Why do some eat a lot and don't fat?|Health ||The universe

  • By:jobsplane



Mantenerse delgado haciendo poco esfuerzo y sin importar lo que se coma responde a factores genéticos, pero no es la única razón que lleva a estas personas a mantenerse con el peso adecuado.¿Por qué algunos comen mucho y no engordan? | Salud | | El Universo ¿Por qué algunos comen mucho y no engordan? | Salud | | El Universo

The nutritional status, behavior and environment where they develop. Además, la condición de ser flaco puede variar en cualquier etapa del ciclo de la vida.

Observar los hábitos de los delgados y estudiarlos puede ayudar a determinar las formas de combatir la obesidad, dicen los especialistas, en el Día Internacional sin Dietas que se conmemora el 6 de mayo de cada año desde 1992 cuando fue establecido en Reino Unido.

The date was accepted in the rest of the world in rejection of certain dietary regimes that can generate negative effects and in order to accept the diversity of existing body prototypes.


La nutricionista Gabriela Cucalón afirma que hay la percepción de que los flacos comen mucho sin engordar porque tienen un metabolismo acelerado, pero no es necesariamente así, ya que todo depende de diversos factores.

“Puede ser que a los 20 años coma todo lo que quiera sin engordar, no me afecte nada durante 30 o 40 años, pero más adelante si sea un problema, o en otros el riesgo de obesidad puede empezar antes, entonces es percepción pensar que es culpa del metabolismo realmente”, explica la especialista.

For example, a skinny person may see her eat a daily donut, but compensates for those calories, eating less in the next meal or avoiding certain types of food for the rest of the day.We do not chase these people 24 hours a to really know their habits.

“Si comen una pizza solo ingieren dos pedazos y no seis y nos hacen dar la impresión de que comen lo que quieren pero no, quizás tienen las sensaciones de hambre y saciedad bien conectadas y saben cuándo tienen que parar evitando este sobreconsumo”, agrega.

You have to consider many factors without generalizing.Erroneous perceptions can make it difficult to have adequate weight.One of them is that it is good to eat less and that it is wrong to eat more about others.

No es normal comer menos, ni tampoco comer más es malo.Each person has an individualized need according to weight, age or height, ”says Cucalón.


¿Por qué algunos comen mucho y no engordan? | Salud | | El Universo

While there is a strong genetic component that influences a person, there are also people who eating little have the tendency to have more body fat with a weight that is above the upper limit.

Hay un componente genético entre el 60% y el 70% que influencia esta condición (de ser flaco o gordo)”, dice Mónica Villar, coordinadora de la carrera de Nutrición y Dietética de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ)."There are people who eat in their hours and they no longer feel hungry and others feel that need to eat all day, that genetic component is strong, but there are also environmental factors.".

Even genetics also determines the predisposition to or not physical exercise.

Estudios indican que las personas que comen mucho y no engordan tienen un metalismo basal más alto, esto último entendido como el proceso del organismo mediante el cual los alimentos se transforman en energía necesaria para el óptimo funcionamiento de las necesidades vitales.

“This can be by body position, because they have more muscle that tends to have a higher expense, the age of the person and even the place where the basal metabolism lowers, not all have the same the same. Los que tienen el metabolismo más acelerado pues comen y lo consumen más rápido, por lo que no engordan”, indica Villar.

The composition of the microbiota, which are the billions of bacteria, viruses and fungi that inhabit the digestive system (intestines), also influences staying.This, says Villar, has a strong genetic component, but an environmental factor does influence.

The pregnant feed, if the baby was born in normal or caesarean delivery or if he ingested the breast milk, then condition the newborn microbiota.

Un estudio de la Universidad de Ruan (Francia) determinó que a los 20 minutos de alimentarse, estas bacterias de la microbiota creaban otro millón de individuos y segregaban unas proteínas que activaban en el cerebro las hormonas de la saciedad y neuronas asociadas a la reducción del apetito.

Although there are genetic and conditions at birth, the composition of the microbiota can change with the diet.

The condition of eating and not gaining."But it also depends on the environmental part, if it continues with normal exercise, it will take this process.".

The saving gene influences the weight

The hormonal component as the gene that comes from the prehistoric era called savers determines the predisposition to gain weight.

This gen.

There are people who have resistance to that saving gene, so they remain thin.But others do have it present."It is unknown why certain people generate resistance to that gene and others," says Villar.

This energy reservative gene acts in a current context with the tendency to sedentary lifestyle in which there are no longer the conditions of hunting and collecting to eat, so fat accumulates and the fattening process occurs.

Hormones that circulate through blood play a role as soon as you are hungry or already feel satiety.“It's like a regulatory appetite system, one like leptin helps regulate how much food we want to eat in a long -term period of time.There are people who can repeat several dishes if they want and give the feeling that they eat more, but the following days eat less, ”says Cucalón.

The "skinny genes": why some people are thin and others rise in weight eating the same

The University of Cornell (in the USA.UU.) created a global registration of healthy weight to study those who have kept it during their lives without special effort.

Estas personas afirman en encuestas que comer alimentos de buena calidad y caseros son parte de sus rutinas, al igual que no sentir culpa por episodios ocasionales de glotonería, desayunar siempre incluyendo frutas, verduras y huevos y saber detectar las necesidades reales de su cuerpo.

A más de la genética, también influyen los hábitos que se tengan cimentados desde la niñez por la influencia de los padres de familia.

Los que se mantienen delgados responden por lo general que sus padres ingerían ingredientes frescos, dormían un número saludable de horas (8 horas), hablaban con ellos de nutrición y realizaban actividades al aire libre.

While those who have a high body mass index agree that they restricted food as punishment and that lunch and juice did not miss in the lunch and juice in replacement of the water.

Having a fixed sleep period helps the thinnest

The reduction of sleep hours to 5 or 6 generates a tendency to gain weight.

If there is a two -hour difference between normal and weekend days because there is a higher risk of obesity, studies indicate.

"People who sleep less during the day need more energy to stay awake, so they want to consume certain foods," says Cucalón.

Xiomara Guerra, president of the Guayas Nutritionist Association, says that being skinny despite the fact that you eat a lot and not fat can also depend on hyperthyroidism, a hormonal problem at the level of thyroid that is serious.

He adds that from the age of 30 the metabolism is slower, but if the physical exercise is maintained, it is possible to control the weight, he says.

There is the case of thin who have high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, so it is a little healthy thinness."There you have to see your eating habits and make the respective change," adds war.(YO)

Why do some eat a lot and don't fat?|Health ||The universe
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