Women and depression: Why are we the most affected?

  • By:jobsplane



Being a woman implies more likely to suffer from depression than men, according to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO) and other mental health institutions such as Mayic, which also operates in Mexico.

The proportion is 5.1% for women while for men it is only 3.6%, that is, while 2,095 million men suffered depression, were 4.95 million women who presented the same problem in 2019.

There are biological factors that condition the level of incidence of depression in women, but there are other social ones that function as a catalyst for them to develop depression pictures.

Las mujeres y la depresión: ¿por qué somos las más afectadas?

Biological influence is a starting point to understand these conditions that affect 19.5% of women in Mexico, according to figures from the First National Welfare Survey of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), held last year.

Women and depression: Why are we the most affected?
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