Carrying masks does not cause pleurisy |Factual

  • By:jobsplane



A message that circulates on social networks at least since July 16 ensures that the use of masks can lead to pleurisy, inflammation of a layer that separates the lungs from the thorax.The message has been shared more than 5.500 times on Facebook and also circulates in other languages.However, according to experts and sources consulted, the covers do not cause such inflammation.

"There are cases of exterior obstructive hypoxia (Barbijo), in people used in supermarkets," say viralized messages on Facebook (1, 2, 3) next to an image of a lung radiography.

These statements also circulated on Twitter since July 16 (1, 2) and to a lesser extent on Instagram.

Captura de pantalla realizada el 21 de julio de 2020 de una publicación en Facebook

Similar messages were disseminated in social networks in English and Dutch.


The pleursia consists of an inflammation of the pleura, which is "a fabric that is between the lungs and the chest wall, and that covers a virtual cavity that is between both structures," Alejandro Videla, a pneumonologist, a pneumonologist, told Factual AFPof the Austral University Hospital and member of the National Tobacco Control Program of Argentina.

Asked about the use of masks and the development of a pleurisy, Patricio Canales, head of the cardiorespiratory unit of the Kinesiology career at the University of Santiago (Chile), ruled out this alleged relationship:

Videla also denied that the use of masks derived in pleurisy, which according to publications would be previously caused by hypoxia.

The covers, explained the Argentine doctor, have been used for at least a century by medical personnel “and never appeared to the use of masks (...) In addition there is no plausible mechanism for pleurisies to occur, because the obstruction of the airways does not have to produce inflammation of the pleura ”.

Likewise, Videla added, "the resistance to the air passage when it has a mask is almost non -existent and the prolonged use of the masks does not produce hypoxia".

Llevar mascarillas no provoca pleuresía | Factual

The AFP Verification Service also consulted Dr. Leon Van Den Aorn, president of the Dutch Association of Physicians for pulmonary diseases and tuberculosis.The expert said that the lack of oxygen does not cause pleurisy: "only rare causes such as tuberculosis or certain viruses are known".Then, he added that if someone contracted this condition after using a cover, it would be "a coincidence and nothing to do with the mask".

The Dutch Pneumologist Hans in ‘T Veen ruled out that the use of a facial mask derived in an inflammation of the pleura:“ A facial mask used normally will not give an infection in the lungs.Perhaps in the case of a fungus it is possible, but it would have to be a facial mask that has not changed for months and that is extremely dirty ".

According to the May Clinic website, some of the causes of pleurisy are tuberculosis, flu, pneumonia, fungal infections, autoimmune diseases, among others.They do not refer to hypoxia, or to the use of masks.

The Medline Plus site also indicates as causes of pleurisy thoracic trauma and certain cancers, but not the lack of oxygen or the use of covers.

"Obstructive hypoxia"

The publications also associated the use of covers with hypoxia, that is, the lack of oxygen in a certain tissue.This false relationship has already been verified by Factual AFP in the context of the Covid-19 Pandemic (1, 2, 3).Different sources and experts ensure that the use of masks does allow adequate circulation of oxygen.

Canales explained to AFP Factual that the concept of "obstructive hypoxia", as mentioned in viralized messages, "is not correct or equivalent to any of the hypoxia forms that literature describes".

Likewise, the Chilean specialist said that medical use masks do not generate problems such as those described in social networks publications because they are certified to “allow adequate breathing, according to WHO.Therefore, it is important to note that a certified mask has been tested to comply with the above ”.

Regarding other masks, such as homemade elaboration, he explained that "they are usually quite breathable, unless one puts on a nylon [plastic, ndlr] on the face", which would cause problems to breathe.

The World Health Organization (WHO) also indicates that the tapping do not cause hypoxia.

"A perfect house for viruses and bacteria"

"The masks with moisture caused when breathing create a perfect house for millions of viruses and bacteria that apart from killing them with hypoxia, can also cause infections to the oral and nasal level [sic]," adds one of the publications shared in Facebook.

"There is no evidence that [the masks, ndlr] house viruses or bacteria, or that their use increases infections," said Videla.

“There is no evidence that the use of masks increases any risk of infection.They have to be used according to manufacturers to be protective, ”said the Argentine doctor, adding that unbelievable masks must be washed“ to eliminate viruses that accumulate on their outside part ”.

Dr. Daniel Pahua, an academic of public health of the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), explained in this note that the covers function as a barrier so that saliva droplets do not dissipate when coughing or speaking.“In normal conditions, humans have normal bacteria in the mouth and nasal cavity, and when we talk, we expel saliva droplets.There may be fungi or bacteria that will be housed in the covers, ”he explained to the AFP.

However, the above does not necessarily imply the development of a disease: "Most of those agents do not produce a disease, because they are bacteria that we have in our mouth," said Pahua.

According to this WHO guide, some of the risks associated with the use of masks are dermatitis and skin lesions, false sense of security or the multiplication of microorganisms if the covers has not been changed and used dirty or moistened.

“The possibility of pollution that can occur if the user does not change a mask that has moistened or dirty.This can create favorable conditions for the multiplication of microorganisms, ”says the document.

This same WHO guide does not mention the lack of oxygen, or pleurs as risks derived from the use of covers.

In conclusion, the use of facial masks does not derive in pleurisy or oxygen deprivation.

AFP Factual has verified false and misleading information about the new coronavirus.You can find the verifications on the subject here.

*This verification was made based on scientific and official information about the new coronavirus available to the date of this publication.

Carrying masks does not cause pleurisy |Factual
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