What is the worst and best mask against an omicron?Several Spanish experts and other countries coincide in their recommendations

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The new coronavirus omicron variant has modified the world epidemiological panorama and has become the fastest propagation virus in history.

In just over a month, it has expanded to dozens of countries, it has become predominant in some of them and has shown indications of some capacity to overcome part of the immunity of current vaccines against COVID-19, although it seemsthat causes cases not so serious and less hospitalizations.

"The current situation is characterized in Spain by the accelerated increase in the omicron variant, which is quickly displacing Delta," he health also in his report.

Since their appearance, experts have agreed to talk about concern and not alarm, but they have also informed how the new omicron characteristics can influence the general population, either due to the effectiveness of vaccines or symptoms that are observing.

Thus, the following question arises in relation to one of the sanitary measures: does the appearance of a bone influence the masks that must be put on?

All types of authorized masks and with homologated material offer some type of protection against coronavirus, but there are differences between one and the other.

In addition, the situation with this new strain is different and, in fact, WHO has changed its guidelines for the use of masks and respirators by health personnel "in view of the rapid propagation of omicron variant".

"Health workers must carry a respirator(FFP2, FFP3, N95 approved by NIOSH, or an equivalent or certified higher level) or a medical mask along with other personal protective equipment(EPP) - base, gloves and ocular protection—Before entering a room where there is a patient with COVID-19 presumed or confirmed, "he says, among other aspects.

Regarding the use of the mask for the general population in the face of the propagation of omicron, Graham Snyder, medical director of Infection Prevention and Hospital Epidemiology of the Medical Center of the University of Pittsburgh(USA), says that any quality mask offered by aEffective sealed and used correctly(covering the nose and mouth) offers protection.

Snyder admits that he would like.And Punto, "says The Wall Street Journal(WSJ).

However, many other experts(from various countries, such as Spain, the US, United Kingdom and Colombia) go further and point out which they consider that they are the best and worst masks to protect themselves from omicron...And in your opinions there is a high level of coincidence.

The best mask against the omicron variant: experts recommend above all the FFP2

Eric Gaillard/Reuters

¿Cuál es la peor y la mejor mascarilla contra ómicron? Varios expertos españoles y de otros países coinciden en sus recomendaciones

In their initial guide, consumption and health summarized that healthy people should "preferably" hygienic masks;Surgical masks should be the "priority" of positive symptomatic or asymptomatic by coronavirus;And finally, the EPI masks were reserved for those who take care of or were in contact with people with COVID-19, such as health personnel.

This was especially at the beginning of the pandemic, to avoid the shortage of supplies, but the situation now is another, several experts remember.

Thus, many of them recommend the FFP2 as the best mask to protect and protect against omicron: these are a type of EPI masks(individual protective equipment, which also includes the types FFP1 and FFP3, with the highest degree of protection as the number increases) that are purchased in pharmacies, specialized establishments and large areas and with a use of about 4 hours.

"The best filtering for the variants we have, including the omicron, is the FFP2, no doubt.It is the most convenient, the one that best suits the face and the one that should be used, ”says àlex sands, an expert in the evolution of pandemics.

"Surgical also protect, but less, that's why they are not the most recommended.If you really want to avoid infection, it is the FFP2 that work, "he defends, in statements to Nius.

The same media also includes those of Joan Caylà, expert of the Spanish epidemiology, which coincides at both points: "With the current epidemiological situation, high incidence and infegiosity of an omicron would use the FFP2.It would be an important advance for the general population to go to the FFP2 ".

"Most have surgical, which are not bad, but they basically serve to protect others from infection, not oneself.(...) For individual protection, better FFP2 ", adds.

The nuances are Benito Almirante, head of infectious diseases of the Vall d'Hebron hospital in Barcelona, about the hypothesis of assigning FFP2 masks to the bulk of the population: "I think it's a speech with which care must be taken," he warns.

"If the 45 million people who have more than 6 years [in Spain] we would have to put an FFP2 where we would take them out? Because, in addition, we would need a new one every day.They can't produce so many, and everyone cannot pay them...They have to put rules that can be met, ”he clarifies to the same medium.

Los 3, sin embargo, coinciden en descartar las FFP3(muchas de ellas tienen válvula de exhalación, por lo que no protegen a los demás; además, son caras, rígidas, no se ajustan bien y dificultan la respiración, argumentan), excepto para personal sanitario o casos excepcionales de personas de especial riesgo, como inmunodeprimidas.

Además, 3 expertas de EEUU y uno de Ecuador señalan por separado al mismo tipo de mascarilla como ideal en la actualidad: la N95 o KN95(certificadas como FFP2 en Europa).

Idealmente, en lugares concurridos, se "debería usar una mascarilla KN95 o N95", declara a CNN Leana Wen, analista médica y profesora visitante de políticas y administración de la salud en la Escuela de Instituto Milken de la Universidad George Washington(EEUU), ya que frenan tanto las partículas grandes como también las diminutas.

As an alternative, "we need to use at least a 3 -layer surgical mask," he explains.

Monica Gandhi, especialista en enfermedades infecciosas de la Universidad de California en San Francisco(EEUU), también recomienda las N95 o FFP2.

Failing that, at least asks to carry a cloth mask of several layers adjusted on top of a surgical mask."If you really want to not expose yourself, you have to carry the right type of mask," he warns, in statements to WSJ.

In addition to the type, the correct use and quality of materials are also important when using a mask, Daniel Simancas-Racimes, researcher in medicine and public health, which includes the "correct use of mask or double mask" contributes inYour measures to avoid bomicron infections.

In a thread published on Twitter, remember that "not all of them serve equally" and some "could stop protecting properly", and leaves several guidelines:

"Tenemos que educar al público y decirle que las mascarillas de distinta calidad ofrecen una protección diferente", enfatiza Megan Srinivas, médica y especialista en enfermedades infecciosas de la Universidad de Carolina del Norte(EEUU).

She and her family also bet on the KN95, and also recommend them to parents who prepare to send their children to school in the new year or, failing that, authorized disposable surgical masks, collects The Wall Street Journal.

The worst mask against omicron: 'war' of science to those of cloth

Willy Kurniawan/Reuters

If there is a high level of coincidence between the experts mentioned in this article on which is the best mask against omicron, it is reached unanimously with respect to what they consider to be the worst: the fabric mask.

One by one they put it in the target: "Those that must be avoided are the fabric" and the transparent ones, Arenas points out;"The transmission depends on not using a mask, not to use one type or another, discarding, of course, those of fabric," Admiral adds;"Unfortunately, even people who carry them of fabric or even denialists who go without a mask and who can expel viruses that infect us," criticize Caylà.

"Fabric masks are a danger and should stop using especially in closed places.They are the ones that most protect, and [only] could be useful as long as they are used with another additional mask, for example a surgical one, "says Daniel Simancas-Racines, for whom the filter masks are" another danger ".

"They protect the individual but not the one next to him.So, unless they are used with another mask above, they would not help much, "he warns.

The medical analyst Leana Wen gives another very clear negative vote: "Fabric masks are little more than facial decorations.There is no place for them in the light of omicron ", something that" scientists and public health officials have been saying for months, many months, in fact, "he recalls.

Gandhi also rules them, even more in the joy context: "If everyone carries only a fabric mask or just a surgical mask, there will be no difference" with this highly transmissible variant, observe.

Con algo menos de contundencia, pero el mismo diagnóstico, habla a WSJ Ranu Dhillon, médico del Brigham and Women's Hospital(segundo hospital docente más grande de la Facultad de Medicina de Harvard, en EEUU): "Cualquier mascarilla es mejor que ninguna.But fabric masks and then surgical are not as good as those of caliber N95 ".

What is the worst and best mask against an omicron?Several Spanish experts and other countries coincide in their recommendations
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