cervical cancer.

Video: El sangrado vaginal anormal es un posible síntoma del cáncer de cérvix

"It is important that when it detects something abnormal visit your gynecologist because with a check they can examine the cervix, determine if there is something abnormal and perform a pap slope to be sure that there is no evidence of pre or cancer of cervix," said Dr. Suárez Blackberry.

Some 604,000 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer in the world in 2020, 342,000 of them died as a result of the disease.

Video: Abnormal vaginal bleeding is a possible symptom of cervix cancer
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